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‘WHAT happened to us could have happened to anyone!’ This is what Visteon shop steward Raymond Dixon told the crowd in Trafalgar Square at the...

WORLD REVOLUTION – the only answer to the capitalist crisis

THE Editorial Board of the News Line sends its May Day greetings to the working people of the world. Under the conditions of the greatest...

Bankrupt Barber won’t fight for workers!

ADDRESSING the Scottish TUC yesterday, TUC general secretary Brendan Barber was desperate to show that the addition of another million unemployed in the next...

Data bases and electronic spying won’t save the bourgeoisie

THE inventor of the genetic technology behind the national DNA database has said that the database’s unlimited expansion to include millions of people who...

‘WE WILL OCCUPY!’ – to save Chase Farm

WORKERS, local residents and patients yesterday expressed their determination to keep all the departments at Chase Farm Hospital open. They gave their support to the...

Brown Wants To Introduce Youth Conscription

PRIME Minister Brown on Sunday promised that bringing in a compulsory community service programme for youth will be a part of his next general...

Wage freezing, wage cutting, redundancies and revolution ahead for workers!

THE Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) says that if there is a capitalist government in office in 2016 it will have to find an...

THOUSANDS LAY SIEGE TO THE CITY – and march against the...

SEVEN thousand mainly young people from London and across the country marched to demand the withdrawal of British and American troops from Iraq and...

Only A Socialist Revolution Can Defend Jobs, Homes, Basic Rights And...

THE TUC’s ‘Put People First’ march on Saturday brought 50,000 workers and youth onto the streets marching behind powerful contingents from the GMB and...


NOVEMBER 1984 opened with a miners’ special delegate conference endorsing a plan to widen the dispute throughout the labour and trade union movement. That demand...

Tory Davies wants to lock up anti-imperialists

TORY MP David Davies has called on ‘abusive protests’ against serving military personnel to be outlawed and intends to amend a parliamentary bill to...

THE GREAT MINERS STRIKE 1984-85 – PART TWO: Mounted police and...

IN the last article we saw how the state had leapt into action from the outset of the strike to try and break it...

British shoot to kill forces return to the North

THEY were withdrawn from the north of Ireland because there could not be a ‘peace process’ and a power-sharing regime while they were there,...

Police prepare for ‘summer of rage!’

YESTERDAY the bourgeois media was full of the thoughts of police chiefs who are preparing for a ‘summer of rage’, and pointing to the...

‘Hammer of the poor’ quits Labour to join Tory leadership

EX-BANKER and City financier, Sir David Freud, is Labour’s ‘Workfare’ programme architect. He drew up the plans to force single parents and all but the...

Satellite to celebrate 30th anniversary of Iranian Revolution

IRAN launched its first satellite into space powered by its own rocket system, Safir-2, on Monday night. The research and telecommunication satellite was put...

SHAME ON YOU BBC – BROADCAST THE GAZA APPEAL! –demands 7,000-strong...

‘Free, Free Palestine!’ ‘Shame on you BBC!’ shouted 7,000 protesters at a rally for Gaza outside the BBC’s Broadcasting House at Portland Place in...

Brown gives billions more to the banks

AMID banks posting further huge losses and their share prices collapsing, after the near extinction of the world’s largest banks last October, Prime Minister...

200,000 March On Israeli Embassy

OVER 200,000 people joined the largest-ever demonstration in Britain in support of the Palestinian people, when they marched in London on Saturday. About 10,000 people...

Rate cuts and printing pound notes – Brown’s recipe for disaster

THE Bank of England yesterday cut interest rates to 1.5 per cent, the lowest level in its 315-year history, since the start of the...

100,000 March Against Israeli Barbarism

OVER 100,000 people took part in the largest-ever demonstration Britain has seen in support of the Palestinian people on Saturday, as Israel invaded the...

Hayes & Ward must go! Build a new leadership in the...

AS 2,000 postal workers were gearing up for a 24-hour strike on Friday against Royal Mail’s plans to close mail centres, Dave Ward, the...

QUEEN’S SPEECH:Making the poor pay & more police powers

THE Queen’s Speech yesterday was dominated by the unprecedented world financial crisis and deepening slump, and its impact on decrepit British imperialism. It opened: ‘My...


THE Labour leaders are terrified the whole capitalist system is going to go, News Line Editor Paddy O’Regan told an audience of 200 youth...

Trotskyism is the Marxism of today

THIS Sunday’s rally marks the 68th anniversary of the assasination of Leon Trotsky, and the 39 years of the Trotskyist daily paper, first published...

Resolve Crisis Of Leadership In Working Class

THERE is nothing like the crisis of the capitalist system to bring out the essence of the Labour and trade union leaders, as labour...

Take action to defend jobs. Occupy and organise a general strike!

FACED with the crash of the pound and the enormous 182,000 leap in the number of unemployed in the three months to October, the...

The Trade Unions Must Defend Every Job!

THE London and New York stock markets were in free fall yesterday, losing hundreds of points, with tens of billions of dollars and pounds...

Labour Becomes The Anti-Immigrants Party

THE number of immigrants allowed into the UK under the current ‘points system’ will have to be reduced because of the economic crisis, and...

The Capitalist System Deserves To Perish

THE run on shares last Friday, particularly bank shares, devastated capitalists and capitalism. The Royal Bank of Scotland saw its shares crash by 25 per...

The Brown government is for the bankers and the bosses!

THOUSANDS of trade unionists will be marching in Manchester today to the Labour Party conference to protest at the ‘breadline wages’ that public sector...

There Will Be No Labour Leadership Election Says Tony Woodley

TONY Woodley, the Unite joint general secretary, has stepped into the row over the demand for a Labour Party leadership debate and a leadership...

Britain, Germany, Spain And The US Poised On The Brink Of...

THE European Commission stated yesterday that the UK, Germany and Spain, key members of the EU, with Germany being the world’s biggest exporter, are...

Defend jobs, pay & services: Lobby the TUC! Build councils of...

THE Bank of England (BoE) Monetary Policy Committee decided yesterday to make no change in its base interest rate and to leave it at...

Pound drops and inflation rises as recession grows

THE pound fell to an exchange rate of $1.77 yesterday, its lowest level for two-and-a-half years. In June sterling was trading at $2, but...

Britain hardest hit by world capitalist crisis

YESTERDAY’S reports on the state of the economy reveal more about the catastrophe gripping British capitalism, part of the world crisis. • The Bank of...

Bankers gripped by fear are relying on ‘hope’!

THE new Deputy Governor of the Bank of England (BoE), Charles Bean said yesterday that when the so-called ‘credit crunch’ began last August central...

Trade union action to beat ‘stagflation’

TODAY 800,000 local council workers, members of the UNISON and UNITE trade unions, begin a two-day strike against a government-imposed wage cut, an offer...

Labour marshalling its strikebreakers

THE capitalist state has had to admit that its war on two fronts means that it cannot rely on the British army for strike...

Tesco Volunteers For The Cobra Strike- Breaking Committee

THE fact that the Civil Contingencies Committee (COBRA) is in session over the implications of the fuel crisis, and more specifically, that the crisis...

‘WE WILL RETURN TO DIEGO GARCIA’ – Chagos Islanders picket the...

over 150 Chagos Islanders, British trade unionists and youth held a mass picket outside the House of Lords on Monday. The picket was called to...

‘WE MUST RETURN TO DIEGO GARCIA’ say Chagos islanders

‘We will return to our islands,’ chanted over 150 Chagos islanders, British trade unionists and youth outside the House of Lords yesterday. The mass picket...

News Line-All Trades Unions Alliance Conference – Forward To A Workers...

‘IT is very clear that the collapse of the capitalist system has collapsed New Labour, that is the modern Labour Party’, News...

Chagossians must have the right to return – the US base...

A BIG delegation of the 2,000 Chagossians who are living in Crawley, plus delegations from the FBU, GMB and POA trade unions will be...

Henley New Labour Disaster – Less Votes Than The Bnp!

LABOUR’s fifth place at Henley, shamefully behind the fascist BNP, will go down in history as an example of a party being thrust into...