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BIS warns of new banking ‘catastrophe!’

CAPITALISTS are quaking in their boots at the prospect of the next worldwide banking crash. All eyes are on Italy going the same...

Labour’s left leadership is paralysed as Blair and Co move in...

PM May yesterday attacked former Labour PM Tony Blair accusing him of ‘undermining’ her Brexit talks by calling for a second referendum. In fact Blair’s...

We Salute The Heroes Of Paris Who Stood Up To 9,180...

IN PARIS, on Saturday, against the advice of the more moderate members of the ‘Yellow Vests’ movement, 10,000 French workers and youth demonstrated their...

Greek Students Clash With Police

THOUSANDS of Greek school and university students staged protest marches in Athens and 20 cities throughout the country last Thursday on the 10th anniversary...

Workers must apply ‘French tactics’ against a parliament that is trying...

BRITISH parliamentary democracy was exposed as nothing more than a chaotic and rapidly collapsing sham on Tuesday when, for the first time in history,...

French Workers Force Macron Back – Now They Will Bring Him...

OH HOW the mighty have fallen! ‘Emperor Macron’, in the tradition of Napoleon III, has made no secret that he considers himself the master...

The Working Class Must Intervene To Ensure That Parliament Is Not...

THE British ruling class is in big trouble indeed when it has to turn to Karl Marx and his ‘18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon’...

24-Hour Greek Nationwide Strike

DOCKERS, seafarers, railway and Athens Metro workers participated 100% in a private-sector-only 24 hour national strike on Wednesday called by the GSEE (Greek TUC)...

May Appeals To The People As The Eu Insists There Can...

A DESPERATE Prime Minister May has written a letter to the nation asking the people of the UK for their support to pressurise a...

Workers must bring down May government, break with the EU NOW...

THE Tory government and party is now split into warring groups, one of which is pursuing a leadership election to knife their leader May...

UK must completely leave EU on March 29, 2019 – with...

NEGOTIATIONS over the UK’s departure from the EU are ‘now in the endgame’, according to PM May, with both sides ‘working through the night...

May Loses Support Of Both The Remainers And Leavers – Looks...

THAT BANKRUPT British capitalism and imperialism is unable to stand on its own two feet anymore is obvious. It faces the prospect of the...

‘There is revolutionary determination to smash capitalism’ –WRP General Secretary tells...

OVER 100 workers, trade unionists and youth attended the rally at the Indian YMCA in Fitzroy Square, central London on Sunday to mark...

‘TIME TO GET RID OF CAPITALISM’ – News Line Anniversary Rally...

JOSHUA Ogunleye, the WRP General Secretary, told the over 100-strong News Line 49th Anniversary rally yesterday: ‘Workers and young people hate capitalism! ‘This is...

EU gives Italy three weeks to re-write its budget or face...

ITALY is now on a collision course with the EU. The European Commission has issued an ultimatum insisting that the country’s budget plan does...

‘Remainers’ Take The Struggle Onto The Streets – An Example That...

HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of ‘Remainers’ marshalled by the likes of billionaire George Soros and other speculators set out on Saturday to try to create...

Davis Calls On The Cabinet To Revolt – Now Is The...

NOW that the ex-Brexit negotiator Davis has called for the Cabinet to rise up against the May government’s permanent Customs Union, and her plan...

The IMF sees the writing on the wall with second warning...

THE International Monetary Fund’s Financial Stability Report has given its second warning in 24 hours about a new financial catastrophe that it sees coming...


AFTER her ‘Dancing Queen’ performance at the Tory Party conference, which acted as an introduction to extreme grovelling to Labour’s right wing, praising...

IMF says banks stuck in ‘Doom Loop’ – Socialist revolution the...

TEN YEARS on from the banking crash that brought the world’s financial system to the very edge of going over the fiscal cliff, the...

ALL Greek state-owned properties handed over to EU-IMF control

Every single Greek state-owned building is being passed by the government over to the EU-IMF controlled EESYP (Greek Properties Company) to pay back...

Labour conference must reject Corbyn’s betrayal and vote to break with...

YESTERDAY Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn came out publicly to proclaim that he is prepared to go to any lengths to appease the right wing...

Break with the EU now! Forward to a Workers Government and...

WHEN TORY PM May went to the European Union to try and sell her Chequers plan she was met with a unanimous ‘NO’ from...

‘Call general strike!’ WRP & YS TUC lobby demands • Break...

LARGE numbers of delegates stopped at the WRP and Young Socialists lobby of the opening day of the TUC Congress in Manchester on Sunday....

Congress Must Sack O’Grady And Mobilise To Bring Down The Tories!

THE ‘leader’ of the Trade Union Congress, Frances O’Grady yesterday stabbed millions of workers in the back when she declared on The Andrew Marr...

Bankrupt Italian Capitalism Is Set To Crash And Bring The Bankrupt...

ITALY’S economic crisis is reaching the point of explosion, an explosion that even bourgeois economists fear will bring down the eurozone and the entire...

Workers must take action to force through the 2016 Referendum decision...

BREXIT Secretary Raab announced yesterday that ‘Today, I want to set out the steps we in government and you in business, the public sector...

Greek austerity is set to continue! Only way out is through...

GREECE has completed a three-year eurozone emergency loan programme worth 61.9bn euros (£55bn; $70.8bn). This was part of the biggest bailout in global financial...

Stock markets crash as ‘contagion’ from Turkish currency collapse spreads to...

Last Friday the Turkish currency, the lira, crashed spectacularly, dropping as much as 16% relative to the dollar – it lost a third of...


THE UK faces a ‘democratic crisis’ with voters being targeted with ‘pernicious views’ and data being manipulated, a parliamentary MPs committee warns. According to...

Workers of the UK and USA must send May, Trump and...

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump, on arrival to the UK on Thursday, did an interview with the Sun newspaper in which he said that he...

China shocked by US plans for massive new tariffs!

THE CHINESE government has said that it is ‘shocked’ after the US government announced plans for massive new tariffs, escalating the trade war between...

Workers must take action to bring down the May government and...

THE RESIGNATION of Boris Johnson as Foreign Secretary was only delayed until he was faced with dying from shame if he held back any...

Davis resignation shatters Tories as May goes looking for Labour...

TORY Brexit Secretary David Davis exploded a bomb under the leadership of PM Theresa May on Sunday with his resignation from the cabinet. May had...

Greek hospital workers blockade against austerity! – as thousands of refugees...

GREEK hospital workers on Monday morning blocked the entrance to the Finance Ministry on Nikis Street near Syntagma Square in an angry protest against...

Labour Traitors Dance To Billionaire George Soros’ Tune!

AFTER their defeat in the House of Commons last Wednesday over the EU Withdrawal Bill, the billionaire George Soros’ ‘Best for Britain’ movement ...

Workers must break Fortress Europe with Socialist Revolutions!

REFUGEE Day, last Wednesday, highlighted the biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War with the number forcibly displaced reaching its highest for the...

Shut down the House of Lords and purge the House of...

THE MAY government avoided a House of Commons defeat for the Brexit Withdrawal Bill last Tuesday by making promises to the leading Tory Remainer,...

Soros backed ‘Fifth Column’ calls for second EU referendum – Workers...

THE EU Brexit chief negotiator has declared that he is not prepared to compromise with the UK government over the decision of the British...

EU threatens a ‘march on Rome’ to prevent collapse

AS THE EU crisis continues to sweep through the continent, a German MEP, Markus Ferber, offered his blunt assessment of the steps that the...

Greek One-Day General Strike

UNDER the umbrella of ‘Social Alliance’, the GSEE (Greek TUC), the ADEDY (public sector workers’ unions federation) and the small and medium sized business...

Soros financing Pro-EU campaign in UK – Workers must demand that...

US-HUNGARIAN billionaire George Soros has denounced Brexit as an ‘immensely damaging process’ for both the United Kingdom and the European Union, and has arrived...

First the UK, now Italy – Forward to the European Socialist...

THE RAPIDLY unfolding crash of the EU drove the ruling class to take unprecedented action on Sunday to overturn the Italian election result...

Irish workers reject the Catholic Church’s State and demand abortion rights!

THE Catholic Church-dominated state of the Irish Republic was rocked to its foundations on Saturday when the results came through after the referendum on...

Deutsche Bank on verge of catastrophic crash that will bring down...

THE GIANT German Deutsche Bank announced yesterday that it was slashing more than 7,000 jobs from its global investment arm as part of a...