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400 nurses and other NHS workers strike over safety and pay!

DAY surgery operating theatre nurses at St Thomas’ Hospital opposite Parliament are striking again today against having their shift times forcibly extended again! The 50...

‘We want no more weasel words – we want immediate recognition...

On the fifteenth National march for Palestine over one hundred thousand workers and youth took to the streets in central London in support of...

Organising Socialist Revolution Is The Only Way Out Of The...

THE decision by the Bank of England to keep interest rates at 5.25%, the highest level for 16 years, came as no surprise despite...

Hundreds of thousands of council workers being balloted for action

HUNDREDS of thousands of council workers are to be balloted and urged to reject a ‘pitiful’ and ‘entirely inadequate’ pay offer during the next...

10,000 workers and youth besiege Downing Street demanding banning of all...

OVER 10,000 workers, students and youth attended a protest rally outside Downing Street on Tuesday night with banners, placards and Palestinian flags. They demanded the...

Over 250,000 workers and youth march for Palestine!

More than a quarter of a million workers, students and youth participated in the National March for Palestine through central London on Saturday. Palestine flag-waving...

‘Stop breaking law or we will stop work’ PCS general secretary...

At the start of the rally in Whitehall 14-year-old Abdul Rahman spoke in front of dozens of children waving Palestinian flags and holding big...

Student uprising spreads from US to UK and Europe – It...

THE explosive eruption of students in America against the genocidal war being waged by Israel in Gaza, with the full support of the capitalist...

‘UK must stop funding the Israeli terrorist state’ – Hyde Park...

The first speaker at the rally in Hyde Park was Lujain Abdullah from the Palestinian Forum in Britain, who said: ‘It’s the 29th week...

200,000 March For Victory To Palestine

A HUGE 200,000-strong march of workers, students and youth went from Parliament Square to Hyde Park on Saturday, the 13th National demonstration for Palestine...

From The River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free!

First speaker at the rally in Parliament Square was Louise Regan, the chair of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, who said: ‘Since October, Palestinians have...

200,000 on London March for Palestine!

A HUGE rally of over 200,000 people marched from Russell Square to Trafalgar Square in London on Saturday 30th March, Palestinian Land Day, to...

Athens Students March Attacked By Police

Over 30,000 university students from all the main Greek cities, along with delegations of school students and some 3,000 secondary school teachers and university...

‘This is a struggle to end Zionism and Apartheid’

Continued from news story Organisers informed the rally that there were at least 450,000 on the march, that it was the 10th National March for...

Half a million on London march for Palestine!

HALF A MILLION workers, students and youth marched for Palestine through London on Saturday, assembling in Hyde Park and marching to the American Embassy...

IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE! – demands powerful east London march for Palestine

A POWERFUL march of 500 protesters for Palestine marched through east London on Saturday, setting off from Mile End and marching to Aktab Ali...

250,000 workers & youth march for Palestine!

MORE than 250,000 workers, students and youth marched for Palestine through central London on Saturday. The march assembled outside BBC Broadcasting House in Portland Place...

5,000 march in Cheltenham as TUC refuses to call a general...

FIVE thousand trade unionists  descended on Cheltenham on Saturday, 40 years after 14 workers were sacked at GCHQ for refusing to sign away their...

‘A world where Palestine is not free is a world in...

Continue from lead story First speaker at the rally in Parliament Square was Husam Zomlot, Palestinian Ambassador to the UK, who said: ‘They thought...

One million workers march through London for Palestine

ONE MILLION workers, students and youth marched through central London in support of Palestine on Saturday, condemning 100 days of Israeli genocide during which...

WRP & YS Lobby TUC Congress!

‘TUC Get Off Your Knees, Call a General Strike!’ and ‘TUC Get Off Your Knees, Kick the Tories Out!’ rang out as the Workers...

TUC appeals to the bosses to avoid issuing ‘Work Notices!’ –...

‘UNIONS are not going to lie down’, assured TUC Assistant General Secretary Kate Bell yesterday. She was addressing a press conference at Congress House ahead...

‘We are sure we will emerge victorious out of this war!’...

A SENIOR Hamas official says the Gaza-based Palestinian resistance movement has worked out a major defensive plan in the face of the Israeli onslaught,...

NHS squandering billions on privateers – warns the RCN

THE NHS has squandered billions on agencies that could have been used to hire over 31,000 nurses, says the Royal College of Nursing. New analysis...

500,000 workers and youth march for Palestine

While the so-called Israeli Defence Force intensified its genocidal bombing campaign against Gaza and its ground forces invaded in their tanks, more than half...

170,000 workers & youth march in London for ‘Victory for Palestine’

OVER 150,000 workers, students and youth joined the National March for Palestine from the BBC in Portland Place, central London to Downing Street on...

STOP PRIVATISING THE NHS! say BMA and Unite strikers

BMA AND UNITE strikers picketed and marched round Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel yesterday. BMA member Elizabeth Hobbs told News Line: ‘I’m showing my solidarity...

Local councils £3.5bn financial hole Tories are demanding savage cuts –...

LOCAL councils have a hole in their finances exceeding £3.5bn collectively for the coming financial year, making it extremely likely they will have to...

University pickets call for a general strike!

Over 20,000 staff at scores of universities are striking for five consecutive days this week in their fight for pay and working conditions and...

TUC calls for Israeli boycott but sets no date for action

TUC Congress delegates in Liverpool on Tuesday voted for composite motion C22: ‘Right to boycott’ from the National Education Union. Moving the motion, Louise Regan,...

TUC – call a general strike now to smash the Strikes...

THERE was a powerful Workers Revolutionary Party and Young Socialists lobby of the TUC Conference in Liverpool on Monday morning, where delegate after delegate...

There Is Not A Moment To Waste – TUC Must...

THE RMT and the NASUWT have put down a motion at the TUC Conference condemning the new Tory scabs charter and calling for a...

Unions demand the truth about RAAC

SIX unions have asked urgent questions of Gillian Keegan, the Secretary of State for Education, about RAAC affected schools. The general secretaries of six unions...

Strike-Breaking Regulations Ruled Illegal By High Court

MICK Whelan, general secretary of ASLEF, the train drivers’ union has spoken out after the Tory government suffered a major defeat in the High...

‘A general strike to defeat this Bill is our policy!’ says...

‘We support a general strike to defeat this bill, we supported it in the TUC and it’s our policy,’ RMT leader Mick Lynch told...

‘FORWARD TO STATE OF PALESTINE’ – demand 5,000 marchers

OVER 5,000 workers and youth demonstrated against the Israeli occupation of Palestine on Saturday, marking the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, with a march...

NAHT head teachers union set to join NEU in national action...

On the fifth day of strikes this year, thousands of teachers, students, and supporters marched in London on Tuesday to call for improved working...

Powerful May Day March Calls Kick The Tories Out! Forward To...

THERE was a powerful May Day March from Clarkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square yesterday with more than 10,000 trade unionists, workers, youth and students...

Tory threat to national NHS pay structure is ‘of huge concern’...

UNISON has reaffirmed its commitment to the One Team campaign for the health service, in the face of the government’s ‘divisive’ actions during the...

Tories slash another £250m from social care!

FRAIL and vulnerable people will go without the care they need, the union Unison warned yesterday, after the Tories slashed social care funding by...

‘SAFE PASSAGE TO THE UK!’ – demand 30 top trade union...

REFUGEE support campaign group Care4Calais published an open letter yesterday, signed by 30 top trade union leaders, demanding Safe Passage to the UK. Tory plans...

Time To Destroy The Anti-Union Laws With A General Strike And...

THE FBU has made a decisive intervention, demanding that the trade unions build a campaign to defy the anti-strike laws being pushed through Parliament...

‘The only way forward is a general strike’ – insists Newcastle...

MORE than 10,000 NHS workers, other trade unionists and members of the public marched from UCLH hospital in Euston, central London, to a mass...

Workers Of The World Unite! UK Workers Must Welcome All...

THE Fire Brigades Union is justly proud to have coordinated the following statement, which was passed as a resolution at its Executive Council last...

Tuc Must Defend Palestinians And Call A General Strike To...

THE Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has just announced in a statement that Ahmed Badr Abdullah Abu Ali, a resident of Yatta city in the...