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Syria Offers Coalition To Combat Isis!

DAMASCUS – Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem, said in Damascus that Syria is prepared to cooperate and coordinate on...

May Hits Out At Liberties And Rights While Meyer Calls For...

BRITISH Home Secretary May, driven by the desperate home and foreign policy crisis of British imperialism, is lashing out at basic rights in the...

MAY’S SPECIAL MEASURES! – including calling in the FBI

HOME SECRETARY May is set to bring in special measures to deal with British terrorists returning from Syria and Iraq, where they were allowed...

Turkish Leaders Meet With Pkk Leader Ocalan!

TURKEY’S spy chief has assured the imprisoned leader of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) during a secret meeting last week that the...

Imperialism In Crisis – As Islamist Clients Turn On Their...

IMPERIALISM is in disarray. Tens of thousands of Islamist fighters – initially assisted by western governments, such as the UK government, and their secret...

Cameron poised to send UK troops into Iraq!

PM Cameron is poised to send British troops into Iraq. This is why he is unwilling to recall Parliament after it rejected his...

Algeria has no intention of intervening in Libya – says PM...

PRIME Minister Abdelmalek Sellal has reaffirmed Algeria’s firm intention not to intervene militarily in Libya, citing the Algerian Constitution ‘which prohibits our troops from...

US coup in Baghdad

THE US on Tuesday organised its own coup in Baghdad, attempting to place the previous long-term Maliki ally, Haidar al-Abadi, into the office of...

SECOND MINISTER QUITS – Another considering his position

A SECOND Foreign Office Minister, Mark Simmonds, has resigned from the government, 10 Downing Street said yesterday. His resignation follows that of Foreign Office Minister...

Obama’s New Crusade To ‘Save The Christians Of Iraq’

THE USA and the UK have launched their new crusade on the pretext of saving the Christians and the Yazidis of Iraq from the...

US, UK Ambassadors Are Run Out Of Libya By Their Former...

HMS Enterprise has arrived near to Tripoli to evacuate any remaining British people who want to leave Libya, after the British embassy was shut...

US and EU leaders’ call for Libyan ceasefire is ignored

US and European leaders on Monday called for a ceasefire in Libya and for the United Nations to take a leading role in helping...

Israel commits mass murder with impunity as the West steps up...

THE WEST’S ‘bastion of freedom and democracy’ in the Middle East, Zionist Israel, yesterday launched deadly attacks on a UN school housing hundreds of...

Nasrallah Hails The Palestinian Fighters

‘THE Palestinian Resistance’s victory in Gaza is a clear sign of the weakness of the Zionist regime and a prelude to final victory of...

War Fever Against Russia

THE US and the EU are set to stiffen and widen their sanctions against Russia. Their intention is to target its finances, energy...

The US And The Eu Are The Gangsters

WE are currently witnessing the greatest eruption of vilification against Russia and its leadership since the Fulton speech by Winston Churchill on March...

Broken Hague Stands Down While Gove Is Terminated By Cameron!

WILLIAM Hague has stood down as foreign secretary, but will stay in the cabinet as Leader of the House of Commons till the next...

Iraq Faces Country Division

US Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday that Syria’s moderate opposition could play a role in fighting against and pushing back jihadists...

Putin Moves To Reassure Western ‘Partners!’

WITH the shelling and bombing of eastern Ukraine still taking place, and with tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees in southern Russia, President Vladimir...

Israeli Troops On The Rampage All Over The West Bank!

AN autopsy conducted on Sunday morning has shown that 30-year-old Muhammad Ismail Atallah Tarifi, who was found dead on the roof of a commercial...

Shias And Sunnis Must Form Revolutionary Government In Iraq

THE Kurdistan Region intelligence chief, Lahur Jangi, has said that according to his estimates there were 400 to 450 British nationals in the ranks...

Imperialist Butcher Blair Wants To Slaughter More Arabs!

TONY BLAIR, who is understandably opposed to the full transcripts of all of his talks with President Bush being published in the Chilcot Inquiry...

Mosul Falls – Imperialist Policy Collapses In Middle East

LARGE numbers of people have been forced to flee the Iraqi city of Mosul after Islamist militants from the ISIS pro-Al Qaeda group effectively...

Sack Gove, May and Cameron! TUC must call a general strike...

EDUCATION Secretary Michael Gove, who has carried forward the privatisation battle against the teaching trade unions, and driven forward the Free School-Academy agenda,...

Arrogant Crisis-Ridden Imperialists Threaten Russia!

THE President of the crisis-ridden EU Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso yesterday told the BBC that the inclusion of Russia in any future...

Syrians Take To The Streets To Celebrate Assad Victory!

HUGE masses of people took to the streets just after Speaker of the People''s Assembly, Mohammad Jihad al-Laham, announced that Dr. Bashar Hafez al-Assad...

NATO warmongers meet in Brussels

NATO defence ministers are meeting in Brussels to discuss the ‘long-term security implications’ of Russia’s response to the US-UK-EU inspired coup in Kiev, and...

Eurasian Economic Union, and the China-Russia gas plan, a double blow...

RUSSIA, Belarus and Kazakhstan have just signed the historic Eurasian Economic Union. It comes into effect in January 2015, and will get rid of...

‘The West is always seeking to subjugate countries which do not...

ON Saturday, President Bashar al-Assad received a Russian governmental delegation headed by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, Head of the Russian side to the...

US-Egyptian Coup Under Way In Libya!

THE drive by General Khalifa Haftat to overthrow the remnants of the Libyan government, and take on and defeat the Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood...

Chilcott Inquiry Findings Must Be Published At Once!

THIS week the chairman of the influential Public Administration Committee urged ministers to ‘sort out’ the delay in publishing the official inquiry into the...

Turkish Workers Rise Against Erdogan!

RELATIVES of around 150 miners, missing after the deadly mine explosion at the privatised Soma mine in western Turkey, are maintaining a permanent vigil...

‘With our blood we will elect Bashar al-Assad’

CAMPAIGNING began on Sunday for Syria’s June 3 presidential election expected to return Bashar al-Assad to power, as the regime marked a ...


TWO-HUNDRED workers, trade unionists, students and youth attended the News Line-All Trades Unions Alliance (ATUA) Conference at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, in Holborn,...

Assad Meets Families On Martyrs Day!

PRESIDENT Bashar al-Assad and his wife Asma al-Assad received sons and daughters of martyrs on the occasion of Martyrs’ Day on Tuesday. President al-Assad...

Ukrainian Workers Reject Putin Plea To Accept Kiev Coup Regime

PRESIDENT Putin on Wednesday urged Ukrainian workers to postpone their referenda on self-determination. He said: ‘We are calling on representatives of regions in southeastern...

‘We support the call for a general strike’ – the RMT’s...

10,000 WORKERS, trade unionists and youth were on the London May Day March on Thursday from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square. The march was led...

May Day 2014 greetings – BRING DOWN THE TORIES! – Forward...

THE News Line Editorial Board sends its May Day greetings to the working people of the world at a time when the world capitalist...

Turning Mothers Into Informers

WITH the western powers losing their war in Syria, after the British and American workers refused to allow their governments to send troops or...

Assad celebrates Easter at Maalula Monastery – as presidential elections announced...

SYRIAN President Bashar al-Assad on Easter Sunday visited the ancient Christian town of Maalula, which his troops recently recaptured from rebels, state television said. ‘On...

Strength of Palestinian resistance causes Kerry/Zionist fall out

US Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday blamed approval of Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem for derailing peace talks with Palestinians, a charge...


THE ‘project of political Islam has failed,’ Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad said on Monday, calling for the separation of religion from politics, state television...

USA supplies Syrian gangs with latest anti-tank weapons

THE US, UK and Saudi-backed and organised ‘rebels’ who have failed to overthrow the government of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, who has the support...

Western Powers Warn Assad Not To Stand!

ELEVEN Western and Middle Eastern powers on Thursday warned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against holding elections, saying that the vote would have no credibility...


US Secretary of State John Kerry failed on Wednesday to save faltering Middle East peace efforts, after both Israel and Palestinians declined further talks. The...