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Trade Unions Must Name The Date For The General Strike To...

OVER 10,000 demonstrators took to the streets of London on Saturday, protesting against the ongoing genocide in Gaza and Lebanon. The protest, organised by the...

Over 10,000 workers and youth rally for Palestinian state!

OVER 10,000 workers, youth and their families rallied in Trafalgar Square on Saturday for a ‘day of action for Palestine.’ The rally was called by...

Argentinian students and teachers pepper-sprayed during protests!

ARGENTINIAN universities began a 24-hour strike on Thursday. The National Interuniversity Council (CIN), professors’ and workers’ unions, and student organisations held the 24-hour strike in...

UK workers must force the TUC to call a general strike...

HAMAS leader Yahya Sinwar was murdered on Thursday in Rafah, southern Gaza, by Israeli troops after a tank shelled the building he entered. Seen defiantly...

US arms manufacturers make record profits – while US labour disputes...

American arms dealers have gathered ‘record profits’ from Israel’s wars on the besieged Gaza Strip and Lebanon, according to a new report. In a report...

Recall the TUC Congress to organise a general strike for Palestine!

ON Thursday, the TUC’s non-existent Day of Action to support Palestine, 63 people were annihilated by Israel in northern Gaza and 22 in Central...

North Korea has no intention of attacking South Korea or of...

North Korea has no intention of attacking South Korea, nor does it have any interest in a forceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula, the...

Gaza genocide escalating into the West Bank

THE use of fighter jets by the Israeli occupation army for the first time since 2000 to bombard a popular café in Tulkarem city...

No Ifs, No Buts – TUC must call an immediate general...

Over 300,000 workers, students and youth marched on Downing Street last Saturday in a massive demonstration of support for Palestine and demanding an end...

More than 300,000 workers, students and youth march on Downing St...

MORE than 300,000 workers, students and youth marched on Downing Street to mark the anniversary of the start Israel’s Gaza genocide on Saturday. At least...

TSSA General Secretary calls for meaningful action by the trade unions...

AT the rally in Whitehall, next to Downing Street, Palestinian Ambassador to the UK Husam Zomlot said: ‘It has been one year of genocide...

US dockers tell bosses strikes will resume if their demands are...

THE International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) dockers union in the United States has agreed to suspend its strike of over 30 ports on the East...

Gaza’s annual report on Israel’s devastating war since October 7th 2023

THE Gaza Strip Government Media Office (GMO) has published its annual report about Israel’s devastating war on Gaza since October 7th, 2023. According to the...

Reply to the US-UK attacks on the Palestinians by making October...

THE Hamas movement has condemned the Israeli occupation’s brutal aerial attacks on Hezbollah and the Lebanon as a ‘dangerous escalation’ and ‘part of the...

Spain held general strike against Israel’s genocide!

A day of protest was called on Friday, September 27, and a general strike took place across the whole of Spain in solidarity with...

Labour conference exposes bankruptcy of Starmer’s government – now is the...

THE speech by Labour’s Chancellor Rachel Reeves to the party’s annual conference on Monday was nothing more than an appeal to the international financial services...

60,000-strong Melbourne march to defend unions!

CONSTRUCTION, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union (CFMEU) supporters have warned that the massiveprotests bringing city traffic in Melbourne and Sydney to a halt last...

Airport workers strike in Argentina – while Milei pursued for arrest...

Airport workers carried out an 11-hour strike at 27 airports in Argentina on Thursday. The action took place in two slots, between 6am and 12...

710 Palestinian babies under the age of one killed by Israeli...

THE ISRAELI military killed at least 710 Palestinian babies before they made it to their first birthday, the equivalent of two infants under one-year-old...

The UK workers movement and the TUC must give their immediate...

YAHYA Sinwar, the political leader of the Hamas Movement, has written to Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, the head of the Ansar Allah Movement, conveying his profound...

11,355 Children Killed In Zionist Genocide

THE Gaza Health Ministry has published a report detailing the name, age, gender and identification numbers of tens of thousands of people killed by...

Hamas agrees to form a Palestinian national unity government!

MEMBER of Hamas political bureau Osama Hamdan said on Sunday that his movement wants ‘joint Palestinian rule’ if the war comes to a halt...

A mass demonstration against Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza has been...

A just-issued Coalition statement from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament states that: ‘In October, we will mark a year since the start of Israel’s...

#BlockTheBoat – Global mobilisation to stop explosives for Israel

In a display of solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, activists around the world have joined forces to block the MV Kathrin, a cargo vessel...

Gaza City facing urban destruction by Israeli fire power and forced...

THE Al-Zaytoun neighbourhood, southeast of Gaza City, is facing extensive urban destruction by Israeli firepower and forced displacement of its residents. The Israeli military...

‘Save Palestinian schools from the Israeli occupation’s genocide’

SEVERAL Palestinian associations and institutions have issued a statement calling on the international community to save Palestinian schools from the occupation’s education genocide, as...

THE TUC must take general strike action to support Palestine and...

‘THE report issued by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Michael Fakhry, on the Israeli-induced starvation in the Gaza Strip...

‘We demand a complete arms embargo now & recognition!’ –Palestinian ambassador...

THE first speaker at the rally in Kensington High Street at the end of the march was Apsana Begum, MP for Poplar and Limehouse,...

125,000 workers, students & youth march for Palestine

THERE were 125,000 workers, students and youth on Saturday’s 18th National March for Palestine through London, from Piccadilly to a quarter of a mile...

Argentina’s President Milei reduces the workforce at state-owned airline by 13%

RIGHT-WING Argentina president President Javier Milei’s spokesman said on Thursday that his government has reduced the workforce at state-owned airline Aerolineas Argentinas by 13...

Stop arming Israel US workers demand!

AS ISRAEL’S genocide in Gaza nears its 11th month, US workers are continuing to rally and demand that President Joe Biden and vice president...


HEALTHWORKERS 4 Palestine and Amnesty International UK staged a mass solidarity protest outside St Thomas’ Hospital in London on Friday night. The protest was to...

GENERAL STRIKE SWEEPS ISRAEL – then Labour Court rules it illegal

YESTERDAY’S General Strike across Israel was pronounced illegal by the Tel Aviv Labour Court, which ordered the Histradut union organisation to call it off...

Abu Shujaa the commander of the Tulkarm Brigade was assassinated last...

ABU Shujaa, the intrepid commander of the Tulkarm Brigade, was assassinated last Thursday during a deadly Israeli military raid on the Nur Shams refugee...

Capitalism’s world economy is heading for a catastrophe – the only...

‘THE US is staring at a possible hard landing while Europe is struggling and China is sinking!’ This is the message from the Daily Telegraph’s...

Bankrupt Britain Is On The Rocks! Now Is The Time To...

JUST 50 days after being elected with an unassailable landslide 141-seat majority, the Labour government has replaced the hated Tory austerity cuts with Labour...

Zimbabwe authorities must immediately release detained human rights defenders

THE Zimbabwean authorities must immediately release human rights defenders who have been arbitrarily detained for over two weeks and drop charges against them, independent...

Hamas calls for the ‘criminalisation of the Israeli occupation’ of Palestine!

ON World Humanitarian Day, the Hamas movement called for ‘criminalising the occupation’s violations against humanitarian work, and stopping its escalating terrorism against the Gaza...

School And Market Targeted As Israeli Genocide Escalates

‘BOMBARDMENT is overwhelming the entire Gaza Strip, with no respite since the early hours of this morning,’ Palestinians reported from Gaza yesterday. At least nine...

Universities in the US imposing ‘police state’ campus measures

United States universities are imposing ‘police state’ rules in an attempt to avoid a repeat of campus protests against Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza,...

Football fans united to defend communities!

Far-right violence erupted across the UK in early August, prompting an alliance of football fans to rally in defence of threatened communities. In Liverpool, supporters...

French trade unions send greetings to Bangladesh workers!

‘In Bangladesh protesters impose their power!’ French trade union federation La CGT declared on Tuesday, as it congratulated and sent greetings to the nation’s...

Working class is more powerful than right wing mobs and the...

WEDNESDAY night was promoted as the night the right-wing mobs would take over the streets of Britain, burning Mosques and hotels that have housed...

Racists driven off the streets!

IN A powerful display of unity and solidarity on Wednesday, thousands of youth and workers gathered across the UK to form human shields to...

UCL Condemned For Going To The Law Courts!

‘UCL Stand for Justice’ has condemned the north London university for going to the courts and smearing its campaign in support of Palestine and...