Tag: unison
TAKE ACTION – to defend the Public Sector
OVER 1,000 trade unionists from all the public services joined a TUC rally at Westminster yesterday, where they demanded that their leaders call action...
£23bn PROFIT FROM NHS – being made by PFI companies
Banks and developers will make £23 billion in profits and interest over the next 30 years by building NHS hospitals under the government’s Private...
COUNCIL OF ACTION LAUNCHED – to stop hospital closures!
TRADE unionists, youth and local NHS campaigners voted unanimously at a meeting on Thursday night ‘to establish the North East London Council of Action’. The...
Take action to defeat Labour’s plan to smash the NHS
THE leaking of Department of Health (DoH) documents, including ‘Pay and Workforce Strategy for 2008-11’, reveals the Labour government’s plan to slash NHS...
37,000 NHS Jobs Axe
Trade unions and health professionals yesterday slammed as ‘very alarming’ and ‘staggering’, the government’s leaked draft NHS pay and workforce strategy for 2008...
NO PAY CUTS FOR NURSES! – while BMA insists we need...
Public sector union, UNISON said yesterday it will ‘strongly resist any attempt to cut nurses’ pay whether by moving to regional pay or by...
Council Unions Want 5% Rise
More than 1.5 million local government workers are to ask for a five per cent pay rise in the new year. Three trade...
DEVON NHS PCT CRISIS! – all 5,000 employers offered offered voluntary...
All five thousand Devon Primary Care Trust (PCT) employees across the county have been sent a letter offering voluntary redundancy as a cost-cutting measure....
‘whipps X Will Not Close!’
OVER 70 hospital staff, patients, supporters and trade unionists held a rally outside the threatened Whipps Cross District General Hospital in Walthamstow, north London...
Over three hundred angry Camden trade unionists and residents lobbied the Town Hall last Wednesday night over suddenly announced plans to cut services. The Tory-Liberal...
No Action Over NHS Spiralling Deficits
The Labour government has decided to put on hold a decision to scrap the ‘double whammy’ NHS accounting rules that are forcing hospital trusts...
NHS CUTS NIGHTMARE! – Hewitt demands £250m profit in 2008
Public sector union UNISON yesterday slammed Blair’s ‘reform agenda’ as being to blame for NHS deficits, and the British Medical Association (BMA) called on...
Military disaster stares Bush and Blair in the face in Iraq, where the toppling of the puppet regime in the Green Zone will result...
workers and middle class people are on the march throughout Britain to defend the National Health Service. The Blair/Brown government’s ‘reconfiguring’ of over one hundred...
DEFICITS NOT PATIENT CARE! – driving Blair’s NHS plans
Shocked health unions yesterday warned against prime minister Blair’s plans to close a large number of District General Hospitals’ Accident & Emergency...
Campaigners Reject Ippr Insult
NHS DEFENCE campaigners were outraged yesterday at the comments by the Blairite Institute for Public Policy Research that their campaigns to defend District General...
STOP THIS CLOSURE! – Maidstone Hospital A&E threatened
A senior consultant at Maidstone Hospital in Kent last Saturday publicly announced that he has resigned his managerial post because of plans to close...
GAMBLING WITH PEOPLE’S LIVES – 700 Blood Service job cuts condemned
Health unions yesterday accused the government of a ‘reckless gamble that could risk people’s lives’ over plans to close centres and axe 700 Blood...
KEEP ST HELIER HOSPITAL OPEN! – 1,500 demonstrate against A&E closure
Over 1,500 trade unionists, youth and local residents last Saturday defied the rain to march and rally outside St Helier Hospital, near Sutton in...
Take action to stop NHS cuts and closures
IT is now obvious that the Labour government is setting out, at breakneck speed, to privatise the NHS. It has set up private treatment centres...
Pensions Strike!
‘UNISON is having a special local government pensions conference in February. The branches have forced our leaders to concede this so we can...
Halt the NHS race to the bottom
AT a time when the privately owned treatment centres are being handed billions of pounds of the NHS Budget, without any investigation of just...
UNIONS MUST JOIN ACTION! say Defend Chase Farm NHS fighters
‘SAY “No’’ to this sham consultation!’, shouted dozens of angry local residents fighting to save Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield, as they demonstrated outside...
Defend Chase Farm NHS!
‘The consultation process has been an absolute sham’, said Save Chase Farm councillor Kieran McGregor ahead of this morning’s lobby of the NHS Independent...
The Lesson From The NHS Logistics Betrayal
NHS Logistics was taken over by DHL on 1 October – the Blair/Brown government’s first privatisation of an NHS department so far. The supplier of...
‘VICTORY IS CLOSE!’ – say locked-out Gate Gourmet workers
‘VICTORY is close now,’ locked-out Gate Gourmet worker Parmjit Bains told a meeting of more than 200 trade unionists and youth on Sunday in...
‘We have to take action at Whipps Cross Hospital against cuts and closure,’ consultant surgeon Mrs Anna Athow told a packed public meeting in...
‘The whole trade union movement must take action to defend...
MANY thousands of NHS staff, from cleaners to doctors, from all over the country, were joined by members of the public fighting hospital closures...
While NHS workers demand action, Prentis and Barber stay on their...
YESTERDAY thousands of NHS workers took part in the ‘NHS Together’ Lobby of Parliament to demand an end to NHS privatisation. The lobbying...
KEEP ALL DISTRICT GENERAL HOSPITALS OPEN! – unions must take strike...
NO TO PRIVATISATION! SAVE OUR DISTRICT GENERAL HOSPITALS! BLAIR AND BROWN OUT! THE Blair government is gunning for District General Hospitals – David Nicholson, the Chief Executive...
903 NHS COMPULSORY SACKINGS! – Trade unions must act
‘We will be consulting our members on what action should be taken to defend these NHS jobs’, GMB trade union national officer Sharon...
RESTORE FREE EDUCATION! – demand 25,000 marching students
‘IN GREECE and France they have changed things by taking to the streets – you can change things,’ University and College Union joint general...
Trade unions must draw up their own cost of living index
YESTERDAY the UNISON trade union pointed out what most health workers know from hard experience, that; ‘Huge increases in the basics of life eat...
Gate Courmet Campaign
‘It’s shameful the way Gate Gourmet workers have been treated by both the company and the union,’ Hounslow local government UNISON assistant branch secretary...
NHS Together Will Challenge Will Challenge 1.5% Pay Offer
Leading officials of fourteen trade unions representing nurses, physiotherapists, radiographers, occupational therapists and other NHS staff held a press conference on Tuesday, declaring they...
Workers buy tickets for GG locked-out workers rally
‘GATE Gourmet are not going to get away with what they did, sacking us for no reason,’ said Raj Sahdev yesterday on the locked-out...
‘A PAY CUT OF 7-10 PER CENT’ – NHS unions don’t...
Fourteen trade unions representing nurses, physiotherapists, radiographers, occupational therapists and other NHS staff have joined forces to challenge the government’s 1.5 per cent limit...
Patients staying in hospitals where there are fewer nurses on the wards are more likely to die or experience complications, according to a major...
Union leaders must call action now over NHS pay or resign!
THERE is not the slightest doubt that the Labour government has declared all-out war on all NHS staff with its decision to impose a...
AN ‘OUTRAGEOUS PAY CUT’! – UNISON & RCN reject pay board...
Trade unions representing nurses, midwives and health workers covered by the ‘independent’ Pay Review Body (PRB), yesterday reacted angrily to a government-proposed huge ‘pay...
Growing NHS Protests – New ‘Poll Tax’ Rebellion
Health campaigners yesterday warned that NHS privatisation and cuts will be ‘Labour’s poll tax’. The warning came as the number of protests mushroomed around the...
RE-OPEN EPSOM A&E – demands GMB trade union
‘GMB are calling on the government and the minister of health to reinstate the A&E services to Epsom,’ Paul Maloney, Senior Officer of the GMB...
Unions Dither While NHS Logistics Is Sold!
LAST Wednesday, the trade unions with the support of the majority of the Labour Party constituency parties defeated the government on the vital issue...
‘I will be seeking a fresh ballot for more strike action,’ NHS Logistics UNISON Maidstone assistant branch secretary Dean Lane told News Line yesterday. ‘Personally,...
Occupy NHS Logistics on October 1 – trade unions must take...
WEDNESDAY’S twin votes at the Labour Party conference against NHS privatisation emphasised for all to see just how great is the isolation of the...