Tag: england
Nursery heads march on Downing Street!
NURSERY heads marched on Downing Street yesterday, furious at the desperate lack of funding which is now so bad that nurseries are threatened with...
Some big issues for the London-wide LMCs Annual Conference
A NEW CONTRACT for GPs was signed by Dr Vautrey, the chair of the BMA’s GP committee (GPC), on 31st January 2019. Its full title...
Maduro condemns us energy war
VENEZUELAN President Nicolas Maduro says the United States has declared an ‘electric energy war’ against his country amid a widespread blackout that has left...
Head teachers up in arms – schools being cut to the...
MORE than 7,000 heads have written a joint letter to 3.5 million families warning of the acute funding crisis in schools. The heads insist...
100,000 NHS staff vacancies!
‘THESE figures reflect the stark reality facing NHS trusts resulting from the combination of relentless increases in patient demand, 100,000 staff vacancies and the...
LAST Wednesday US national security advisor John Bolton threatened that the US administration was putting every foreign bank ‘on notice’ if they failed to...
Police demand mass stop & search powers
HOME Secretary Sajid Javid has met police chiefs from seven forces most affected by the violent crime wave produced by the government’s decade of...
Testing Children Age Four Pointless
GIVING children as young as four exams as soon as they start school is ‘pointless’ the National Education Union (NEU) said yesterday, calling for...
Scottish teachers demand full 10% pay rise
SCOTTISH teachers in the EIS union rejected a pay offer of 9%, demanding the full 10% pay rise that they are calling for. Teachers in...
Only Half Of GP Practice Buildings Are Fit For Purpose!
Only half of GP practice buildings in England are fit for purpose, with surgeries too small to meet the demands of growing populations, a...
Bradford Tower Block Evacuated!
A TOWER block in Bradford with 160 flats has been evacuated over ‘serious fire safety deficiencies’. All the residents at Appleton Point were told to...
‘Give Venezuela back its gold!’
‘BANK of England you’ve been told – Give Venezuela back its gold’ chanted a 60-strong picket line outside the bank yesterday lunchtime....
RCN demanding £1bn investment in student funding!
‘LARGE-SCALE action’ is required, leading NHS trade unions are warning this week, as official NHS figures have exposed the fact that workers today face...
Pm May Sticks To Backstop!
TORY PM Theresa May pledged in a speech to business leaders in Belfast yesterday to confirm her commitment ‘to deliver a Brexit which ensures...
Pharmaceutical companies exploit the sick for profit – expropriate them now!
THE LATEST scandal over the obscene profits of giant pharmaceutical companies emerged this week with the news that campaigners are demanding that the Tory...
2% austerity ‘pay rise’ for teachers!
TEACHERS unions reacted angrily to the news yesterday that the Tories are once again to hold their wage ‘increase’ at just 2%, well below...
Record-breaking overcrowding – in both council & privately rented homes
UP TO THREE children are being crammed into single rooms in council homes, with families packed into flats like sardines, new figures confirm, with...
Colleges Strike For 5% Pay Rise!
‘WHAT do we want? Five per cent! When do we Want it? Now!’ rang out on the picket line outside Lambeth College yesterday morning,...
UK Workers Must Support Venezuela Against US, Eu, UK Attempts At...
MRS THATCHER notoriously revived her political fortunes in 1982 by going to war with Argentina. She flew to the US to insist that its...
Chronic understaffing in the health service!
ALMOST half of NHS workers on the front line of patient care say there are not enough staff on their shift to ensure patients...
Performance Tables disadvantage poorer schools!
‘SCHOOL performance tables are not an accurate or reliable indicator of school effectiveness. The Progress 8 measure that is used to compile these tables...
Marzieh Hashemi Is Free
IRAN’S Press TV English service anchor Marzieh Hashemi, 59, was freed on Wednesday from a Washington prison where she had been held by federal...
UCU members to strike next week at 16 colleges
STRIKING staff at Abingdon and Witney College will be on picket lines outside both the Abingdon and Witney campuses from 8am on Tuesday...
Damning report on public funds misuse by academies!
A DAMNING report, just released, exposes the misuse of public funds in privately run academy schools, the huge pay packets academy bosses receive while...
THE NUMBER of visits to hospital accident and emergency departments by homeless people has more than trebled under Tory governments since 2011, the BMA...
Form Councils Of Action To Stop All Evictions! Take Over Empty...
THE UK is in the grip of a huge housing crisis with workers who have jobs and earn wages being evicted by greedy landlords...
NHS cervical screening services threatened with privatisation!
FEARS are being expressed about the threat of privatisation of NHS cervical screening services used by thousands of women throughout the country every year,...
There was no fire safety report before refurbishing Grenfell – Build...
GRENFELL Tower was safe until the refurbishment took place, when it was wrapped in highly flammable insulation and cladding, described by fire safety experts...
Egypt Collaborating With Israel In The Sinai!
EGYPT’S President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has just acknowledged, in an interview broadcast just eight days ago on US television, that his administration maintains deep...
May urging unions and Labour to support her Brexit deal! Down...
TORY PM May spoke to Unite’s Len McCluskey and the GMB’s Tim Roache by phone on Thursday for the first time since taking office,...
‘People’s vote remains an option’ – Corbyn
‘WE HAVE called for a new customs union, with a say in future trade deals, a strong single market relationship and a guarantee to...
GPs’ anger at May’s ‘money for diverts’ scheme
UNDER PM May’s long-term NHS plan, a new scheme is set out in which GPs are offered ‘shared savings’ for the amount of...
3.1 MILLION NEW HOMES NEEDED – Shelter’s vision for social housing
A LANDMARK report by Shelter’s social housing commission published today calls for an ambitious 3.1 million new homes, extending the offer of social housing...
Prevention rather than cure! – Tories unveil 10-year plan to smash...
‘THE NHS long term plan is as much about prevention, and early diagnosis, as treatment and recovery,’ PM May said speaking on The Andrew...
With Parliament Ready To Defy The People Cromwell Becomes An Issue!
OFFICIALS in the House of Commons have installed a tamper alarm to stop Labour MP, Stephen Pound, turning a bust of Oliver Cromwell to...
MAYHEM THIS WEEKEND Winter flu epidemic creating hospital chaos–SAM
AS TEMPERATURES plummet the Society for Acute Medicine (SAM) anticipates ‘mayhem this weekend’ with the winter flu epidemic kicking in, affecting hundreds of hospitals...
Kent blood services not for sale!–Unite
THE PRIVATISATION of the NHS blood samples service in Kent will put patients’ lives at risk, Unite warned yesterday, adding: ‘It must be stopped!’ A...
”NEGOTIATE A FAIR CONTRACT!” – demands UFCW and its supporters
LABOUR activists, community allies and family members came out in force to support UFCW Local 1400 members at Saskatoon Co-op on December 20. They...
FBU Pensions Victory!
THE FIRE Brigades Union (FBU) has won a landmark ruling in its dispute with the government over changes made to firefighters’ pensions in 2015....
Fire safety checks cut by 42%!
IN THE WAKE of the Grenfell Tower fire, you would assume that fire safety checks would have increased. However, over the last seven years,...
BIS warns of new banking ‘catastrophe!’
CAPITALISTS are quaking in their boots at the prospect of the next worldwide banking crash. All eyes are on Italy going the same...
‘HOLIDAY HUNGER HITS CHILDREN’! A NATIONAL Education Union snapshot poll of...
A NATIONAL Education Union snapshot poll of 1,026 teachers in England paints a harrowing picture of the increase in poverty seen in our schools...
Strip Capita Of NHS Contract!
STRIP private outsourcing giant Capita of its NHS contract, doctors’ union the BMA demanded after the shocking news broke yesterday that more than 3,500...
Nationwide college strikes loom!
STRIKE ballots proposing industrial action at Further Education (FE) colleges are currently underway, the University and College Union (UCU) have announced, and will close...
Slum landlords flourish under the Tory attack on council housing
A ‘ROGUE’ landlord has been threatened by a judge with nine years in jail if he doesn’t pay a record-breaking £1.5 million fine for...