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Daily editorials from the newspaper

Starmer and Streeting declare war on NHS – TUC must be forced to call...

KEIR Starmer and Labour Health Secretary Wes Streeting yesterday launched a ‘public consultation’ on their plans to transform the NHS from ‘analogue to digital’ in...

Trade Unions Must Name The Date For The General Strike To Free Palestine And...

OVER 10,000 demonstrators took to the streets of London on Saturday, protesting against the ongoing genocide in Gaza and Lebanon. The protest, organised by the...

UK workers must force the TUC to call a general strike to support Palestine!

HAMAS leader Yahya Sinwar was murdered on Thursday in Rafah, southern Gaza, by Israeli troops after a tank shelled the building he entered. Seen defiantly...

Labour’s Budget seeks to dump the British bosses’ debt crisis onto the backs of...

ON Wednesday October 30, Labour chancellor Rachel Reeves is due to deliver the first Autumn budget by Starmer’s government. The ground work for this budget...

Hamas warns that Israel is stepping up its massacres in order to isolate the...

THE Hamas Movement has described what is happening in northern Gaza and Jabalia as a ‘full-fledged genocide’, expressing its belief that the Israeli ‘Generals’...

Labour plan to drive sick back to work or off benefits with weight-loss injections

PRESENT at Labour’s International Investment Summit on Monday were representatives from Lilly – the world’s largest pharmaceutical company. This coincided with an announcement from the...

Starmer apes Tory promises of a ‘bonfire of regulations’ to open the UK up...

STARMER pledged the Labour government would slash red tape in his speech to the billionaire investors and bankers who gathered in London yesterday at an...

Israel is stepping up its war on Lebanon & Palestine – The UK trade...

THE Israeli army yesterday continued its bloody war on Lebanon for the 20th consecutive day, launching dozens of airstrikes, bombing homes and gatherings, and...

Recall the TUC Congress to organise a general strike for Palestine!

ON Thursday, the TUC’s non-existent Day of Action to support Palestine, 63 people were annihilated by Israel in northern Gaza and 22 in Central...

Recall the TUC Congress now to sack the TUC leaders for their refusal to...

LAST month, the TUC unanimously passed an emergency motion headed: ‘Stop the escalation of war in the Middle East’ and committed the TUC ‘to...

‘You must recognise the Palestinian state’ says the Palestinian Ambassador Zomlot

RECOGNISING the Palestinian state is the prerequisite for peace, not a by-product of peace,’ Palestinian Ambassador to the UK Husam Zomlot said in an...

Starmer’s ‘No’ to ban on arms to Israel must be met with a general...

LABOUR prime minister Keir Starmer, in the House of Commons on Monday, defended Israel’s ‘right to defend itself’ while lamenting ‘the region cannot endure...

No Ifs, No Buts – TUC must call an immediate general strike to support...

Over 300,000 workers, students and youth marched on Downing Street last Saturday in a massive demonstration of support for Palestine and demanding an end...

300,000 march on Downing Street for Palestine. TUC must call a general strike for...

THE Palestinian factions are standing fast! They have said that they will not sign any agreement or deal unless the people’s demands are achieved,...

US imperialism is discussing Israeli air strikes on Iran’s oil industry!

CLEARLY rattled by Iran’s 180-strong missile barrage, fired at Israel in retaliation for Tel Aviv’s genocidal war on Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon,...

Hamas urges workers of the world to march on the first anniversary of the...

THE Hamas revolutionary leadership yesterday called for organising mass marches and broad solidarity events in all cities and capitals of the world on the...

Make TUC day of workplace action the first day of a general strike across...

ISRAELI troops crossed the border into southern Lebanon yesterday in what they described as ‘limited, localised and targeted ground raids’ after approval was given...

Reply to the US-UK attacks on the Palestinians by making October 10th the first...

THE Hamas movement has condemned the Israeli occupation’s brutal aerial attacks on Hezbollah and the Lebanon as a ‘dangerous escalation’ and ‘part of the...

Labour government rotting from within – time for a general strike to bring it...

THE SHOCK resignation of MP Rosie Duffield from the Labour Party has revealed the bankruptcy of the Keir Starmer regime that is literally rotting...

End all complicity with Zionist genocide and war – Demand TUC’s October 10th ‘day...

ON THURSDAY, the Israeli Defence Ministry in a statement revealed that the US had given $8.7 billion of military aid to the Zionist state...

Starmer out! General strike from Oct 7th to defend winter fuel payments!

FRESH from his defeat at the Labour Party Conference by the successful vote against his policy to scrap the winter fuel payment to pensioners,...

Starmer pledges ‘strong state’ to take on the working class and rescue bankrupt capitalism

LABOUR Prime Minister Keir Starmer spelt out his intention to build up Britain’s capitalist state to take ‘control’ of people’s lives. Starmer made this declaration...

Labour conference exposes bankruptcy of Starmer’s government – now is the time to bring...

THE speech by Labour’s Chancellor Rachel Reeves to the party’s annual conference on Monday was nothing more than an appeal to the international financial services...

Labour Party breaking apart – now is the time to build the WRP to lead...

THE Labour Party conference yesterday morning opened to boos and jeers from delegates furious at the Labour leadership’s manoeuvres to shunt the crunch vote...

Starmer’s Labour government in the ‘pocket of millionaires’ – time to bring it down

ON THE EVE of this week’s Labour Party conference, left-wing Labour MP Diane Abbott attacked the Labour leadership saying that under Keir Starmer the...

The debt of the British capitalist class is equal to the country’s economic output...

OFFICIAL data shows that the UK state debt is equal to the country’s economic output for the first time since the 1960s, amid the...

General Strike from October 10th to support Palestine and go forward to a UK...

THIS year’s British TUC Congress in Brighton from 8-11 September took key decisions to align trade unions with the pro-Palestine, pro-peace and anti-war movements,...

Israel In A Desperate Crisis As Fitch Downgrades Israel To An ‘A’ Outlook Negative!

THE FITCH ratings agency’s downgrading of Israel to ‘A’ reflects the impact of the continuation of the war in Gaza, heightened geopolitical risks and...

The UK workers movement and the TUC must give their immediate and decisive support...

YAHYA Sinwar, the political leader of the Hamas Movement, has written to Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, the head of the Ansar Allah Movement, conveying his profound...

Hamas agrees to form a Palestinian national unity government!

MEMBER of Hamas political bureau Osama Hamdan said on Sunday that his movement wants ‘joint Palestinian rule’ if the war comes to a halt...

A mass demonstration against Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza has been called for October...

A just-issued Coalition statement from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament states that: ‘In October, we will mark a year since the start of Israel’s...

With capitalism in crisis, and the NHS being knifed by Starmer – UK needs...

THE immediate ending of the pensioners’ Winter Fuel Allowance was necessary to prevent an economic collapse and a run on the banks, declared Lucy...

Lammy, Labour’s Foreign Secretary, Is Whipping Up War Fever Against Russia!

THE UK’s Foreign Secretary David Lammy, and Antony Blinken, the US Secretary of State have both been very busy whipping up a ‘war fever’...

Stop the UK plot to launch a missile attack on Russia by bringing down...

US PRESIDENT Biden is now poised to lift the ban on the UK’s Storm Shadow missiles being fired into Russia by the US-UK’s fascist...

Politically bankrupt Starmer will seek to force the working class to pay for the...

LABOUR leader Keir Starmer’s speech at the TUC Congress yesterday spelt out precisely to delegates that this Labour government is determined to inflict all the pain...

TUC leader is silent on PM Starmer ending Winter Fuel Allowance

UNITE general secretary Sharon Graham has accused Labour of ‘pickpocketing pensioners’ telling Labour leader Keir Starmer to ‘accept it’s an error’ to push ahead...

THE TUC must take general strike action to support Palestine and bring in a...

‘THE report issued by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Michael Fakhry, on the Israeli-induced starvation in the Gaza Strip...

Lobby the trade union leaders to insist TUC calls a general strike to stop...

ANY Israeli attempt to displace Palestinians from the occupied West Bank to Jordan will be considered a ‘declaration of war’, Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman...

Respond To The Grenfell Tower Inferno With A Socialist Revolution!

IMMEDIATELY after the damning report on the Grenfell Tower fire that killed 72 people was published the House of Commons was packed with MPs...

Grenfell Tower Deaths Were Avoidable – Time To Nationalise The Banks And Building Industry!

THE Grenfell Tower fire that killed 72 people was the result of ‘dishonest companies, successive governments, and a lack of strategy by the fire...

Join lobby of TUC to demand it calls strike action to end the Zionist...

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted with fury yesterday following the announcement on Monday that the Labour government was suspending some arms sales to...

Israeli unions are striking for a Gaza ceasefire! The UK TUC must call a...

A NATIONWIDE strike swept across Israel yesterday, intensifying the mass pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to agree an immediate cease-fire and a prisoner...

Israeli minister Ben-Gvir calls for collective punishment against Palestinians!

THE fascist Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has renewed his calls for collective punishment against all Palestinians in the occupied West Bank yesterday...

TUC Congress must call a general strike to support the State of Palestine

WHILE welcoming the limited ‘humanitarian pause’ in the Gaza war to allow the polio vaccination of young Gazan children by the World Health Organisation...

UN Chief ‘deeply concerned’ over Israel assault on occupied West Bank!

IN a statement issued on Wednesday, the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said he was ‘deeply concerned’ about the Israeli regime’s all-out military...