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May Is Full Of Praise For Labour Right Wing

PM MAY danced onto the stage at the Tory Party conference in Birmingham yesterday to the strains of Abba’s Dancing Queen and claimed that...
Deliveroo workers at their union meeting – have voted to join the Uber Eats, McDonald’s, TGI Friday’s and Wetherspoons strike

Uber Eats, Deliveroo, TGI Friday’s Wetherspoons and McDonald’s STRIKE TOGETHER

UBER Eats and Deliveroo drivers are now joining McDonald’s, TGI Friday’s and Wetherspoons workers in a day of strike action tomorrow to demand a...
A local resident holds up the charred remains of Grenfell Tower cladding – 468 buildings across the UK are clad in the same flammable aluminium composite – the Tories refuse to ban it

Tories refuse to ban Grenfell cladding on 468 buildings!

FLAMMABLE cladding is not going to be banned from existing buildings, Tory Housing Secretary James Brokenshire announced yesterday at the Conservative Party conference. This...


DEPUTY Labour Party leader Tom Watson yesterday urged Tory leader May to ‘come and talk to the Labour Party’. ‘If she cannot get...

Entire RCN leadership sacked by membership – Members vote of no confidence at Extraordinary...

THE ENTIRE leadership of the nurses union RCN has been sacked by the membership! A vote of no confidence at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)...
Over 1,000 heads marched on Downing Street yesterday with a clear message for Chancellor Hammond!

Over 1,000 head teachers march against cuts

OVER one thousand head teachers across England and Wales yesterday held a mass protest over savage cuts to their schools’ budgets. Heads from Peterborough,...
Striking Lewisham Southwark College lecturers are determined to win a pay rise after years of no increments

Lewisham College 2-day strike Lecturers on poverty pay

‘THE MONEY’S there. We want our share!’ said striking lecturers at Lewisham Southwark College in southeast London yesterday morning. Members of the University and...

Corbyn makes May an offer

LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn, in his speech to the party conference yesterday, made Tory PM May an offer: he said that Labour would give...

‘Remain in EU an option’ says Starmer

‘CONFERENCE, it is right that Parliament has the first say, but if we need to break the impasse our options must include campaigning for...
Delegates at the TUC Congress earlier this month showing their support for Palestine – a resolution at the Labour Party Conference demanded end the siege of Gaza

‘Stop UK arms sales to Israel and end Gaza blockade’

END the blockade of Gaza! Stop selling arms to Israel! Investigate Israel for war crimes! delegate to the Labour Party conference, Sarah Jane Potter...

Labour will renationalise water, power & Royal Mail ‘and we’re ready to win election’...

‘WE WILL be bringing water, energy, Royal Mail, rail back into public ownership again,’ shadow chancellor John McDonnell said to cheers during his speech...

Widespread Russian-Israeli cooperation revealed

‘WE BELIEVE that the blame for the Russian Il-20 aircraft tragedy lies entirely with the Israeli Air Force,’ Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Major General...
Workers wanting an end to Tory austerity voted to leave the EU – Labour is prepared to hold a second referendum

Corbyn OKs second referendum vote

YESTERDAY morning, both in the capitalist press and on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said that if the Labour Party...

May Returns To ‘No Deal Is Better Than A Bad Deal!’

AFTER PM May’s Chequers deal was blown out of the water by the EU on Thursday evening, yesterday May ‘addressed the nation’ and said...
Demonstration against a forced academy at St Andrew & St Francis School in Brent

Large Scale Academy Cuts!

LARGE cuts are looming at the TBAP multi-academy trust, which runs schools in London, Essex, Cambridgeshire and the North West, following accusations of financial...
The Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Trust campaigners on the NHS march – they successfully forced the withdrawal of a subsidiary company – now NHS Improvement has ‘paused’ the setting up of subsidiaries all over the country

‘A SIGNIFICANT VICTORY!’ – Health unions hail subsidiaries ‘pause’

‘A SIGNIFICANT victory’ for health workers is how Unite described the decision by NHS Improvement to ‘pause’ the setting up of wholly owned subsidiary...
Doctors on the NHS 70th Anniversary march rightly insist they will refuse to check the immigration status of their patients

Stop charging non-UK citizens for NHS – demands new report from Maternity Action

‘THE GOVERNMENT should immediately suspend charging for NHS maternity care,’ for non-UK residents, concludes a new report released yesterday from Maternity Action. The report, called...
Mass demonstration through central London against US, UK, French and Israeli forces attacking Syria

Russia ‘reserves the right to respond’ – after Israeli actions down its plane in...

RUSSIA ‘reserves the right to respond’ after Israel’s actions led to the downing of a military plane in Latakia in Syria, resulting in...

Jaguar workers–three day week until Xmas!

JAGUAR workers have been put on a three-day week until Christmas! This affects as many as half of the two thousand workers at its...
John McDonnell was the moving force behind last July’s ‘Tories Out!’ march on Parliament

DESELECTION BATTLE! – due at Labour Party Conference

THE LABOUR Party Conference in Liverpool next week is set to battle over the mandatory reselection of MPs. If it is agreed it will be...

Rbs And Criminal Activity!

ROYAL Bank of Scotland (RBS) chief executive Ross McEwan has been accused by MPs on the Treasury Select Committee of withholding information about an...

Leon Briggs’ family furious! – no action against police after his death

NO ACTION is to be taken against the police after the death of Leon Briggs, who died after being restrained by police in 2013,...
TUC delegates wave Palestinian flags and condemn Israel’s new racist law

Israel’s Nation-State Law condemned by the TUC!

TUC DELEGATES in Manchester yesterday waved Palestinian flags as they voted unanimously for Emergency Motion 4, ‘Cuts to UNWRA and the Nation-State Law.’ This...
TUC leaders and delegates launch a campaign for £10 an hour minimum wage at the TUC Congress in Manchester yesterday

‘Zero hours contracts will be banned’ under Labour! – McDonnell addresses TUC

‘ZERO hours contracts will be banned’ under a Labour government Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell said yesterday in a keynote address to the TUC...

RMT opposes the TUC over 2nd referendum!

RMT leader Mick Cash hit out to oppose the TUC General Council statement on Brexit saying that it was a staging post to try...
Youth marching on the mass march on the anniversary of the Grenfell fire – TUC delegates demand flammable cladding is banned

‘WORST FIRE SINCE BLITZ’ –Congress discusses Grenfell inferno

DELEGATES at the Trade Union Congress in Manchester yesterday voted unanimously for Composite Motion 3: Grenfell Tower. The motion condemns the tragedy where...
A section of the Young Socialists/WRP lobby of the Trade Union Congress with the Chagos Islanders well to the fore


TUC DELEGATES on the opening day of their Congress in Manchester yesterday, were lobbied by a large delegation of WRP and YS members...
Labour Party march to get the Tories out in July last year –  many Labour MPs now consider Labour leader Corbyn to be their main enemy

Labour MPs lose no confidence votes!

TWO Labour MPs who lost no-confidence votes among local party members have told constituents they will not quit. Former minister, and chair of Labour...
BMA members marching against Tory cuts and privatisation

BMA opposes ex-Tory minister in charge of NHS!

DOCTORS’ leaders yesterday spoke out against appointing former Tory health minister Lord Prior as Chair of NHS England. Prior, who served in the Tory...

Home Office ‘slave labour’ Asylum seekers working for £1 an hour

REFUGEES, asylum seekers and those that the Home Office are seeking to deport are being set to work in the detention centres, and paid...
Labour Party supporters of Jeremy Corbyn protesting at the right-wing witch-hunt against him

Labour NEC gives in to witch-hunt

THE LABOUR Party’s governing body, the National Executive Committee (NEC), yesterday adopted all of the examples of ‘anti-Semitism’ in the international definition, in addition...

118 sites face privatisation demolition or ‘regeneration’ 8,000 London council homes under threat

ONE hundred and eighteen council housing sites in London are facing privatisation, demolition or ‘regeneration,’ which will mean, according to council responses to a...
Generations of Chagos Islanders occupied Trafalgar Sq for 5 days during July demanding their right to return to their homeland – they protested at The Hague yesterday

Chagos Islanders protest at the Hague

CHAGOS Islanders travelled from the UK to Holland yesterday to protest outside the International Court of Justice in The Hague to demand the right...
Student nurses demanding the return of bursaries – financial hardships are forcing many student nurses to drop out of their courses

25% Of Nurses Drop Out Of Degree Courses

ONE-IN-FOUR student nurses are dropping out of their degrees before graduation, according to a new investigation, adding to the ongoing NHS staffing crisis, warns...

McDonnell wants to avoiD split ‘at all costs’

SHADOW chancellor John McDonnell is ‘worried and saddened’ by the prospect of a Labour Party split and has appealed to MPs considering leaving the...

Fear of masses dominates EU talks

BOTH the UK and the EU claimed yesterday that ‘progress’ is being made in the Brexit talks. Unresolved issues include intellectual property, data protection, the...

Hands off fire service says Norfolk

THE Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC) proposal to take control of Norfolk fire service will put ‘public safety at risk’, a councillor has said. Norfolk...
Junior doctors outside Lewisham Hospital during their national strike – 8,000 doctors shifts were left uncovered in London alone last year

8,000 doctors shifts uncovered

JUNIOR doctors are being left in charge of A&Es for entire shifts without a single senior doctor on the ward, new figures have revealed,...
Youth on a march against austerity, benefit cuts and in-work poverty – 800,000 workers are on zero hours contracts

‘Workless’ families fall – child poverty soars!

THE PROPORTION of households in the UK where no-one is working is at its lowest point for over 20 years, the Office for National...

DEXTER BRISTOL WALK-OUT! – died after being classified illegal

THE MOTHER and sister of Dexter Bristol (57), who died suddenly earlier this year after being classified as an illegal immigrant, angrily walked out...
Notting Hill Carnival goers had a great time all day

A million turn out for Carnival

MORE THAN one million people from all around the world attended the two-day Notting Hill Carnival yesterday and on Sunday, with its fantastic...

123,000 Children Spent School Holiday Homeless

MORE than 123,000 children and their families have spent their school holiday homeless, an increase of around 53,000 since the summer holidays of 2011,...
Nurses on the march against any pay cap – they are certain to make their point very forcibly at September’s EGM

Nurses fury over pay deal! – EGM called for September 28th

THE RCN Council has called an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) which will take place on 28/09/18 at 11.00 am at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre,...

Raab Outlines Brexit Crisis!

TORY Brexit secretary Dominic Raab yesterday set out what he called ‘practical and proportionate’ advice in case the UK leaves the EU with no...

Average Weekly Wage £13 Lower!

AVERAGE weekly earnings in the UK are £13 lower than they were a decade ago, a think tank study has found. Job insecurity is...