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Chronic understaffing in the health service!

ALMOST half of NHS workers on the front line of patient care say there are not enough staff on their shift to ensure patients...

70% of medical students can’t afford necessities!

SEVEN out of 10 medical students cannot afford basic necessities, finds a BMA survey. An annual BMA poll found over two-thirds (70%) of 639 surveyed...

Health & Safety Fit for workers 2019 manifesto

‘EVIDENCE shows’, says a just-released statement by the Hazards Campaign, ‘that the three factors that make work “safer and healthier” are – strong laws,...

GMB denounces May’s NHS plan

‘How does the government expect to deliver everything promised in the plan without the staff to deliver the services,’ asked GMB union yesterday in...

Gaza Hospital Superbug Epidemic

AN EPIDEMIC of an antibiotic-resistant superbug is spreading throughout the hospital system in Palestine’s Gaza City, with doctors warning of a ‘global health security...


A NEW investigation carried out by the BMA has discovered that private consultancy firms have been paid at least £26m by the NHS as...


THE SOUTH African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU) has not welcomed the Poverty National Minimum Wage Act, which was signed into law last Friday...

French ‘yellow vest’ protest today!

LES GILETS JAUNES, France’s nationwide ‘yellow vest’ protest movement, has organised to unite and descend on Paris today Saturday 24 November, in an attempt...

Tories plan to scrap hospitals and treat people at home

YESTERDAY, the Tories announced their latest ploy to try and convince the country that in the face of all the evidence they actually support...

1,000 Teachers, Parents And Supporters March On Department For Education

ONE thousand teachers, parents and supporters marched through Westminster in the cold and rain, led by the National Education Union, (NEU) to demand that...

Nursing shortage shuts cancer units

CHILDREN’S wards and cancer units are closing hand over fist across the entire country with the nurses union RCN warning that ‘skeleton staffing’ means...

Three year smoke & mirrors pay deal means real financial hardship...

‘THE CURRENT 3 year deal,’ says Gary Palmer GMB Regional Organiser, ‘fails to deliver a real terms pay increase for the majority of NHS...

Half of A&Es in Red Zone

‘OVER half of all major Emergency Departments are currently operating in the Red Zone,’ Dr Adrian Boyle of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine...

Delays in test results patients’ lives at risk!

IN THE last year 29,000 people waited over six weeks for results from their scans and biopsies, due to a massive shortage of NHS...

‘There is revolutionary determination to smash capitalism’ –WRP General Secretary tells...

OVER 100 workers, trade unionists and youth attended the rally at the Indian YMCA in Fitzroy Square, central London on Sunday to mark...

King George’s Ilford cancer unit to close for lack of nurses...

THE CEDAR CENTRE, the chemotherapy unit at the King George Hospital in Ilford is to shut down on November 12th, because it cannot find...

‘DON’T INTRODUCE REGIONAL PAY!’ – RCN warning for Chancellor Hammond

REGIONALISING public sector pay would exacerbate the NHS recruitment crisis and leave parts of the country unable to provide safe care, the leader of...

Australian mass marches against low pay!

MORE THAN 170,000 workers marched through Melbourne, Australia on Tuesday, while tens of thousands of others marched through Sydney, Wollongong, Gladstone, Cairns, Mackay, Darwin,...

A&E closures putting lives at risk

THE MASS closure of A&E’s at hospitals around the country has created a situation where many patients now live in A&E ‘black spots,’ where...

UK public service workers doing 40 million hours unpaid overtime

Public services support staff – including teaching assistants and hospital porters – are doing more than 40 million hours of unpaid overtime a year,...

Doctors and nurses warn cuts mean new winter crisis

DOCTORS and nurses slammed government cuts and warned of a new winter crisis in response to the latest NHS Digital performance figures released on...

NHS Staffing Crisis As Wages Are Forced Down And Conditions Worsened

THE shortage of NHS staff in England is worsening official figures show. One in 11 posts is vacant, with the situation particularly bad...

25% Of Nurses Drop Out Of Degree Courses

ONE-IN-FOUR student nurses are dropping out of their degrees before graduation, according to a new investigation, adding to the ongoing NHS staffing crisis, warns...

SAFTU fights to end two-tier health regime

THE South African Federation of Trade Unions stands fully in support of the long-overdue introduction of a national health insurance (NHI) system, and welcomes...

Nurses fury over pay deal! – EGM called for September 28th

THE RCN Council has called an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) which will take place on 28/09/18 at 11.00 am at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre,...

AUSTERITY MUST END NOW! says Unite’s McCluskey as nurses’ leader quits

‘AUSTERITY must end now,’ Unite General Secretary Len McCluskey said yesterday, on the eve of the TUC Congress, following the announcement that the UK...

Students driven out of university

AXING student grants while hiking up university fees to an eyewatering £9,500 a year has driven tens of thousands of students out of education,...

Specialist nurse numbers drop by 40%!

‘The nursing shortage in England is harming some of the most vulnerable members of society,’ a senior nurse and Royal College of Nursing (RCN)...

Dr Bawa-Garba wins her appeal!

DOCTOR Hadiza Bawa-Garba, who was struck of the medical register, and not allowed to treat patients ever again, has won her appeal, reversing the...

SAFTU condemns 30,000 public sector ‘jobs slaughter’

SAFTU (South African Federation of Trade Unions) is incensed at the report in the Mail & Guardian that there is a plan lay off...

Three Israeli warships intercepted the Al-Awda!

YESTERDAY the Palestinian Mission hosted a press conference for Dr Swee Ang, the first female orthopaedic and trauma consultant surgeon at St Bartholomew and...

Angry Nurses Force Emergency General Meeting Over Pay Sell-Out!

AN EMERGENCY General meeting will be held by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) in September, in response to a petition with over 1,000...

US janitors announce historic contract victory!

SEIU Local 1 janitors in Detroit, Michigan, joined by supporters and elected officials, have announced their historic contract victory which includes raises to $15...

Angry Nurses Force Re-Call Over Wages!

NURSES’ anger over the NHS pay sell-out has forced the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) to call an Emergency General Meeting in ‘late September’,...

Nurses demand emergency conference to remove union leaders guilty of...

NURSES reacted with fury last week when they received their July pay packets and realised that the 3% pay increase their union, the RCN,...

Nurses Very Angry Over The Big Pay Sell-Out!

THE HEAD of the Royal College of Nursing has apologised after nurses in England complained of being ‘misled’ over the new pay deal. The union...

30,000 New Zealand nurses take strike action

30,000 NEW Zealand nurses went on strike across the country last Thursday over pay and conditions, the first national nurses strike for 30 years. The...

Restore student nurses bursaries

NHS England has launched what they called ‘their biggest recruitment drive in history’ in an attempt to fill the 35,000 shortfall in nurses. However,...

Robots to replace nurses treating dementia!

PLANS were pushed forward yesterday to drive patients out of hospital, see their GP via the internet rather than face-to-face and even have robots...

Defend The NHS–Get The Tories Out!

‘WE CHANGE things in the NHS and make them better. But shortages of staff means patient care suffers. A&Es are closing, Hunt doesn’t care,...

‘General Practice is cracking’ – Dr Vautrey tells BMA Representative Meeting

‘GENERAL Practice is cracking,’ Dr Richard Vautrey, GP committee UK chair, told the BMA Annual Representative Meeting in Brighton yesterday, highlighting the closure of...

Reject Tory fake pledges on NHS funding – Only Socialism will...

THE SURPRISE announcement by Theresa May on Sunday that the Tories had plans to put £20 billion of extra funding into the NHS over...

Thousands of patients sent home too soon!

THE NHS is so short staffed, with such a lack of beds that patients are being sent home too early, as a result...

‘Hospitals a thing of the past’ – vicious Tory attack on...

HOSPITALS as we know them will become a thing of the past ‘over the course of the next decade’, with patients being treated...

‘Appalling’ treatment of staff as privateer closes two hospitals in Australia

Hundreds of staff working at two of Australia’s private hospitals set to be closed over the next few weeks were notified of the closures...