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Daily editorials from the newspaper

More anti-union laws, no rights at work, the elderly being abused in their homes...

THE Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has said the danger for the UK from the economic crisis, particularly the crisis in the...

Maliki Objects To US-Puppet Army Raid On Sadr City

YESTERDAY was the first day after the US ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad announced that he had given the Iraqi puppet government a timetable...
Gate Gourmet workers lobbying the TUC Congress in Brighton on September 12 insisting on their reinstatement

Delphi Battle Looms For US Trade Unions

THE battle lines are being drawn up in the United States between the vanguard of the working class in the auto industry and the...

Hunt shreds Truss and Kwarteng budget and prepares for massive austerity war on working...

NEWLY-INSTALLED Tory Chancellor Jeremy Hunt yesterday completely shredded the mini-budget announced just a few weeks ago by Kwasi Kwarteng. Kwarteng was unceremoniously sacked on Friday...

General Strike On May 1 ‘Public Service Day’

THE PCS civil servants trade union has confirmed that up to 270,000 civil servants will be stopping work on May 1 against the Blair-Brown...

Cosatu, the CP, the NUM and the police attack the Lonmin miners

ON 27th October the Minister of Education and South African Communist Party General Secretary, Blade Nzimande, along with Cosatu and National Union of Mineworkers...

Imperialists Getting Their Fingers Badly Burned In Ukraine As Bread Prices Rise Worldwide

THE front page of yesterday’s Daily Telegraph carried an article headlined ‘Vladimir Putin “weaponising” world’s food supplies.’ This story of the dastardly Putin being responsible...

Tories plan to axe half a million hospital appointments each year in drive to...

HEALTH Secretary Steve Barclay did the rounds of the TV studios on Sunday to declare an all-out war on doctors, nurses and patients, as...

TUC must stand up for the disabled against the Tory government!

THE UN has slammed the UK, which it says has violated the Convention on Disabled People’s Rights. A damning UN report released yesterday states that...

Government By Police Chiefs

AT his monthly press conference last Monday, the Prime Minister admitted that the source of his proposal, that the police should be allowed to...

Capitalism’s crisis– Socialist revolution, the only solution!

THE OFFICIAL annual rate of inflation leapt in February, according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS). Figures published yesterday showed that the Consumer Prices...

Lansley calls to ‘break down the system’

TORY coalition Health Secretary Andrew Lansley addressed the BMA doctors union conference in Brighton yesterday, telling delegates: ‘Every step we take we must take...

The British army enters politics, and won’t tolerate a non-nuclear UK!

YESTERDAY saw General Sir Nicholas Houghton, the Chief of the Defence Staff openly entering politics and fighting for Tory Party policy, telling SKY TV...

Bank of England preparing to unleash hyperinflation in desperate attempt to save capitalism!

THE LATEST economic forecasts for the UK released yesterday revealed that Britain’s economy is collapsing at an unprecedented rate this month. The Purchasing Managers’ Index...

Arrogant Carney Rubbishes Miliband!

THIS week, in an attempt to cash in on the universal hatred felt by the working class and middle classes towards banks and bankers,...

Tories moving to bring in Martial Law and a licence to kill for spies

PM JOHNSON announced the latest draconian lockdown rules in the House of Commons last Tuesday, with the threat that, if not obeyed to the...

After November 5th rout build new leadership in the FBU

THE News Line salutes the London FBU membership which has stood firm in its defence of terms and conditions against a pre-planned massive onslaught...

One day FBU strikes must pave the way for a general strike!

LAST Friday the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) announced that it would kick off its defence of jobs and conditions with two days of strike...

Tories declare war on unions

THE Tory-led coalition, faced with this Thursday’s one-day strike by two million workers, is driving forward preparations for new anti-union laws which will make...

After Iraq Debacle – Bush Plans To Attack Iran

THE US President, George W Bush said on Friday: ‘All options are on the table,’ adding that he had not ruled out the option...

The Republicans Are In A Desperate Crisis While The Democrats Have No Way Forward...

US PRESIDENT TRUMP going down with the coronavirus has sharpened the crisis of the imperialist powers, including the UK, who were up till now...

Teachers At War With The Government!

THE two biggest teachers unions have begun their annual conferences, where they will challenge the government over pay, Ofsted inspections and England’s Academies and...

Tories tell May she must bring in strike ban law!

SUNDAY saw the Tory Telegraph accuse PM May of ‘refusing to curb the power of striking trade unions despite a growing backlash from...

Build The Fourth Internati0Nal!

THE news last week that more than 100 cities in the United States are set to go bankrupt in the new year spells complete...

No Free Ride For The Tories

THE terrorist atrocity in Manchester last Monday night which killed 22 young people at a pop concert has been seized upon by the Tories...

Labour rats flee their sinking ship

COMMUNITIES Secretary Hazel Blears has resigned from the cabinet, on the eve of the local government and EU elections, delivering a major blow to...

Ex-Bank of England boss believes world financial crash is ‘certain’ and ‘sooner rather than...

MERVYN KING, the head of the Bank of England from 2003 to 2013, has added his name to the number of the capitalist world’s...

Baby deaths & 4-hour trolley waits! Closures of maternity and A&Es are a...

AN INQUIRY into baby deaths at East Kent Hospitals University Foundation Trust has been broadened into an investigation of hundreds of deaths nationally, Tory...

Bosses threaten share crash if Tories are removed from office!

AS the hysterical Tory media begin to run out of scare stories about Labour Party leader Miliband, the essence of the situation is asserting...

EU raises the need for a European army, navy and airforce

THE super-imperialist ambitions of the European Union (EU) have begun to emerge in the wake of its Brexit defeat in the UK. So far, its...

Rejoice – Syrian forces on the outskirts of Palmyra!

THE Fars news agency has reported that ‘At approximately 11:45pm (Damascus Time) on Tuesday night, the Syrian Army’s “Tiger Forces”, backed by Hezbollah, the...

Scrap the Public Private Partnership on the tube

METRONET, the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) within London Underground, has collapsed financially after years of failure to provide services required by the capital’s transport system. It...

Clashes In Israel While President Biden Fears That Netanyahu Will Address Congress!

CLASHES have broken out between the Israeli police and anti-regime protesters in Tel Aviv and across the occupied territories, with demonstrators demanding new elections...

Reopen Mining Industry – No To Nuclear Power

British capitalism is today facing a massive energy crisis, largely of its own making. It was after all, Thatcher and Heseltine who shut down...

Syria Is Right To Press On To Retake Eastern Ghouta From The Terrorists!

A SYRIAN army statement confirmed yesterday that Syrian government forces will lift the siege on the terrorist-held sections of the Damascus suburb of...

Rates On Hold As Economy Folds!

UK interest rates were kept on hold at 0.5% yesterday, the 26th month in a row that the Bank of England has left interest...

Coalition To Take The Axe To Council Spending And End ‘Ring-Fencing’

COUNCILS in England face a 10% cut in funding from central government as part of the coalition’s spending plans for 2015/16. As well, there...

Labour Reformism Is Rotten To The Core – The Working Class Needs A Revolutionary...

LABOUR’S defeat in the 2019 general election is a historic one, since its central feature was the way that the safest Labour seats in...

Lessons from the 1984-85 miners strike

THE government papers released under the 30-year rule concerning the 1984-85 miners strike confirm that Thatcher and the Tories, despite their considerable preparations over...

Brown is hungry for cash – sell off the palaces and the Duchy of...

THE Prime Minister began yesterday to sell off anything and everything that can be used to raise much needed cash, £16bn in fact, to...

Cynical US Slaps Pakistan’s Wrist Over Bin Laden ‘Treason’

SADDAM Hussein and Colonel Gadaffi led Arab nationalist, secular regimes in Iraq and Libya, and were both opposed to Al Qaeda on principle and...

Israeli forces storm al-Aqsa Mosque while its nationals fight alongside the Ukrainian fascists!

ISRAELI military forces stormed the al-Aqsa Mosque compound yesterday, attacking Palestinian worshippers with sound grenades, rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse them and...

UAE & Israel ‘normalise’ relations! The UK must NOW recognise the Palestinian state with...

US PRESIDENT Trump announced on Thursday that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel will ‘normalise’ relations. UAE is the first Arab nation to...

The Working Class Must Intervene To Resolve The Brexit ‘Debate’!

LAST Tuesday afternoon, in the House of Commons, the knives were out for the Brexit referendum result, and for the millions of workers who...

Household Debt Now At £1.47 Trillion!

HOUSEHOLD debt has grown for the 26th consecutive month, reaching £1.47 trillion according to the Radical Centre for Social Justice (RCSJ). Household debt has soared...