Home news from around the United Kingdom

‘I refuse to accept that I live in a country where child poverty ...

‘I REFUSE to accept that I live in a country that accepts that child poverty is normal,’ Apsana Begum, suspended Labour MP for Tower...

Starmer’s Labour Brings Forward Anti-Working Class King’s Speech

THE STARMER Labour government brought forward an anti-working class King’s Speech in Parliament yesterday morning. It announced 40 pieces of legislation, starting with a Budget...

Starmer poised to clash with unions over pay rise demands

LABOUR PM Keir Starmer is poised for a clash with the unions after downplaying the likelihood of real-terms pay rises for public sector workers...

Westbourne Park busworkers set to strike again!

OVER 2,000 bus workers are gearing up to strike against attempts by London’s transport privateers to impose pay cuts and unacceptable new work schedules...

400 nurses and other NHS workers strike over safety and pay!

DAY surgery operating theatre nurses at St Thomas’ Hospital opposite Parliament are striking again today against having their shift times forcibly extended again! The 50...

US in political crisis as Biden faces growing calls to quit!

A ‘PERVASIVE sense of fear and uncertainty’ hangs over the US Democratic party as 81-year-old president Joe Biden faces increasingly strident calls for him...

2,800 Tata steel workers will lose jobs today as blast furnaces cease!

APPROXIMATELY 2,800 employees out of Tata’s 8,000-strong workforce will lose their jobs as Blast Furnace 5 ceases operations today. Loud noises and large plumes of...

Junior Doctors Want A 35% Pay Rise!

PICKETS were out yesterday morning at the Royal London Hospital on day two of the Junior Doctors’ strike. They are determined to fight whatever government...

5 Days Of Strike Action By The Junior Doctors!

JUNIOR doctors in England yesterday embarked on a five-day strike, marking the 11th walkout in their prolonged pay dispute. Members of the British Medical Association...

Junior Doctors walk out today!

JUNIOR doctors are staging a full walkout in England beginning at 7am today, Thursday 27 June and ending at 7am on Tuesday 2nd July. The...

‘JULIAN ASSANGE WILL BE A FREE MAN!’ says his wife Stella Assange

JULIAN ASSANGE will ‘be a free man’ once a plea deal with the US is ‘signed off by a judge’, his wife Stella Assange...

Guys & St Thomas’ theatre nurses are set to take strike action over dangerous...

GUYS and St Thomas’ theatre nurses are to strike over a dangerous rise in hours. Burnt out nurses warn that a further hour extension to...

‘Pandora’s Box is about to be opened’ says BMA’s Banfield He adds: ‘This is...

DOCTORS are under attack financially, professionally and morally, and calling an election doesn’t get the government off the hook, British Medical Association leader Professor...

The NHS requires an extra £38bn annually!

THE NHS requires an additional £38bn annually by the end of the next parliament to address the care backlog and reduce prolonged treatment delays,...

NHS will be getting patients out of the hospitals faster! – says Labours Shadow...

THE NHS will be encouraged to buy up social care beds in a bid to get medically-fit patients out of hospitals faster, Labour has...

Sunak attacks the sick, the disabled, refugees & youth

LAUNCHING the Tory Party manifesto yesterday, Rishi Sunak attacked the sick and disabled, refugees and youth, boosted wealthy landlords, and banged the war drums...

Tata steel workers vote to take strike action!

TATA Steelworkers have overwhelmingly voted to strike with three quarters of them backing industrial action, the GMB union announced on Monday. The ballot ended with...

Police take action against Oxford students occupation

SIXTEEN protesters were arrested when police intervened to take action against an occupation on Thursday in support of Palestine by ‘Oxford Action for Palestine...

10 days of strike action at St Thomas’ Hospital!

YESTERDAY, marked the first of 10 days of strike action by security staff at St Thomas’ hospital by Westminster Bridge in central London. Some of...

Assange wins High Court ruling

THE HIGH Court in London yesterday ruled in favour of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s right to appeal against the UK court ruling approving his...

Assange High Court decision today!

THE HIGH Court is going to announce its decision on whether Julian Assange is going to be allowed to appeal against his extradition to...

RCN warns ‘Patients are suffering!

PATIENTS are suffering as the prime minister fails to tackle the waiting list crisis, RCN warns, as new analysis reveals decade of misery. The prime...

‘We’re here to stop the genocide!’ say UCL occupiers

AROUND 50 students have occupied the entrance on the forecourt of University College London (UCL) since last Friday in protest at Israeli genocide in...

Labour loses control of Oldham Council because of its support for the US-UK’s war...

THE Labour Party has lost control of Oldham Council after losing seats to Independents who support Palestine and are against the Israeli war on...

Students begin occupying UK universities in support of Palestinian Revolution!

PRO-Palestinian students have occupied several university campuses in the UK, to protest against the Israeli war on Gaza. Students in Leeds, Newcastle, Bristol, Sheffield, Manchester,...

‘General strike for Palestine!’ – urges London May Day march

OVER 5,000 workers, trade unionists and youth marched from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square on May Day yesterday. ‘General strike for Palestine’, chanted the Workers...

Strike Action Sweeping Heathrow

HUNDREDS of Border Force workers at Heathrow Airport began four days of strike action yesterday against Tory attacks on their working conditions. The more than...

200,000 March For Victory To Palestine

A HUGE 200,000-strong march of workers, students and youth went from Parliament Square to Hyde Park on Saturday, the 13th National demonstration for Palestine...

UK ‘on a war footing!’ – Sunak announces in Poland

TORY PM Rishi Sunak announced yesterday that he is putting the UK defence industry ‘on a war footing’. Standing alongside NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in...

‘From The River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free!’

MORE than 80,000 workers, students and youth marched through central London from Russell Square to Parliament Square on Saturday, chanting: ‘From the River to...

‘We’re fighting a land grab of our conditions’ says Mick Whelan

‘THE people behind me haven’t had a pay rise for half a decade,’ ASLEF General Secretary Mick Whelan said yesterday, speaking on the picket...

General Strike For Palestine!

YESTERDAY, on Al- Quds Day, thousands of people took to the streets of London in a powerful march orchestrated by the Justice for Palestine...

GPs reject imposed contract! – 99.2% vote NO!!

GENERAL Practitioners (GPs) across England have voted overwhelmingly to reject the new 2024/25 national GP General Medical Services (GMS) contract that was imposed on...

NHS England blockaded! No contracts with Israeli military supplier

HUNDREDS of health workers blocked the entrance to NHS England’s headquarters in central London yesterday. They were demanding the cancellation of business deals with American...

200,000 on London March for Palestine!

A HUGE rally of over 200,000 people marched from Russell Square to Trafalgar Square in London on Saturday 30th March, Palestinian Land Day, to...

Thames Water must be nationalised!

THE likelihood of Thames Water being taken into public ownership has significantly increased, following the shareholders’ refusal to provide £500m in urgent financial support. This...


OVER ONE hundred British MPs have demanded an immediate cessation of the UK’s arms sales to Israel amidst the ongoing conflict in Gaza. This request...

FREE JULIAN ASSANGE! – demands Stella Assange outside High Court

‘DROP this shameful case. It is a shame on every democracy. Free Julian! I ask everyone to rally behind him,’ Stella Assange urged in...

Stop starving Gaza! – pots & pans protest outside Foreign Office

‘STOP starving Gaza!’ Medical Aid for Palestine (MAP) protesters demanded yesterday as they banged pots and pans outside the Foreign Office in Whitehall, central...

Tory rights ‘smash and grab’ – threat to ban support for Palestine

‘THE UK government’s extremism definition is a smash and grab on our human rights,’ Sacha Deshmukh, Amnesty International Chief Executive, said yesterday. He was speaking...

‘Don’t use anti-strike laws against us!’ – FBU leader Matt Wrack urges fire chiefs

THE FBU (Fire Brigades Union) has called on all fire service employers to refuse to implement the government’s new minimum service levels, condemning the...

Half a million on London march for Palestine!

HALF A MILLION workers, students and youth marched for Palestine through London on Saturday, assembling in Hyde Park and marching to the American Embassy...

Coventry Council sacks hundreds!

THE UNITE union has described the decision of Coventry council to press ahead and fire and rehire its entire refuse collection workforce as totally...


TORY Chancellor Hunt delivered his class war Budget in the House of Commons yesterday, announcing that the Household Support Fund will be scrapped on...

Hunt’s budget – a war on jobs and services! budget today!

THE LOCAL Government Association condemned Chancellor Hunt’s attempt to dress up his budget onslaught on public services as a ‘war on woke’ yesterday, pointing...