Home Editorials


Daily editorials from the newspaper

Gadaffi In Tripoli – Hague In Disarray!

WHILE Cameron is in Kuwait seeking to sell more rubber bullets, poison gas and a variety of war machines to the British-trained Gulf monarchies,...

News International bought policemen and state officials, and dictated to political parties

THE Leveson Inquiry has exposed the diseased nature of British capitalism, its ruling class and its state apparatus. The state, during the period of...

Victory To Gadaffi – Defeat The Nato Gangsters!

ON Saturday, Colonel Gadaffi stated that the counter-revolutionary groups that had tried to rise up in a number of areas in Tripoli had been...

Send Blair to the War Crimes Tribunal!

EX-PM Blair could be made to stand trial for war crimes over the invasion of Iraq, Labour leadership front-runner Jeremy Corbyn has said. Corbyn correctly...

US seeking to destroy Venezuela – UK workers must take action

AFTER the failure at the Guri hydroelectric power plant left much of Venezuela without power last Thursday night, Venezuelan authorities, after a huge effort,...

Defend Libyan revolution! Stop and bring down the oil thieves! Victory to Gadaffi!

THE French ruling class yesterday officially recognised the Libyan counter-revolutionary rebels of the Transitional National Council as the country's legitimate government, and is due...

Take Action To Win The Winter War

ON FRIDAY, the Health Secretary Hewitt announced that the NHS is heading for a £623 million deficit by the end of March. This deficit is...

Reconstitute The Ussr!

UKRAINE’S decision to suspend a deal on closer EU ties and sign a Russian aid agreement instead has helped avoid bankruptcy, Prime Minister Mykola...

No Military Action Against Iran – At This Point Says Rice

BRITAIN’S Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, has just revealed the policy of the British government on Iraq – or has he? He said that Iran...

Vote ‘Leave’ – Bring Down Cameron – Forward To Socialist United States Of Europe!

THE mass of the working class and the majority of the middle class must vote to ‘Leave’ the EU today to strike a body...

Labour is selling off school playing fields

SCHOOLS Secretary Ed Balls and his predecessor Alan Johnson have given the go-head to the sell-off of 19 school playing fields over the past...

Form public sector alliance to defend the NHS – Forward to a workers government!

THE just published survey of the NHS, carried out for the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) trade union, found that 90 per cent of...
Locked-out Gate Gourmet workers in high spirits welcomed Father Christmas at their mass picket yesterday

Public sector unions must take strike action over pensions

THE Fire Brigades Union said yesterday that it will consider industrial action over government plans to ‘reform’ its members’ pensions by dramatically extending the...

Brown promises to ‘renew new Labour’

CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown, the pretender to the Labour leadership and 10 Downing Street, told the Labour Party conference in Brighton yesterday: ‘Our mission is...

Imperialist Vipers At Work

FROM the early 1980s, the CIA and MI6, directed by the US and UK governments of the day, supported and armed the Mujahideen in...

Blair fans anti-youth hysteria – while capitalist state gunmen return to work

YESTERDAY the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, joined in the hysterical attack that the state and bosses are launching on Britain’s youth. Millions of young people...
A thousand nurses from all over the country attended Thursday’s lobby of parliament organised by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN)

Occupy Vauxhall and Peugeot to defend jobs

LAST May, MG Rover was closed without a struggle. Last month the closure of Peugeot was announced and this week we have been told...

American forces quit Iraq in defeat after 21 years of sanctions and slaughter

EIGHT and a half years after the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, 21 years after the deadly UN sanctions were imposed on Iraq...

Defend benefits! down with ‘universal credit’!

THE announcement yesterday that the work and pensions minister, Iain Duncan Smith, had won his battle with the treasury over bringing in a single ‘universal...

US Must Quit Iraq At Once! Says Ex-CIA Chief

THE US state is beginning to split over the war in Iraq, so severe is the pounding that US troops and the US leadership...
Alessandro Pereira outside Downing Street after presenting a letter to Blair

Put police death squad chiefs on trial for murder

DOCUMENTS leaked from the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) show that on July 21, a young Brazilian, Jean Charles de Menezes, was shot seven...
Doctors from the Indian sub-continent have helped to build-up and sustain the NHS  – the new law will have disastrous consequences

Labour turns on Asian NHS doctors

ANOTHER shameful page of British imperialist history has been turned. This time tens of thousands of Asian and African doctors, recruited to come to...

Tory-Led Coalition Breaking Apart – Bring It Down!

WHILE the Prime Minister is being hailed by the anti-EU section of the Tory Party as standing up for the UK like a...

Build the Fourth International – the world party of the socialist revolution!

ON Thursday, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, issued the starkest warning yet that the debt crisis gripping the eurozone...

AA sold to Saga, Permira and CVC bosses pocket £300m

TRUE to form the private equity capitalist groups Permira and CVC having acquired the prestigious AA motoring group with the help of huge borrowings...

Vote WRP, forward to the socialist revolution!

PM Brown yesterday announced that the general election will be held on 6 May and told voters Labour will take the ‘big decisions’ that...
Rose Gentle (holding photograph) leads the Military Families Against the War march  from Parliament to Downing Street on Wednesday

The revolution in Nepal – part of the world revolution

LEON Trotsky’s theory of the Permanent Revolution shows how ‘the democratic tasks of the backward bourgeois nations lead directly, in our epoch, to the...

Imperialist war against Syria escalated – answer with socialist revolution

THE past few days have seen an escalation of the imperialist war against Syria and the government of Bashar al-Assad. Today the Turkish government is...

Cluster bombs still killing Lebanese children

The UN’s humanitarian chief, Jan Egeland, yesterday described Israel’s use of cluster bombs in south Lebanon during the final three days of the conflict...

Blair hits out at ‘black crime’ – calls to ‘take out’ black youth

BLAIR in his Callaghan Memorial lecture in Cardiff came out as an admirer of the right wing Labour premier, who he says ‘had neither...
Picket outside Bow Street Magistrates Court demanding ‘Stop the Political Terror’ and ‘Free Babar Ah

Stop NHS privatisation to end the bed cuts

HEALTH Secretary Hewitt warned over a month ago that if NHS trusts failed to resolve their growing debt crisis, hospital departments would be closed...

Westminster Council demands unemployed do ‘voluntary work’

The Tory ‘flagship’ council, Westminster, yesterday unveiled its blueprint for dumping the savage cuts in local government finances squarely on the backs of the...

NHS held to ransom by Cyber terrorists – Hunt must resign and the...

ON FRIDAY afternoon a terrorist cyber attack was launched on the NHS in England and Scotland that brought it to a standstill in many...

Met chief’s agenda – police ‘justice’ and troops on the streets!

Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair, presented his ‘wish list’ of latest demands to the Labour government, when speaking to the Police Superintendents’ Conference...

NHS 2007: Pull your own teeth out!

EVERY day Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his Health Secretary Alan Johnson churn out propaganda about ‘improving’ the National Health Service (NHS) and people’s...

Afghan nightmare for British troops

COLONEL Gordon Messenger, in charge of the future deployment of British troops in the Helmand region of Afghanistan, was putting a brave face on...

Top of the capitalist agenda – raising food prices and starving the world

THE United Nations is warning of disturbances and revolutions in developing countries worldwide as its food price index hits an all-time high. The UN’s food...

Raising the white flag over Basra airfield

THE rotting reality behind Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s spin concerning the ‘reconfiguration’ of British troops in southern Iraq is the complete demoralisation of the...

Another US blow for Pakistan!

THE US Congress yesterday froze $700 million of aid to its ally Pakistan until it gets assurances that Pakistan will combat the spread of...

Imperialist ‘vulture funds’ plundering Africa

THE High Court in London was due to rule yesterday in the case of an American-owned investment fund suing the Zambian government to repay,...

Labour Reshuffles Amidst The Resignations

JOHN Hutton, the fourth Labour Cabinet minister to quit in the past week, has left his post and will also quit as an MP,...

Merkel’s ‘Grand Coalition’ – Germany’s crisis deepens!

ANGELA MERKEL, the leader of Germany’s right-wing Christian Democratic Union (CDU), announced on Monday: ‘We have the basis for coalition talks. The CDU will...

Bourgeoisie In A Panic Over Scotland

POLLS showing that the campaign for Scottish independence could win the referendum, due to take place in nine days time, has caused panic amongst...

Desperate Tories frantically witchhunt Corbyn – put them out on June 8th!

WITH just ten days to go before voting takes place in Theresa May’s snap general election the Tories are in a state of acute...

Royal Mail is preparing mass sackings!

POSTAL workers throughout the country face crunch time in defence of their jobs and the very existence of their union, the CWU. This was spelt...