Home Editorials


Daily editorials from the newspaper

‘Recovery’ Rests On Bed Of Nitroglycerine

THE 0.1 per cent ‘recovery’, the ‘work’ of Gordon Brown and Chancellor Darling has caused laughter and incredulity throughout the planet. It is a...

US Imperialism organised botched plot to overthrow Venezuela’s President!

ON WEDNESDAY, the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo emphatically denied to reporters that the US had any involvement in the failed attempt by...

US, UK Ambassadors Are Run Out Of Libya By Their Former Agents!

HMS Enterprise has arrived near to Tripoli to evacuate any remaining British people who want to leave Libya, after the British embassy was shut...

UK needs a real general strike to bring down Tories and bring in Workers...

THE DEEPENING crisis of British capitalism sees the UK ruling class at least 100 times more interested in provoking regime change in Russia through...

British capitalism is breaking apart

THE one clear message that emerged from Cameron’s speech yesterday was that the political representatives of the capitalist class in Britain have given up...

One third of all people in UK have lived in poverty in the past...

ONE in three people in the country have ‘experienced poverty’ in the past four years. According to figures produced by the Office for National Statistics,...

‘Our Time Has Come’ Israeli Leader Bennett Greets Biden’s ‘Gift’ Of The Golan Heights!

ISRAEL’S PM is ecstatic. ‘Our time has come’ Naftali Bennett declared to the world after US President Biden gave the Golan Heights to Israel,...

Sinking Deeper Into The Afghan Morass

THE talk by the commander of the British forces in Afghanistan, Brigadier Mark Carleton-Smith, that ‘missions by special forces and air strikes by unmanned...

Tanker attack provocation in the Gulf – US looking to launch war on Iran...

TWO oil tankers were attacked on Thursday morning in the Gulf of Oman. The Japanese-owned Kokuka Courageous and Norway’s Front Altair were abandoned after two...

World Crisis Can Only Be Resolved By World Revolution!

THE DEEPENING of the world crisis of capitalism is driving forward massive job cuts for workers across the world, as manufacturing industry globally faces...

Trade Unions Must Name The Date For The General Strike To Free Palestine And...

OVER 10,000 demonstrators took to the streets of London on Saturday, protesting against the ongoing genocide in Gaza and Lebanon. The protest, organised by the...

The British state is compromised by its complicity with terrorists!

TORY leader Theresa May relaunched the sinking ship of her election campaign with a speech yesterday that re-hashed the now familiar line that the...

Gove’s new ‘extremism definition’ prepares way for crackdown on all opposition to Israeli genocide

COMMUNITIES secretary Michael Gove in Parliament yesterday made a short statement introducing the Tories new definition of extremism which now encompasses ‘non-violent extremism’. Almost all...

Biden Leads The Charge For Russian Regime Change!

US PRESIDENT Joe Biden made his first annual State of the Union Address late Tuesday night, opening with an attack on Russia that was...

German economy crashing into recession

GERMANY, the EU’s biggest economy, is fast heading into recession according to economists who are growing increasingly fearful that inflation fuelled by the EU...

End education privatisation

The complete privatisation of public services has taken a massive step forward with the announcement that a further education college in Luton is to...

Ferguson erupts as police killer goes free

THE US town of Ferguson, Missouri erupted yesterday after a grand jury decided not to bring charges against a white policeman, Darren Wilson, ...

Bin Laden killing opens Obama election campaign

When US President, Barack Obama, announced on Sunday night that Osama bin Laden had been killed in a dawn raid by US special forces...

A&E closures cost lives! Build Councils of Action – Occupy!

INTERNAL documents secured by the Mail on Sunday under the Freedom of Information Act, along with a report due to be issued later this...

Carney fears wages and job losses driving workers to Marxism

THE GOVERNOR of the Bank of England Mark Carney is a very worried man. Giving him sleepless nights is the spectre of a working...

Trade Unions must call a general strike now to scrap the Tory Health and...

ON TUESDAY the Unite union, which has 100,000 members working in the health sector, wrote to every member of the House of Lords urging...

Britain’s ‘Treasure Islands’ for the super rich – while it’s super austerity for...

THE ‘Panama papers’ leak of 11 million documents shows that the rich and infamous worldwide, including heads of state, are avoiding taxation...

M&s And Taylor Wimpey Crash As Hauliers Descend On Parliament

HUNDREDS of hauliers picketed parliament in London yesterday to demonstrate against the rising cost of fuel, and the way that it is destroying their...

Eurozone is unsustainable!

THE head of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, has pronounced the Eurozone to be ‘unsustainable’ in its present form, while the EU...

Thieves, drug users, arsonists and spies – recruited by the Metropolitan police

BACK in 2014 the police announced that they were ‘relaxing’ their rules on recruitment to allow convicted criminals to join. In fact, this just legitimised...

UK workers must bring down Trump’s Tories to leave the EU and bring in...

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump has named three of his Tory candidates to replace May as the prime minister of his choice. All three of Trump’s...

SLUMP DEEPENS – only one way out – REVOLUTION!

THE bourgeois propaganda machine was all set yesterday to spin an expected 0.04 per cent increase in GDP into a ‘the slump is over’...

US engulfed by political crisis as Biden is forced out

ON SUNDAY, US president Joe Biden caved in to the demands of senior Democrats and the Wall Street supporters of the party to step...

Israel Steps Up Its Genocide. The TUC Must Call A General Strike Now...

THE Palestinian Civil Defence Society (PCDS) reported on Tuesday that it has received numerous appeals regarding people trapped alive under rubble from homes and...

Tories driving workers out of London

TWO sets of statistics were issued last Thursday, statistics that prove conclusively what every worker in London and the big cities in England and...

Tory austerity gives workers choice of ‘eat, heat or pay rent’ – Time to...

‘EAT, heat or pay rent’ that is the stark choice facing millions of low paid and unemployed workers living in private rented accommodation in...

Imperialists In A Panic Over Syria’s Ghouta Victory!

THE Syrian government has denied the terrorist claims, that were expected, that Syria has launched a chemical attack on its own city of Douma,...

With the Anti-Union Laws waiting on Royal Assent, the TUC must be made to...

LAST THURSDAY the government made a ‘final offer’ to the NHS consultants, a petty offer that they rejected out of hand. BMA Consultants Committee...

US forced to talk with Iran and Russia

PRESIDENT BUSH’S officials confirmed yesterday that Iran had agreed to hold talks with the US on Iraq. The Iranian communique said: ‘Following consultations between...

Baker Reveals That Brexit Committee Was A Front And That May Never Intended...

PARLIAMENT OF ITS OWN FREE WILL handed over the decision as to whether the UK should remain in or leave the EU to the...

US workers taking action to drive up wages and defend their jobs

THE once-mighty US economy is facing a wave of strikes by powerful sections of the working class who are determined to drive up their...

270,000 civil servants to strike!

UP to 270,000 civil and public servants from across the UK are set to launch a month of industrial action, with a 48 hour...

Berezovskiy goes bust as capitalist crisis deepens!

POLICE were yesterday searching the home of Boris Berezovskiy. They were desperately looking for chemical, biological or nuclear material, so that they could...

PM May hammers the poor as 7,585 families receive 50p housing benefit!

PM MAY makes a lot of noise about her concern for the ‘just about managing’, ie the middle classes in crisis-ridden Britain. In fact,...

McCluskey must meet with Gate Gourmet sacked workers!

LEN McCluskey, winner of the election for the post of Unite general secretary, said on Wednesday that ‘I have a huge agenda in front...

Trump Threatens To Hit 52 Chosen Sites If Iran Retaliates For Murder Of...

IRAN’S Army chief has defiantly dismissed US President Donald Trump’s threat to hit scores of Iranian sites, if Iran hits back after the US...

Sunak promises bankers unlimited profits while Haldane warns of economic collapse!

ON WEDNESDAY Andy Haldane, outgoing chief economist at the Bank of England (BoE), delivered a message of doom for the British economy in a...

Postal workers want indefinite strike action NOW!

CWU members have voted, in a 67 per cent turnout, a much bigger turnout than in a British general election, for strike action, with...

Disband The Police Death Squads!

THE fact that armed police used internationally banned dum dum bullets, seven of which splintered, expanded and exploded inside the head of Jean Charles...

Trump is set to impose the death agony of the US capitalist system onto...

THREATS, demands and bullying aimed at the whole world from US President Donald Trump, dominated the Davos Economic Forum in a video call on...