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Labour lets May & Gove off the hook!

THE LABOUR opposition let both Tory Education Secretary Michael Gove and Home Secretary Theresa May off the hook by failing to call for their...
Part of the contingent of Gate Gourmet sacked workers with their historic banner outside the TUC Congress yesterday

‘THE WHOLE COUNTRY IS CASUALISED’ – Woodley admits TUC responsibility

Delegates voted unanimously for Composite 3: ‘Agency Workers’ at the TUC Congress yesterday calling for ‘legislation to outlaw discrimination against agency workers’. It called on...

Tax Credit Revolt Threatens Tories!

‘TORY MPs could lose their seats at the next General Election if they support George Osborne’s tax credit cuts,’ said Seema Malhotra MP, Labour’s...

MASS GRAVES AT GAZA HOSPITALS – EU & UN call for war crimes inquiry

THE EU and the UN called for an official probe into mass graves at hospitals in Gaza, where hundreds of bodies have been discovered,...

‘A KICK IN THE TEETH FOR PASSENGERS!’ – TSSA condemns above inflation fare...

TSSA rail union General Secretary, Manuel Cortes, has rounded on the Government over plans for an inflation-busting rail fares increase in England next year...
Greek workers and youth rally outside the Greek parliament for a ‘no’ vote in Sunday’s referendum

Greek Workers Voting ‘No!’

SOME 3,000 mostly young people marched to the European Commission offices in Athens on Thursday evening calling for a ‘NO’-‘OXI’ vote in Sunday’s referendum. A...

Gm Hits Luton With 354 Job Losses

General Motors (GM) yesterday announced 354 job cuts at Vauxhall’s UK plant in Luton and none in Ellesmere Port. On Wednesday, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)...

Victory for Syrian troops

THE General Command of the Syrian army said yesterday that ‘Our armed forces succeeded early on Wednesday to restore security and stability to the...
Demonstrators in Forest Gate denounce Blair as the terrorist and demand the police apologise for the raid on a local working class family

APOLOGISE! Forest Gate residents condemn raid

Hundreds of youth and workers demonstrated outside Forest Gate police station denouncing the capitalist state and declaring that ‘Tony Blair is the terrorist!’ They were...

2,500 refugees’ lifejackets placed outside parliament

OVER 2,500 lifejackets were placed on the lawn outside parliament, in Parliament Square yesterday, each representing the life of a refugee man, woman or...
Students from all over the country lobbied parliament in February for the right to free English language courses


Staff and students from North London colleges are today marching to demonstrate their opposition to plans to restrict access to free English for Speakers...
TGWU members at this month’s ‘Defend our Public Services’ rally


‘There should be no question of making patients pay for operations that are considered essential by their doctor or consultant,’ insisted UNISON head of...

Tories Refuse Additional Help To Gp Practices! – BMA

GP LEADERS are dismayed as the UK Secretary of State refuses to give additional help to GP practices. The Health and Social Care Secretary is...

£18m wage cut for mid-Yorkshire NHS Trust

Up to 1,100 NHS jobs are to be axed at Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS trust, in a bid to cut the pay bill by...

PCS put on war footing!

FORMAL backing for more than a quarter of a million civil and public servants to join a public sector-wide strike on November 30 puts...
Youth and students in their tens of thousands marched for free education and to defend the EMA last November

‘WE ARE DETERMINED TO DEFEAT THE COALITION!’ – says Campaign Against Cuts & Fees

‘We are determined to proceed with our march today and defeat the government’, said the National Campaign Against Cuts and Fees (NCACF). The Committee...

US has lost all control in Syria says Churkin

THE UNITED States air strike on Deir Ez-zor on Saturday, which killed 62 Syrian soldiers, means the US has lost control over the situation...

Pfi Crisis Hits Bart’s & London

‘Direct government investment is by far the cheapest and best way to build new hospitals,’ said a UNISON spokeswoman yesterday, in response to the...

BEIS indefinite strike!

OVER 20 PCS catering workers at the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), working for contractor Aramark, walked out on indefinite strike...

Coventry Council sacks hundreds!

THE UNITE union has described the decision of Coventry council to press ahead and fire and rehire its entire refuse collection workforce as totally...

Irish Gross National Product Shrinks By 2.2%

The continued austerity programme is costing jobs and making recovery almost impossible, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions said yesterday. Official figures released yesterday showed...

RCN: ‘Not a single unoccupied bed!’

‘ON EVERY day except Friday last week, several hospitals across England didn’t have a single unoccupied bed,’ Donna Kinnair, Director of Nursing, Policy and...

Gp Commissioning Fraud Is Exposed!

GP commissioning will not in fact be GP commissioning. This was brought home in a Channel Four news item on Monday night which publicised GPs’...

27,100 REPOSSESSIONS IN 2007 – says Council of Mortgage Lenders

The number of people in the UK whose homes were repossessed last year rose by 21 per cent, to 27,100, compared to 22,400 in...

Johnson Mortally Wounded In Confidence Vote

TORY PM Boris Johnson was mortally wounded in the no confidence vote in parliament last night, with 40% of Tory MPs voting against his...
Gate Gourmet locked-out worker Lakhinder campaigning before a meeting of TGWU busworker reps in Hillingdon

‘Our hardship payments must continue’ say Gate Gourmet pickets

LOCKED-OUT Gate Gourmet workers are furious that their union leaders in the TGWU have ended their hardship payments. Lakhinder Saran told News Line yesterday: ‘We...

GM HANDED TO MAGNA! – 10.000 to be sacked

GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel was first to announce yesterday that General Motors (GM) has chosen Canadian auto parts manufacturer Magna to buy Opel and...
March to London’s City Hall demanding more council housing to solve the homeless crisis


THE NUMBER of visits to hospital accident and emergency departments by homeless people has more than trebled under Tory governments since 2011, the BMA...
TGWU leader TONY WOODLEY surrounded by locked out Gate Gourmet workers at the May Day demonstration in London


Vauxhall Ellesmere Port workers voted unanimously at a mass meeting yesterday morning to reject the voluntary redundancy package put forward by General Motors. They were...
The RMT urged voters to vote ‘Leave’ in the EU referendum. Labour’s Manifesto refuses to break with the EU

Labour tinkers with capitalism – won’t break with EU & won’t scrap Universal Credit

LABOUR’S leaked General Election Manifesto starts with a declaration that ‘Labour understands that wealth creation is a collective endeavour – between investors, workers, public...
Riot police attack with tear gas spray gun a protesting student outside the central Athens office of the Finance Ministry’s Secretary on Thursday. Photo courtesy left.gr

Greek Youth Unemployment Now Over 61.7%

GREEK Statistics Authority (ELSTAT) announced catastrophic unemployment and recession figures in its monthly report on Thursday. ELSTAT stated that youth unemployment (15-24 years old) reached...

Evacuate within 24 hours or else face Israeli invasion – US & Israel tell...

ISRAEL has ordered residents of Gaza City to evacuate the area within 24 hours, in what is viewed as a precursor of a ground...

TUC calls November 2 lobby of Parliament

TUC leader Frances O’Grady welcomed delegates to the TUC Congress yesterday saying: ‘Welcome to the TUC, our parliament for working people. ‘Represented, here in the...

May undermines Parliament!

‘WHAT I am setting out today is a simple democratic demand, it is not taking an opinion one way or the other of what...
Lively West Hendon tenants determined to fight privateers ‘regeneration’ of their estate creating evictions

New Era Tenants Face Eviction!

TENANTS on the New Era estate in Hoxton, Hackney, east London, face eviction ‘ASAP’ after a promise not to impose huge rent increases had...
BA strikers confident of victory on the first day of their strike action on March 20th

Cabin Crew – 20 Days Of Strike Action

UNITE, Britain’s largest union, yesterday announced a new round of strikes over 20 days at British Airways. This follows the third overwhelming vote by Unite’s...
Locked-out Vivergo workers from Hull marching in London last month for support for their struggle. One of their union officials has been arrested

GMB official arrested

A GMB National Officer was arrested at the protest against the lockout of 430 workers at BP Saltend, in Hull yesterday morning. GMB national officer...
Syrians show their support for President Assad outside their embassy in London on March 17, the day after a terror bombing in Damascus killed 25

Syrian Armed Gangs Reject Annan Plan

TURKEY scrambled six F-16 fighter jets near its border with Syria yesterday afternoon after Syrian helicopters came close to the border, but...

‘Devastating’ Oldham Redundancy Notices

EIGHT hundred redundancy notices have been issued at Oldham Borough Council. Officials of Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council have confirmed to the GMB that the council...
Trade union banners on the march to Defend the Welfare State last April in London

Coordinated strike action motion for TUC

TRANSPORT union RMT has tabled a motion for the TUC Congress in Manchester next week which sets out a blueprint for a coordinated trade...

May forced to accept all amendments

THE TORY government confirmed that it will accept all four amendments put by the Tory pro-Brexit MPs to the Chequers sell-out White Paper. Prime Minister...

‘Hold The Blacklisters To Account!’

DELEGATES at the TUC conference in Brighton yesterday voted unanimously for Composite Motion 16, Blacklisting and Undercover Surveillance of Trade Unionists. The motion calls on...
Protest outside a court hearing for Babar Ahmad in London in May 2005

Babar Ahmad was subjected to violent assaults and religious taunts by police

The Metropolitan Police has agreed to pay £60,000 damages to IT analyst Babar Ahmad during a civil action hearing at the High Court which...
A section of the 100-strong vigil outside the Syrian embassy on Friday evening in memory of the over 70 killed in the latest bombing in Damascus

Syrians Support Assad

Around 100 Syrians and supporters held a vigil outside the Syrian embassy in London last Friday evening, to condemn last Thursday’s terrorist bombings in...
Above: Pickets at King’s Cross station were in a determined mood with one picket stating ‘we need a general strike against austerity’.

Tube Strike 100% Success!

‘WE’RE out because the fight is over jobs, conditions and work/life balance. And although it isn’t primarily about money, we do expect to be...