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One Hour Training For Serco Breast Cancer Screeners

THE CANCER breast screening scandal has been exacerbated by news that the call handlers on the hotline set up by health secretary Jeremy Hunt...

Plo Suspends Recognition Of Israel!

AT LEAST 37 Palestinian protesters and three journalists were injured by live shots or suffocated from tear-gas inhalation on Friday as Israeli forces attacked...

The people behind Gaza’s statistics

Sarah Algherbawi The Electronic Intifada IN JIHAD ABU Jamous’ family, he was seen as the lucky one. The 31-year-old, who gathered gravel to sell...

May Day Marchers Demand ‘Kick The Tories Out!’

THE LONDON May Day Rally of over 5,000 workers, trade unionists, students and youth marched from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square in central London...

‘VICTORY TO PALESTINE!’ – shout May Day marchers

MORE than 5,000 trade unionists, workers, students and youth marched from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square on the London May Day March yesterday...

Unelected Lords Lay The Basis For An Anti-Brexit Coup!

THE House of Lords on Monday night passed amendments to the EU Withdrawal Bill that provide a basis for a parliamentary coup to bin...

French Public Sector General Strike On May 22!

FOLLOWING national strikes on October 10, 2017 and March 22, 2018, this coming May 22 will be the third day of general strike in...

‘Time to overthrow capitalist system’ May Day greetings to workers of...

THE EDITORIAL Board of the News Line sends its revolutionary greetings to the working class of the world. We salute in particular the heroic struggle...

PNC convened to ‘counter the serious conspiracy to undermine the Palestinian...

THE PALESTINE Liberation Organisation (PLO) convened of the Palestinian National Council yesterday in the face of the ‘attacks and conspiracies’ launched by US President...

Windrush promises must have legal backing

MORE than 200 MPs have signed a letter to the prime minister calling for government promises to Windrush migrants to be written into law....

UK arming Israel and supplying it with drones, sniper rifles and...

DURING almost a month of Friday demonstrations in Gaza, called the ‘Great March of Return’, the Israeli army has used snipers to shoot dead...

Sa Workers Take To The Streets

THE SOUTH African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU) said last Wednesday 25 April 2018 will be recorded in the history of the South African...

On May Day, on the TUC march on May 12, &...

THE ‘GREAT March of Return’ has become the beacon for all Palestinians and the workers of the world to unite in the struggle...

Striking Greek workers join with protesting pensioners

THOUSANDS of striking electricity, industrial and hospital workers met up with protesting pensioners in the streets of Athens last Wednesday, as they all marched...

ISRAEL DEHUMANISING! Ben Deri sentenced for murdering unarmed Palestinian Nadeem Nuwara

IN RESPONSE to the sentencing of Israeli border policeman Ben Deri who murdered unarmed Palestinian teenager Nadeem Nuwara in cold blood on May 15th,...

‘Palestinian State Must Have Jerusalem As Its Capital!’

‘A PALESTINIAN state without Jerusalem as its capital will not be accepted,’ Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokes-man for President Mahmoud Abbas, said on Tuesday. He...

Joint enterprise case quashed

THE FIRST person to have a joint enterprise murder conviction quashed was released from prison yesterday in a landmark ruling against the controversial...

No harassment! No discrimination! Demand students working for California University

STUDENT workers from the University of California demanded the UC implement new anti-discrimination and harassment provisions at a union contract negotiation session last Thursday. UAW...

Gaza patients: fist- sized bullet wounds

WORKING in Gaza on patients hit by Israeli fire, medical teams noted ‘the injuries include an extreme level of destruction to bones and soft...

Corbyn indicts May! – for her ‘cruel and discredited policy’

LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn says Prime Minister Theresa May’s ‘hostile environment’ set a ‘deliberately unreachable bar’ for migrants and created the Windrush generation scandal. In...

UK trade unions must take action to stop Israel shooting and...

IN FOUR weeks of Friday protests at the Gaza ‘border’ more than 32 Palestinians have been killed and over 5,000 injured by Israeli snipers...

SA masses rise up against capitalist imposed poverty!

SOUTH Africa’s ruling ANC said on Friday it understands the anger of North West residents who took to Mahikeng’s streets last week in protest...

Australian unions national campaign over wages and jobs!

OVER the next two weeks, thousands of Australian trade union members will be marching across the country, campaigning for wage increases and job security. Union...

May undermines Parliament!

‘WHAT I am setting out today is a simple democratic demand, it is not taking an opinion one way or the other of what...

6th day of French rail strikes

FRENCH rail workers began another two-day rolling strike on Friday which hit services across the country. But President Emmanuel Macron has vowed he will...

US, France & UK ready to strike Syria! Corbyn and the...

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump has told Russia to ‘get ready’ for a missile strike on Syria in response to the completely fictitious ‘chemical attack’...

Bma Wins £200,000 Back Pay For Junior Doctors!

The BMA has secured more than £200,000 in back pay for junior doctors, after their rotas failed to provide sufficient rest. It has now...

Corbyn must demand to recall parliament at once to stop any...

IT is becoming clearer that PM May intends that UK land, air and naval forces will take part in the Franco-American strike against Syria...

70th anniversary of Deir Yassin Massacre ‘There are no innocent people...

ISRAELI Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Sunday there were ‘no innocent people’ in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip after ten days of protests and clashes...


A DEMONSTRATION on Saturday of over 2,000 people shouted their support for Palestine in solidarity with the ‘Great March of Return’ in Gaza and...

The Great Pension Robbery – Contributions have tripled! This government...

MILLIONS of workers, as of yesterday, have been hit for six. The amount that comes out of their wages in pension contributions now...

Lethal force used against Palestinians

LETHAL force was used again yesterday against unarmed Palestinians demonstrating on the Gaza border as Israeli forces open fired, killing two Palestinians. Thousands of protesters...

30,000 Oklahoma teachers march as strikes spread ‘like wildfire’

TEACHER strikes and massive demonstrations of teachers, parents and students are spreading across the United States ‘like wildfire’. In Oklahoma City, at the state...

British capitalism is collapsing – TUC must call a general strike...

NEW car sales in Britain plunged in March by 15.7% compared to the same period last year, a massive drop that spells out the...

French workers confront Macron’s Thatcherite assault

TRAIN drivers and other workers at the French state railway SNFC began three months of rolling stoppages on Monday evening, as trade unions push...

Greek Riot Police Attack March

GREEK riot police attacked last Friday, with tear gas, a 3,000-strong Athens march of teachers and university students who were demanding the staffing of...

Corbyn must call on workers to bring down Tories, and support...

LAST Friday the UK and US governments combined at a meeting of the UN Security Council to veto a draft statement calling for an...

‘The Land Belongs To The Palestinian People! The Occupation Will Vanish...

ISRAELI forces on Friday shot and killed 18 Palestinians as they assaulted rallies that set out to commemorate Land Day on many...

8 Killed & over 500 injured – by Israeli troops and...

ISRAELI forces opened fire on Friday afternoon at thousands of Palestinians who participated in the Great March of Return along Gaza borders, killing at...

Catalonia declares support for Puigdemont

THE parliament in Catalonia has declared its support for former leader Carles Puigdemont’s right to re-appointment as president of the northeastern Spanish region. Pro-independence...

Embassy cuts Assange off!

ECUADOR has cut off WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s internet and stopped all visits after he tweeted about the arrest of Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont....

London NHS Rationing Plans ‘Are A Disgrace!’

‘MASS rationing of operations to London’s patients’ is being planned under the London Choosing Wisely Programme, which was launched by the Healthy London Partnership...

UK and US imperialism’s drive to war must be answered through...

IN his ‘Letter to American Workers’, published in Pravda on August 22 1918, after the victorious Russian revolution, Lenin wrote, ‘We are now, as...

Jewish workers support Corbyn! Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism! Forward to the...

THE JEWISH Leadership Council and the Board of Deputies on Monday night launched a demonstration outside the House of Commons accusing Labour leader Jeremy...

US Expels Sixty Russian Diplomats

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that yesterday’s decision by western states to expel Russian diplomats was a mistake and a mirror response will be...