Tag: worker
Restore Student Grants – Smash All Fees
Students’ expenditure has gone up 44 per cent in real terms under the three Labour governments, an official Student Income and Expenditure survey has...
1.5 Million Take Strike Action
YESTERDAY’s massive one-day strike stopped whole regions of the UK, but is only the start of the campaign, local government workers warned. Striking local government...
Victory To The Gate Gourmet Workers
THE News Line sends greetings to the striking German and the locked-out British Gate Gourmet workers, who are today marching through Hounslow. The German workers...
UNITY IN ACTION – German & British Gate Gourmet workers picket...
TWENTY SIX Gate Gourmet strikers and supporters from Düsseldorf, Germany, arrived in London yesterday to join Gate Gourmet locked-out workers from Heathrow. They met at...
Unions Must Take Action To Defend The NHS
THE TUC and all trade unions must be made to take action to defend the NHS before it is butchered by Blair and completely...
WORK TILL YOU’RE 65 – BA unveils pensions plan for pilots
British Airways announced yesterday it has drawn up ‘a proposal to clear the £1 billion past service actuarial deficit in its New Airways...
THE CRS and gendarmerie have remained on the streets of Paris since the uprising sparked by the violent state attack on demonstrators at Place...
Gg Dusseldorf Strikers In London Today
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers, at Heathrow Airport, are welcoming Gate Gourmet striking workers, from Dusseldorf Airport in Germany, to London today. The British Gate Gourmet...
‘Great support for march’
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are getting great support for their march through Hounslow on Saturday. Saturday’s march assembles at 1.00pm (see advert on this...
NO TGWU HARDSHIP PAY! – for Gate Gourmet locked-out workers taking...
TWO Gate Gourmet locked-out workers went to the TGWU London South East and East Anglia Regional Office in north London on Tuesday, to ask...
Labour NEC says it will take back control over funds
PRIME MINISTER Blair yesterday suffered a setback when the Labour Party’s NEC decided that it was going to take back control over the party’s...
MASSACRE! – Inquiry into 15 civilian deaths in Haditha
The United States military is investigating whether US Marines who killed 15 civilians, including women and children, near the western Iraqi town of Haditha...
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) yesterday warned against any ‘quick fix’ plan to keep asthma and heart patients out of hospital ‘just to...
British Imperialism Wants To Redraw Map
IRAQ is in the middle of a civil war, the country’s former interim puppet prime minister, Iyad Allawi, said yesterday. Allawi was appointed by...
Blair is deliberately smashing the NHS
THE just announced 1,000 strong mass sackings at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire which includes 750 compulsory redundancies, as well as 370 nurses...
‘To whom it may concern,’ writes Michelle Harris, president of London Metropolitan University Students’ Union. ‘There is a serious issue occuring at London Met university...
Organise a general strike over pensions!
ABOUT 1.5 million local council workers are to strike on March 28 to defend their local government pension scheme. It is being described as...
COLLUSION! – Britain and US condemned over Jericho raid
The Arab league yesterday condemned British and United States collusion with Israel, after Israel attacked a Jericho prison containing six Palestinian militants, 20 minutes...
Milosevic is dead but the crisis in the Balkans remains
THE death of Slobodan Milosevic in his cell at The Hague, four years into his trial by the imperialist powers for genocide, has left...
Lancaster Students Fight Gag And Victimisation
Six members of Lancaster University are to be granted a rehearing of their trespass conviction on the 13th March 2006. A Support the George Fox...
Angry Lecturers Take Strike Action
‘We are expecting a good turnout on the picket lines at universities and colleges of higher education across the country today,’ lecturers’ union Natfhe...
‘our March Must Be A Big Success’
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are calling on all trade unionists to join them on their march through Hounslow on Saturday the 25th of March. Speaking...
SIPTU ready to ballot for Aer Lingus strike
SIPTU, the Irish trade union, is to call general meetings of its members in Aer Lingus for next week following an emergency meeting of...
The lessons of Katrina and Buncefield
A VIDEO showing President George W Bush being warned on the eve of Hurricane Katrina that the storm could breach New Orleans’ flood defences...
GATE GOURMET locked out workers were back on the hill yesterday after their successful mass picket on Sunday. Lakhinder Saran said: ‘Our mass picket was...
MASS PICKET – a huge success say Gate Gourmet locked-out workers
AROUND 150 locked-out Gate Gourmet workers and their supporters – including members of the PCS, CWU, UNISON and Amicus trade unions – staged a...
Al Sadr And Muslim Scholars Call For Imediate US Withdrawal
ABD-AL HADI al-Darraji, a leader of the militant Al-Sadr trend in Iraq has revealed that Representatives of Al-Sadr trend and the Association...
Blair puts ‘the country’ before the Labour Party
BLAIR came clean on at least one issue at his monthly press conference and that was where his loyalties lie. They definitely do not lie...
‘Extraordinary Rendition’ – Blair and Straw hear and see no evil
“WE conclude that the government has a duty to enquire into the allegations of extraordinary rendition and black sites under the Convention against Torture,...
‘Join Our Mass Picket This Sunday’
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are calling on all their supporters to join them at their monthly mass picket on the hill at the Beacon...
Abbas Urges ‘Popular And Peaceful Resistance’
Amid mounting Israeli restrictions on Palestinian freedom of movement, President Mahmud Abbas on Saturday sponsored the swearing in of the new Hamas-dominated Palestinian Legislative...
‘Not One Dollar, Not One Dime, – Cutting Wages Is A...
AROUND 75 rank-n-file members of the United Auto Workers demonstrated outside the historic Flint East Delphi plant on February 16, 2006. Workers from Saginaw, Flint...
From New Labour Spin To Union Busting
GMB trade union members demonstrated yesterday against the union-busting propaganda for Asda Wal-Mart being supplied by public relations company Portland PR, which was set...
The continuing collapse of leadership in the FBU
THE leadership of the FBU ignominiously collapsed at yesterday’s FBU recall conference, held to decide on industrial action to defend the final salary pensions...
Heathrow class struggle sharpens as Terminal 5 looms
THE closer we get to the new Terminal Five, the more intense the class struggle becomes between the bosses of the BAA (British Airports...
BLAIR AT BAY – Ignores Dunfermline defeat
Prime Minister Blair avoided all mention of Labour’s crushing Dunfermline by-election defeat in his keynote speech to the Labour Party Spring Conference in Blackpool,...
A Record £65.5 Billion Trade Deficit For 2005
THE UK trade deficit with the rest of the world for 2005 was a catastrophic £65.5 billion. The deficit on goods and services...
‘WE WILL WIN THIS FIGHT’ – tenants and trade unions vow...
‘WE WILL win this fight!’ That was the message from speaker after speaker at a rally of more than 1,500 delegates from trade unions and...
Delphi workers rally against cuts in jobs, pay and healthcare!
UAW members in Flint, Michigan, announced last Tuesday they will be marching through the town against Delphi autoparts maker’s attack on their pay, healthcare...
Belfast Cwu – Still Out!
Striking Belfast postal workers yesterday told union representatives that they are not going back to work. Communications Workers Union spokesman, Owen Davey, said after...
Scottish Power – huge profits and huge price rises
SCOTTISH Power has just reported a 95 per cent leap in its profits. It also warned its 5.2 million customers to prepare for a...
Blair’s plans remain a ‘Trojan Horse’ for an education market
A political storm of the highest order has broken out in Greece over mass phone-tapping. This follows revelations, at a special press-conference last Thursday in...
‘END GUANTANAMO TORMENT’ – Amnesty repeats call to close prison camp
AMNESTY International has renewed its call for the United States to close its Guantanamo Bay concentration camp and try or release the prisoners held...
‘hamas Will Never Recognise The Legitimacy Of The Zionist State’
PRE-EMPTING support for a Palestinian government led by Hamas, the UN Security Council on Friday unanimously adopted the ‘conditions’ set by the Quartet of...
No hardship payments says Woodley
TGWU leader Tony Woodley confirmed yesterday that the hardship payments to the locked out Gate Gourmet workers have been stopped. He informed a delegation of...