Tag: nursing
Reject The ‘reform’ Of Agenda For Change
ON 21st March 2018, Jeremy Hunt announced the government was offering NHS staff on Agenda For Change (AfC) a new pay offer. ON 21st...
Nigerian hospital workers indefinite strike – in Zimbabwe 16,000 striking nurses...
NIGERIA’S nurses, pharmacists, and other medical professionals on Sunday declared an indefinite strike at federal hospitals under the auspices of the Joint Health...
Staffs Bed Closures – Lives At Risk!
‘BED closures will put patients’ lives at risk,’ campaigners fighting to save community hospital beds across North Staffordshire declared yesterday. The claim that ‘patients...
Nursing Loans Crisis!
EIGHT hundred students of nursing and other health care courses were told last Friday that loan instalments expected this week will be reduced or...
Student nurse numbers plummet again
THE TORIES axing of the student nurses and midwives bursary has caused numbers applying to plummet even further, this time by 10%, meaning that...
NHS pay deal ‘will mean a pay cut for the most...
THE GMB, which represents many of the lowest paid NHS workers, is recommending that its members reject the new pay deal proposed by the...
‘Reject NHS Wage Cut Offer’– Gmb
THE GMB is recommending that its members vote to reject the Tory government’s ‘jam tomorrow’ NHS pay offer. It says: ‘For long-serving NHS...
No beds for intensive care patients
INTENSIVE Care units (ICUs) are suffering such a chronic shortage of beds and staff that four out of five ICUs are having to send...
Thousands Of NHS Staff Being Transferred Into Outsourcing Firms Despite Carillion...
THOUSANDS of NHS staff are being transferred by their own trusts into outsourcing firms, risking ‘dozens of Carillion-style meltdowns’ the union Unite has warned....
Nurses sleep on wards – as hospitals hit 100% capacity
HOSPITAL staff are sleeping on hospital wards during this extreme weather to ensure that patients get treated. They are working in extremely...
Take Action To Increase Nurse Numbers!
TORY government plans to boost the number of trainee nurses in the wake of the Francis report into Mid Staffs are failing, the Royal...
Kick Tories Out–To Defend NHS! Demand 20,000 Marchers!
MORE than 20,000 nurses, health workers, trade unionists, workers, students and youth marched on Downing Street on Saturday afternoon to demand TUC action to...
Thousands of nurses march today to defend the NHS!
THOUSANDS of nursing staff from across England will join tens of thousands of workers and youth on a march and demonstration in London today. Royal...
RCN: ‘Not a single unoccupied bed!’
‘ON EVERY day except Friday last week, several hospitals across England didn’t have a single unoccupied bed,’ Donna Kinnair, Director of Nursing, Policy and...
Carillion Collapse Hits Royal Liverpool Hospital!
WHEN CARILLION collapsed last month it left the future of the new Royal Liverpool Hospital in limbo. The half-built £335 million hospital which has already...
Greek Hospital Workers & Dockers 24-Hour Strike
GREEK hospital workers and dockers went on a 24-hour national strike last Thursday against the government’s plans of wage cuts, ‘flexible’ labour contracts and...
Restoring nurses’ & midwives’ bursaries – a matter of life ...
THERE is a desperate lack of nurses in the NHS. Currently, overloaded nurses are doing the job of three people, working 12-hour shifts in...
Hospitals running out of vital equipment!
HOSPITALS are ‘running out of vital equipment’ while at the same time GP surgeries are running out of flu vaccines, it emerged yesterday...
‘NHS emergency care is itself, in a state of emergency’
‘EMERGENCY care is itself in a state of emergency,’ Dr Taj Hassan, President of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine said on Thursday. He was...
‘Patients dying prematurely’ DOCTORS TELL MAY SHE HAS FAILED THE NHS!
SENIOR doctors in charge of more than 60 hospital emergency departments have written to the prime minister warning of ‘very serious concerns’ about patient...
Aussie student nurses: funding frozen
AUSTRALIA’S Federal Government has quietly decided to freeze university funding for regional nursing and other students, warns Queensland Nurses and Midwives’ Union (QNMU). In a...
Figures expose NHS winter crisis
NEW FIGURES exposing the escalating winter crisis in the NHS were published yesterday morning by NHS England, forcing Tory PM May to apologise for...
Permanent roles not agency! says Unison Renfrewshire
SOCIAL WORK managers in Renfrewshire in Scotland have spent almost £4 million on agency care staff in just five years, figures reveal. Renfrewshire Health and...
MULTI-BILLIONAIRE Richard Branson’s private health company Virgin Care has won £1bn worth of NHS contracts in a single year. Private providers are winning an increasing...
Extreme Crackdown In Issawiyeh In East Jerusalem
THE occupied East Jerusalem suburb of Issawiyeh has long been a flashpoint for confrontations between Israeli soldiers and its Palestinian residents. But even by Israel’s...
‘IT is more important for them to save money than save lives!’ Halla Kim, RCN member and nurse at Ealing Hospital declared yesterday morning...
No Return To 90-Hour Week For Doctors And Nurses!
‘A RETURN to the days where doctors and nurses work 90-hour weeks would be bad for patient safety, for staff and for the NHS,’...
Heads Of Midwifery Have Serious Safety Concerns
ALMOST 50 per cent (49%) of Heads of Midwifery (HOMs) from across the UK have had to close their maternity units at some point...
‘Working Poor’ Evictions Scandal!
THE WORKING poor have now become the working homeless, as nurses, teachers and firefighters are among those being thrown out of their homes...
Overwork & Low Pay Driving Nurses Out Of NHS!
NURSES, midwives, doctors, paramedics and NHS staff are being driven out of the profession because of overwork and low pay... creating a ‘severe staff...
Hunt Planning New Blitz On NHS And NHS Workers!
BOTH the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) trade unions yesterday warned that Health Secretary Hunt is planning...
‘Don’t Treat US Like The Junior Doctors!’
NURSES and midwives will fight Tory Health Secretary Hunt’s plans to fund a pay rise by smashing their employment conditions, their unions insisted...
Glencore Locks Out Australian Workers
ON THE same day the global Paradise Papers scandal exposed the offshore tax havens and tax avoidance strategies of companies including multinational mining giant,...
‘WE have an NHS and maternity service that is heading for a crisis and the government’s policies are clearly failing,’ the leader of the...
Defend NHS With General Strike
‘WE ARE calling for a general strike against the privatisation of the NHS,’ Hands off Huddersfield Royal Infirmary spokesman, Mike Foster, told a demonstration...
NHS bed & staffing crisis is a ‘Grenfell Tower waiting to...
THE NUMBER of NHS beds has halved in the last 30 years and proposals to slash bed numbers even further will make the ‘NHS a...
Dump NHS early discharge plan!
FOLLOWING massive opposition from the public, patients and staff, Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has temporarily suspended plans to pilot a scheme to...
Strike Action At 24 Ontario Colleges
MORE than 12,000 OPSEU (Ontario Public Service Employees Union) college faculty members have been striking at 24 Ontario colleges since Monday October 16. The over...
Smokers and obese patients banned!
SMOKERS and people suffering from obesity will be barred from surgery under plans which the Royal College of Surgeons warn tear up the fundamental...
Trumpcare ‘Sabotages Healthcare System’
AMERICAN Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME) President Lee Saunders issued the following statement in response to President Trump’s decision to end...
No Uber-style NHS workforce! – GMB union condemns Hunt
TORY health secretary Hunt is trying to create an Uber-style workforce in the NHS, with nurses and hospital staff on flexible working hours, just...
Join Our Big Bike Ride!
‘CALLING all cyclists – join our Big Bike Ride from Ealing Hospital to Charing Cross Hospital on Sunday morning. And if you’re not...
RCN urges safety review of winter nurse numbers!
HEALTH and care providers must examine whether they have enough nursing staff to provide safe patient care this winter, the Royal College of Nursing...
JANET DAVIES the Chief Executive and General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has responded to the Labour Party call for a £500...
NHS unions claim 3.9% wage rise plus £800! – 14 unions...
FOURTEEN NHS unions submitted a pay claim directly to the May government on behalf of more than one million NHS workers...