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Labour Intends To Prop Up Capitalism And Continue From Where The...

KING Charles yesterday outlined his new Labour government’s law-making plans in his speech to Parliament. The Labour Party now has an overall majority over all...

Starmer poised to clash with unions over pay rise demands

LABOUR PM Keir Starmer is poised for a clash with the unions after downplaying the likelihood of real-terms pay rises for public sector workers...

400 nurses and other NHS workers strike over safety and pay!

DAY surgery operating theatre nurses at St Thomas’ Hospital opposite Parliament are striking again today against having their shift times forcibly extended again! The 50...

5 Days Of Strike Action By The Junior Doctors!

JUNIOR doctors in England yesterday embarked on a five-day strike, marking the 11th walkout in their prolonged pay dispute. Members of the British Medical Association...

Bank of England warning that world stock markets on the verge...

The Bank of England yesterday warned that the capitalist financial markets are at risk of ‘sharp correction’. In its latest financial stability report the Bank...

Junior Doctors walk out today!

JUNIOR doctors are staging a full walkout in England beginning at 7am today, Thursday 27 June and ending at 7am on Tuesday 2nd July. The...

‘Pandora’s Box is about to be opened’ says BMA’s Banfield He...

DOCTORS are under attack financially, professionally and morally, and calling an election doesn’t get the government off the hook, British Medical Association leader Professor...

Organising Socialist Revolution Is The Only Way Out Of The...

THE decision by the Bank of England to keep interest rates at 5.25%, the highest level for 16 years, came as no surprise despite...

Sunak attacks the sick, the disabled, refugees & youth

LAUNCHING the Tory Party manifesto yesterday, Rishi Sunak attacked the sick and disabled, refugees and youth, boosted wealthy landlords, and banged the war drums...

Vote WRP on 4th July – Forward to socialism – not...

THE General Election on July 4th will feature a shattered Tory Party that has already been wrecked by the developing capitalist crisis, and is...

Wrp General Election Manifesto

ISRAEL’s genocidal war on Gaza, killing over 36,000 Palestinians including over 15,000 children, has had a huge impact throughout the world and has created...

Student nurse numbers declining! –10,000 off target by 2025! – says...

STUDENT nurse numbers are declining to the extent that the official NHS workforce plan for England will be over 10,000 off target by 2025,...

Israeli Occupation Forces Carry Out Four Massacres

ISRAELI occupation forces committed four massacres against families in the Gaza Strip over 24 hours yesterday, resulting in the tragic killing of 40 Palestinians...

Hundreds of thousands of council workers being balloted for action

HUNDREDS of thousands of council workers are to be balloted and urged to reject a ‘pitiful’ and ‘entirely inadequate’ pay offer during the next...

END THATCHERITE EXPERIMENT – scrap all anti-union laws says FBU

IT’S TIME to end the Thatcherite experiment and scrap all the anti-union laws, the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) demanded after PM Sunak called the...

South Bank Uni strike vote expected this week! – no confidence...

Staff at London South Bank University have no confidence in the vice-chancellor and senior leadership team, the University and College Union (UCU) has announced,...

Some of the biggest US banks have underwritten billions of dollars...

Some of the United States’ biggest banks have underwritten billions of dollars in Israel bonds, including a substantial amount of $8 billion (£6.4 billion) in March...

RCN warns ‘Patients are suffering!

PATIENTS are suffering as the prime minister fails to tackle the waiting list crisis, RCN warns, as new analysis reveals decade of misery. The prime...

London protest and vigil in solidarity with Sudan on one year...

OVER a hundred Sudanese and their supporters held a vigil in Trafalgar Square on Monday night. Organised by London for Sudan and the Madiniya organisation...

Hunt vows to slash benefits to drive sick back to work...

THIS week, Tory Chancellor Jeremy Hunt jetted off to Washington to attend the spring meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), with the stated...

Sharp increase in unemployment as bankers and bosses demand sick and...

YESTERDAY the latest unemployment figures were released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealing that UK unemployment had shot up by  85,000 in...

AFRICA BOILING! • Nigerian unions fight 300% energy price hike •...

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has warned the government against the proposed 300 per cent hike in the electricity tariff. On Monday, the NLC cautioned...

UCU action to begin against Goldsmiths plan to bulldoze through brutal...

GOLDSMITHS University UCU (University and College Union) members, who have overwhelmingly voted to strike against the sacking of more than one-in-six academic staff at...

‘We’re fighting a land grab of our conditions’ says Mick Whelan

‘THE people behind me haven’t had a pay rise for half a decade,’ ASLEF General Secretary Mick Whelan said yesterday, speaking on the picket...

General Strike For Palestine!

YESTERDAY, on Al- Quds Day, thousands of people took to the streets of London in a powerful march orchestrated by the Justice for Palestine...

GPs reject imposed contract! – 99.2% vote NO!!

GENERAL Practitioners (GPs) across England have voted overwhelmingly to reject the new 2024/25 national GP General Medical Services (GMS) contract that was imposed on...

NHS England blockaded! No contracts with Israeli military supplier

HUNDREDS of health workers blocked the entrance to NHS England’s headquarters in central London yesterday. They were demanding the cancellation of business deals with American...

Thames Water must be nationalised!

THE likelihood of Thames Water being taken into public ownership has significantly increased, following the shareholders’ refusal to provide £500m in urgent financial support. This...

3,000 Boston University workers begin indefinite strike for pay, healthcare and...

The SEIU union that represents over 3,000 Boston University (BU) graduate student workers started an indefinite strike on Monday. The decision came a week after...

NHS England boss openly calls for the privateers to wind up...

AN analysis by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) on the funding crisis that is driving the NHS to the brink of collapse revealed...

Socialist revolution only answer to capitalist debt crisis

Labour’s shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves was making her pitch yesterday to the bankers and business bosses that any future Labour government would be a...

‘Don’t use anti-strike laws against us!’ – FBU leader Matt Wrack...

THE FBU (Fire Brigades Union) has called on all fire service employers to refuse to implement the government’s new minimum service levels, condemning the...

Half a million on London march for Palestine!

HALF A MILLION workers, students and youth marched for Palestine through London on Saturday, assembling in Hyde Park and marching to the American Embassy...

British Capitalism’s Bankrupt, Budget Shows It’s Time To Expropriate Bosses!

TORY CHANCELLOR Jeremy Hunt has unveiled the contents of this year’s Budget in the House of Commons. It is the last scheduled Budget before...

Hunt’s budget – a war on jobs and services! budget today!

THE LOCAL Government Association condemned Chancellor Hunt’s attempt to dress up his budget onslaught on public services as a ‘war on woke’ yesterday, pointing...

NORTHERN GAZA CRISIS! – children suffering from the life-threatening drought &...

In the northern Gaza Strip, a humanitarian crisis of alarming proportions is unfolding as infants grapple with the life-threatening consequences of drought and malnutrition. The...

Hunt warned by bankers that tax cuts must be funded through...

TORY Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is preparing to deliver a Spring budget on Wednesday 6th March which he has signalled will concentrate on tax cuts...

‘Claps don’t pay the bills!’ – insist striking junior doctors

‘CLAPS don’t pay the bills!’ chanted over 100 junior doctors outside St Thomas’ Hospital in central London opposite the Houses of Parliament yesterday morning,...

Mass Pickets Of Striking Junior Doctors Today!

MASS PICKETS of striking junior doctors take place today from 8am-11am outside St Thomas’ Hospital opposite Parliament in central London, Queen Elizabeth Hospital in...

Bank of England demands wage cuts to keep businesses and the...

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) released figures yesterday on the average pay across the UK, which they claimed saw an increase of 6.2%...

OBR official demands cuts to benefits and war on migrant workers...

WHEN the then Tory prime minister Liz Truss launched her notorious mini-budget in September 2022 that came close to crashing the UK economy, one...

250,000 workers and youth march for Palestine!

The first speaker at the huge rally in Whitehall at the end of Saturday’s march was the Palestinian Ambassador to the UK Husam Zomlot,...

250,000 workers & youth march for Palestine!

MORE than 250,000 workers, students and youth marched for Palestine through central London on Saturday. The march assembled outside BBC Broadcasting House in Portland Place...

Labour will let bankers’ bonuses soar and make the working class...

LABOUR’S shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves yesterday pledged any future Labour government to be the bankers’ best friend, ready and willing to facilitate awarding massive...

Demand TUC call a general strike to defeat anti-union laws

LAST November, the Tories were confidently predicting that when their anti-strike ‘Minimum Service Levels’ law was finally passed before Christmas, around 40% of rail...