Tag: protest
Labour NEC says it will take back control over funds
PRIME MINISTER Blair yesterday suffered a setback when the Labour Party’s NEC decided that it was going to take back control over the party’s...
Belarus workers vote to keep out capitalism
RIGHT on cue the European election monitors have said that the re-election of President Lukhashenka was flawed and failed to meet international standards. An EU...
MASSACRE! – Inquiry into 15 civilian deaths in Haditha
The United States military is investigating whether US Marines who killed 15 civilians, including women and children, near the western Iraqi town of Haditha...
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) yesterday warned against any ‘quick fix’ plan to keep asthma and heart patients out of hospital ‘just to...
British Imperialism Wants To Redraw Map
IRAQ is in the middle of a civil war, the country’s former interim puppet prime minister, Iyad Allawi, said yesterday. Allawi was appointed by...
Blair is deliberately smashing the NHS
THE just announced 1,000 strong mass sackings at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire which includes 750 compulsory redundancies, as well as 370 nurses...
‘We will fight NHS sackings’
‘We are going to fight the compulsory redundancies,’ West Midlands UNISON regional officer Opinder Tiwana told News Line yesterday, in the wake of University...
Blair Savaged!
THE Prime Minister was savaged at his monthly press conference yesterday after the emergence of the ‘donations for peerages’ scandal and the fact that...
Gate Gourmet Workers – Good Support For March 25 Demo
A DELEGATION of locked-out Gate Gourmet workers visited Hillingdon Direct Works Council Depot yesterday to publicise their march through Hounslow on the 25th of...
Blair’s policies split Labour and aid the Tories
‘IT’S wrong that Downing Street thinks it can run the Labour Party: we are an elected party, a democratic party,’ said the Labour Party...
‘To whom it may concern,’ writes Michelle Harris, president of London Metropolitan University Students’ Union. ‘There is a serious issue occuring at London Met university...
‘Unite, Rise Up And Resist The Invaders’
President Saddam Hussein called on Iraqis to ‘unite, rise up and resist the invaders’, at his show trial yesterday. This prompted chief judge Rauf Abdel...
Organise a general strike over pensions!
ABOUT 1.5 million local council workers are to strike on March 28 to defend their local government pension scheme. It is being described as...
Workers & youth take on the French government
THOUSANDS of students took to the streets in major cities throughout France yesterday in the struggle against Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin’s First Employment...
COLLUSION! – Britain and US condemned over Jericho raid
The Arab league yesterday condemned British and United States collusion with Israel, after Israel attacked a Jericho prison containing six Palestinian militants, 20 minutes...
Gate Gourmet workers win support for march
GATE GOURMET locked-out workers are campaigning every day for their march through Hounslow on Saturday 25th March. Lakhinder Saran told News Line yesterday: ‘I went...
Irish Unions Pledge To Fight Polish Workers Exploitation
Polish workers, some of them members of the Technical Engineering and Electrical Union (TEEU), are being paid 5.20 euros an hour by a contractor...
THE draft political programme of the Hamas-led national coalition government that was distributed to the representatives of the parliamentary blocs and forces during the...
Hounslow Council Leader To Speak At Rally
Gate GOURMET locked out workers were yesterday campaigning for their march through Hounslow on Saturday 25th March. At Hounslow Civic Centre, where the rally is...
Milosevic is dead but the crisis in the Balkans remains
THE death of Slobodan Milosevic in his cell at The Hague, four years into his trial by the imperialist powers for genocide, has left...
Thirteen insurgents hung – Rumsfeld looks forward to a civil war
THE Iraqi puppet authorities have hung 13 people accused of taking part in the insurgency, the first execution of militant nationalists since the US-led...
Police threat to arrest Gate Gourmet pickets
GATE GOURMET locked-out workers were made to dismantle their picket tent and move from the Gate Gourmet factory gates by Heathrow Airport police yesterday. ‘I...
BA’S 2 YEAR PLAN – for £450m savings and up to...
THE new two-year business plan for British Airways was unveiled yesterday and includes provision for reducing costs by £450 million and restoring 10 per...
Police death squads are ok says ACPO
THERE is no need to change the strategy police use to deal with suicide bombers – to put as many bullets into their brain...
Locked-out workers picket Gate Gourmet
Gate Gourmet locked out workers picketed the Heathrow caterer’s factory gate yesterday. This was after Heathrow Airport police, accompanied by a British Airports Authority manager,...
Fight NHS Sackings
‘We will do everything we can to avoid redundancies’, said UNISON south west regional organiser Chris Dayus yesterday, after the Royal...
Police Halt Beacon Hill Picket
HEATHROW Airport police dismantled the Gate Gourmet locked-out workers’ picket tent on the hill at the Beacon Roundabout yesterday, threatening the workers’ TGWU Branch...
‘Nearly three years after United States (US) and allied forces invaded Iraq and toppled the government of Saddam Hussein, the human rights situation in...
‘RESIST DELPHI ATTACKS’ – says ‘The Future of the Union’ UAW...
‘We are moving nearer to Delphi motioning the bankruptcy court to pitch out our labor agreement,’ said ‘The Future of the Union’ rank and...
SALE OF JOBS AND CONDITIONS – CWU signs deal with Royal...
Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) leaders have signed a pay for jobs and ‘efficiency’ deal with Royal Mail. They are attempting to sell it to members...
SIPTU ready to ballot for Aer Lingus strike
SIPTU, the Irish trade union, is to call general meetings of its members in Aer Lingus for next week following an emergency meeting of...
HOSPITAL CLOSURES! –will result from payment by results system says BMA
‘Flaws in the Payment by Results (PbR) system mean that whole hospital departments could be unfairly closed down as “inefficient”,’ warns the British Medical...
HOME OFFICE ACCUSED! – of alerting Berlusconi over Mills extradition
‘Will the present inquiry by the Cabinet Secretary examine whether or not the Home Office acted improperly in relation to an extradition request for...
Bma Oppose Health Rationing
‘We are not against improving patient referral standards, but we are opposed to referral management to cut costs and ration treatment,’ British Medical Association...
Defeat the Education Bill – no to an education market
THE government has published its Education Bill, with up to 100 Labour MPs still opposed to it. The Education and Inspection Bill allows schools in...
Asda Strike Ballot
THE GMB trade union Central Executive Council (CEC) yesterday gave the go-ahead for an official national strike ballot of members employed by Wal-Mart owned...
GATE GOURMET locked out workers were back on the hill yesterday after their successful mass picket on Sunday. Lakhinder Saran said: ‘Our mass picket was...
MASS PICKET – a huge success say Gate Gourmet locked-out workers
AROUND 150 locked-out Gate Gourmet workers and their supporters – including members of the PCS, CWU, UNISON and Amicus trade unions – staged a...
Greenford Bus Workers To Join Mass Picket
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are holding their monthly mass picket at the Beacon Roundabout, Beacon Road, near Heathrow Airport, Terminal Four from 11am to...
‘Join Our Mass Picket This Sunday’
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are calling on all their supporters to join them at their monthly mass picket on the hill at the Beacon...
Gate Gourmet Locked-Out Workers Lobby Tuc
In London Gate Gourmet locked out workers lobbied the TUC. Here they are discussing with MARY BOUSTED the leader of the ATL teaching union...
98 deaths in US custody in Iraq and Afghanistan
ON the brink of the third anniversary of the Anglo-US invasion of Iraq, the US based Human Rights First organisation has released a report...
Abbas Urges ‘Popular And Peaceful Resistance’
Amid mounting Israeli restrictions on Palestinian freedom of movement, President Mahmud Abbas on Saturday sponsored the swearing in of the new Hamas-dominated Palestinian Legislative...
‘Not One Dollar, Not One Dime, – Cutting Wages Is A...
AROUND 75 rank-n-file members of the United Auto Workers demonstrated outside the historic Flint East Delphi plant on February 16, 2006. Workers from Saginaw, Flint...
From New Labour Spin To Union Busting
GMB trade union members demonstrated yesterday against the union-busting propaganda for Asda Wal-Mart being supplied by public relations company Portland PR, which was set...