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Labour under Starmer, and UK capitalism are heading for state bankruptcy!

THE capitalist press is currently trumpeting the latest news from Labour Chancellor Rachel Reeves, that she is set to unveil a £19bn black hole...

Starmer pledges £3 billion a year to Ukraine paid for by...

TWO weeks ago the Labour government’s work and pensions secretary Liz Kendall called the two-child benefit cap ‘a stain on our society’, and this...

Labour MPs must fight for a socialist solution to the crisis...

WITH the UK’s Labour government set to face challenges from the left to the King’s Speech today, the Fire Brigades Union has urged MPs...

Summer Festival

Gifts Toys New Clothes Jumble Bouncy Castle Face Painting Ice Cream Live Music Great Refreshments

Labour Intends To Prop Up Capitalism And Continue From Where The...

KING Charles yesterday outlined his new Labour government’s law-making plans in his speech to Parliament. The Labour Party now has an overall majority over all...

Replace Starmer’s anti-worker Labour regime with a workers government and socialism!

THE TUC yesterday published a poll of over 3,000 voters which showed conclusively overwhelming support for workers rights and pay increases to match the...

Starmer Betrays The Working Class By Planning A Massive Rise In...

LABOUR PRIME MINISTER Keir Starmer has almost immediately betrayed the massive working class electorate that voted him into office as Prime Minister. His first action...

TUC must call a general strike to expropriate the bosses and...

MATT WRACK, the President of the TUC and the general secretary of the FBU, correctly said on election day, July 4th, that Labour’s post-election...

No Return To Private Healthcare – It’s Capitalism That Is Broken...

THE NEW Health Secretary Wes Streeting’s first recorded words in office as Labour’s Health Secretary were to condemn the National Health Service, telling the...

US in political crisis as Biden faces growing calls to quit!

A ‘PERVASIVE sense of fear and uncertainty’ hangs over the US Democratic party as 81-year-old president Joe Biden faces increasingly strident calls for him...

Vote WRP Today To Carry Forward The Fight For Socialism!

NEWS LINE urges all of our readers and all workers and youth who are living in the five constituencies that the WRP is standing...

5 Days Of Strike Action By The Junior Doctors!

JUNIOR doctors in England yesterday embarked on a five-day strike, marking the 11th walkout in their prolonged pay dispute. Members of the British Medical Association...

Bank of England warning that world stock markets on the verge...

The Bank of England yesterday warned that the capitalist financial markets are at risk of ‘sharp correction’. In its latest financial stability report the Bank...

Organising Socialist Revolution Is The Only Way Out Of The...

THE decision by the Bank of England to keep interest rates at 5.25%, the highest level for 16 years, came as no surprise despite...

2024 WRP election details

WRP policies and parliamentary candidates

Labour’s ‘business friendly’ manifesto is declaration of war on the working...

LABOUR leader Keir Starmer launched the party’s ‘business friendly’ election manifesto in Manchester yesterday morning with the promise that a Labour government would put...

US is on the run as Hamas remain undefeated! Forward to...

ON Monday, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) unanimously adopted a US-drafted resolution endorsing a Gaza ceasefire proposal that aims to end Israel’s eight-month...

Vote WRP on 4th July – Forward to socialism – not...

THE General Election on July 4th will feature a shattered Tory Party that has already been wrecked by the developing capitalist crisis, and is...

Wrp General Election Manifesto

ISRAEL’s genocidal war on Gaza, killing over 36,000 Palestinians including over 15,000 children, has had a huge impact throughout the world and has created...

Socialist Revolution is the only real answer to the capitalist crisis!

NEARLY one million people in Britain are just £10 away from falling into poverty according to the new analysis from the leading poverty charity,...

Diane Abbott ‘culled’ by Starmer and the Labour Party right wing!

LONG-standing Labour MP Diane Abbott accused the right wing Labour leadership, led by Keir Starmer, of carrying out a ‘cull of left wingers’ in...

Capitalism Is In Its Greatest Ever Crisis – Forward To The...

THE SAME British capitalism that has been egging on the Ukraine to start World War III by attacking Russia is now shivering with fear...

US Secretary of State Blinken rushes to Kiev as Ukraine faces...

US secretary of State Antony Blinken made a surprise unannounced visit to Ukraine yesterday morning, as the war to weaken Russia suffers yet another...

Starmer Recruiting Right Wing Tories To Run Any Labour Gov!

THE Labour Party is defending, welcoming right wing Tory defector Natalie Elphicke into the party despite anger from many backbench MPs and workers at...

‘General strike for Palestine!’ – urges London May Day march

OVER 5,000 workers, trade unionists and youth marched from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square on May Day yesterday. ‘General strike for Palestine’, chanted the Workers...

May Day Greetings 2024 – Victory To Palestine! Bring Down...

STATEMENT BY THE NEWS LINE EDITORIAL BOARD The News Line Editorial Board sends its warmest May Day greetings to the working class,  youth and the...

Palestinians warn that UK troops on the ground in Gaza under...

PALESTINIANS have warned Britain and other Western countries backing the US, against deploying troops on the ground in the besieged Gaza Strip under the...

The Workers Of The World do Support Palestine – Now...

TENS of thousands marched through central London on Saturday reiterating their calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, for the UK to stop arming...

200,000 March For Victory To Palestine

A HUGE 200,000-strong march of workers, students and youth went from Parliament Square to Hyde Park on Saturday, the 13th National demonstration for Palestine...

Sunak Wants A War With Russia And A Class War Against...

THE British ruling class has decided that there is only one way out of the historic crisis of British capitalism, and that is to...

‘From The River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free!’

MORE than 80,000 workers, students and youth marched through central London from Russell Square to Parliament Square on Saturday, chanting: ‘From the River to...

Judges and lawyers demand end to UK arms to Israel. It’s...

OVER 600 UK lawyers, academics and retired senior judges, including three former supreme court justices, have written to Rishi Sunak warning that the UK...

200,000 on London March for Palestine!

A HUGE rally of over 200,000 people marched from Russell Square to Trafalgar Square in London on Saturday 30th March, Palestinian Land Day, to...

British capitalism is preparing for war with Russia – its war...

AS IS now well known, the British ruling class is forever beating the war drums against Russia, and is desperately encouraging the Ukrainian regime...

NHS England boss openly calls for the privateers to wind up...

AN analysis by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) on the funding crisis that is driving the NHS to the brink of collapse revealed...

Gove’s new ‘extremism definition’ prepares way for crackdown on all opposition...

COMMUNITIES secretary Michael Gove in Parliament yesterday made a short statement introducing the Tories new definition of extremism which now encompasses ‘non-violent extremism’. Almost all...

Sunak demands police crack down on all opposition to Zionist genocide.

TORY Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has summoned the country’s police chiefs to tell them they must use all the existing and wide-ranging police powers...

The West must stand with Israel and Ukraine, trumpets the about-to-be...

IT is only natural that The Daily Telegraph stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the Zionist military child-killers who have drowned the Gaza Strip with blood and...

Horizon scandal piles more pressure on Tories as they face accusations...

The Horizon IT scandal of the hounding of over 900 completely innocent Post Office managers by the Post Office leading to multiple prosecutions for...

We salute the struggle of the Palestinian people – General Strike...

The News Line Rally of 200 people took place at the Hargrave Hall, in north London on Saturday. Chairman, Tony McEvoy, said the struggle for...

The US and UK are letting Israel do its worst! Now...

THE US ruling class, Israel’s chief backer, supplying it with the most modern weaponry and a blank cheque to do its worse to the...

OBR official demands cuts to benefits and war on migrant workers...

WHEN the then Tory prime minister Liz Truss launched her notorious mini-budget in September 2022 that came close to crashing the UK economy, one...

The working people of the world must NOW take action to...

THE Palestinian presidency on Wednesday expressed its great thanks and appreciation for the strong and clear Saudi position expressed in the Saudi statement issued...

Stand with Gaza Day of Action – force TUC to call...

TOMORRROW'S, (Wednesday 7th February), ‘Stand With Gaza – Workplace Day of Action’ is being supported by a wide range of trade unions representing hundreds...

Capitalism Facing ‘Debt Annihilation’ While Its Supporters Panic And Prepare...

OPTIMISM is in very short supply in the UK ruling class when it examines the state of British capitalism. The Business Comment in The Sunday...