Home News International


International news from outside of the United Kingdom

Israel sentences child to 10 years – Syria launches new offensive in Idlib

ISRAEL has sentenced a Palestinian child, Hammoudeh Khader Sheikh, to 10 years in prison, Quds News Network reported yesterday. The boy, 15, from occupied East...

Israeli soldiers beat blind man

ISRAELI soldiers have violently beaten up a blind and paralysed Palestinian man in front of his wife and children for no apparent reason in...

‘OPEN THE DOORS TO THE REFUGEES’ – urge 20,000 marchers in Athens

‘OPEN the doors to the refugees,’ demanded 20,000 marchers in Athens on Thursday. Some 20,000 people marched through Athens on Thursday night calling for the...

Greek seafarers strike action

GREEK seafarers went on a 48-hour strike on Wednesday and Thursday, demanding the signing of a new national collective agreement with pay rises of...

Johnson Tests Positive!

PM Boris Johnson has tested positive for coronavirus. Johnson said he developed mild symptoms over the past 24 hours, including a temperature and cough. He is...

UK committed ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ over Chagossians return

THE UK committed ‘crimes against humanity’ by refusing to allow Chagos Islanders to return to their homes on the Chagos Islands, which is now...

Turkish invasion escalates! – condemned by 13 UK unions

ON THE SECOND day of the Turkish invasion of Syria, after a massive bombing raid striking northern Syria over 180 times, killing at least...

How the US government murdered Soleimani!

NBC News has revealed details of Washington’s assassination of Iranian commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, saying the terrorist operation used Israeli intelligence and was...

50 Italian Doctors Dead!

THE DEATHS of more than 50 doctors from Covid-19 in Italy must serve as an ‘urgent warning’ to British government on PPE supply. The BMA...

Iraqis storm US embassy

HUNDREDS of Iraqi members of the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) and their supporters stormed the US embassy in Baghdad for the second day in...

West Bank Explodes As Abu Diyak Dies In Israeli Jail!

HEEDING the calls by political factions, mainly President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement, thousands of Palestinians rallied in several West Bank city centres to protest...

‘If Iran is attacked it will be all-out war!’ – warns Zarif

IRAN’S foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif warned yesterday that any attack on his country after a series of missile strikes on Saudi Arabia’s oil...

US Was Given Notice Of Attack!

IRAN’S Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) say none of its missiles were intercepted during Wednesday’s heavy strike that targeted two US bases inside Iraq...

New York Amazon Unionised!

WORKERS erupted in celebrations across the US on the news that Amazon workers forced the tech giant to recognise a trade union in America...


THE Greek National Health Service doctors’ union OENGE has called on all doctors, trades unions, trades councils and social association to ‘organise jointly mobilisations...

Syrian Army launches fresh Idlib offensive!

SYRIA yesterday began an offensive to take back its entire territory launching a new assault on Idlib, the last part of Syria still controlled...

‘Get Out Of Iraq’ – US Abandons Citizens After Its Terror Attack

THE US Embassy in the Iraqi capital Baghdad has urged all American citizens to run for it and get out of Iraq. This is after...

The Iranian revolution will continue to defeat all plots!

‘the Islamic Revolution will go on to defeat all US plots in the coming years just as it has done over the past four...

‘Charge police with murder’ say family of George Floyd

MASS uprisings have broken out in Minneapolis as hectic protests over the police killing of an unarmed black man George Floyd escalated into violent...

France rises up against Macron – Doctors, nurses lawyers and teachers join 36th strike...

FRENCH doctors, nurses, lawyers and teachers were among the millions on the march yesterday joining the 36th day of transport workers strike action, bringing...

Legal Action Against French Police State Violence

THE family of a 73-year-old French woman injured in a police charge at a protest are taking legal action. Geneviève Legay fell and hit her...

NISSAN WILL SACK 12,500! Sunderland’s future hangs in the balance!

NISSAN is to cut 12,500 jobs worldwide as it reduces its production capacity and the number of models it produces by 10% by the...

Assange Ecuador Protests

ECUADORIANS have taken to the streets in the capital Quito against the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in the country’s embassy in London. The...

30th Anniversary of Red Army’s withdrawal from Afghanistan! Sputnik interview General Gromov

THE 15th of February marked the 30th anniversary of the pullout of Soviet troops from the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. The Soviet-Afghan War lasted...


CHINA and Russia are rallying behind Venezuela, warning against an imminent military intervention into the Latin American country. It is facing a showdown today...

Mexican forces attack caravan

CHILDREN went missing yesterday as a US-bound caravan of refugees clashed with Mexican forces under instruction from President Trump to block them from entering...

Million-man march today to expel all US troops from Iraq – ‘Banish Iraqi president’...

IRAQIS are joining a ‘million-man march’ against the US today as anger soars over a meeting between the president of Iraq Barham Salih and...

Ecuador revolutionary victory! Moreno forced to cancel IMF loan!

ECUADOR’S President Lenin Moreno has been forced to back down and cancel the country’s IMF loan after the revolutionary uprising sweeping the country won a...

Unemployment in Gaza rises to 52%!

THE UNEMPLOYMENT rate in the Gaza Strip sharply increased in 2018 to reach 52% compared with 44% in 2017, while in the West Bank...

‘Day of Rage!’ Mass pension strike shuts France down!

FRANCE was totally paralysed yesterday with flights, trains, the Metro and buses all cancelled during the mass ‘Day of Rage’ over President Emmanuel Macron’s...

MAY DAY MANIFESTO – Corona crisis tips capitalism over the edge! Forward with the...

Statement by the News LIne Editorial Board THE NEWS LINE Editorial Board sends its May Day greetings to the working class and the poor of...

Maduro condemns us energy war

VENEZUELAN President Nicolas Maduro says the United States has declared an ‘electric energy war’ against his country amid a widespread blackout that has left...

Greek Bankworkers Fight Sackings

GREEK bankworkers at the Piraeus Bank went on a national strike last Friday against mass sackings. On the orders of the EU all Greek...

UK servicing Saudi jets in Yemen – admits Tory MP

BRITAIN is providing ‘engineering support’ for UK-supplied aircraft operated by the Royal Saudi Air Force, responsible for killing innocent people in Yemen, a British...

Greek doctors & nurses protest!

DOCTORS, nurses, trades unionists, workers and youth took part in protests at the entrances of many hospitals throughout Greece yesterday morning against the government’s...

Trump Supporter Shot Dead In Portland

A MAN was shot dead in Portland, Oregon as a large demonstration of supporters of President Trump clashed with Black Lives Matter protesters. The city...

‘Boycott General Motors’ Demands Unifor’s Dias

UNIFOR National President Jerry Dias, speaking during a press conference, has asked for all Canadians and Americans to boycott all General Motors vehicles that...

Iran & Iraq united against US attack

THE US ATTACK on Iran and Iraq will cement the unity of the two countries, Iranian President Rouhani said in a phone call with...

Both EU and US sending coalitions to Gulf!

EIGHT EU nations: France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Greece, the Netherlands and Portugual will support a European-led naval mission in the Strait of Hormuz,...

Sweden to re-open Assange investigation

YESTERDAY Sweden’s deputy director of public prosecutions, Eva-Marie Persson, announced that an investigation into a rape allegation made against WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange in...

Unions Agree To Axe Steel Jobs And Sell Out Members

UP to 500 jobs will be axed at British Steel with the trade unions agreeing to the axing. The union leaders have warned the takeover...

PARIS ERUPTS – as Macron’s pension attack goes to French Parliament

FRENCH unions brought the transport system to a halt again yesterday on ‘Black Monday’ the day the French parliament, the Assemblée nationale, began debating...

‘US Troops Must Leave Iraq’ Say 170 Lawmakers

ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY IRAQI lawmakers have signed a draft bill, demanding the withdrawal of US military forces from the country following the assassination...

US CIVIL WAR! – Trump vows to send federal officers into NY, Chicago and...

US PRESIDENT Trump announced yesterday that he is sending ‘a surge of federal security forces to US cities in a crackdown on crime’. Chicago, New...

LEBANESE REVOLUTION! – masses opposed to all sectarianism

HUNDREDS of people have been wounded in Beirut after security forces used tear gas and water cannon to disperse crowds of anti-government protesters trying...