Tag: nhs
Hunt must resign–says GMB – whole government must go says ATUA
TORY Health secretary Jeremy Hunt must resign, trade union GMB demanded yesterday, while warning that the ‘NHS is tailspinning into catastrophe.’ ‘The number of hospitals...
Aussie student nurses: funding frozen
AUSTRALIA’S Federal Government has quietly decided to freeze university funding for regional nursing and other students, warns Queensland Nurses and Midwives’ Union (QNMU). In a...
Figures expose NHS winter crisis
NEW FIGURES exposing the escalating winter crisis in the NHS were published yesterday morning by NHS England, forcing Tory PM May to apologise for...
Permanent roles not agency! says Unison Renfrewshire
SOCIAL WORK managers in Renfrewshire in Scotland have spent almost £4 million on agency care staff in just five years, figures reveal. Renfrewshire Health and...
50,000 NHS Patients Being Left In Pain And Misery!
IT WAS announced on Tuesday night that all operations during the month of January are cancelled, leaving over 50,000 patients in pain and misery. Also...
MULTI-BILLIONAIRE Richard Branson’s private health company Virgin Care has won £1bn worth of NHS contracts in a single year. Private providers are winning an increasing...
NHS Care Cancelled Until Further Notice! Time To Get The Tories...
DR RICHARD Fawcett, a Royal Stoke Hospital consultant, has apologised for ‘third world’ conditions in the hospital’s A&E, saying that he was ‘heartbroken’ to...
GPs sent instead of ambulances!
NURSES and GPs in County Durham are being told to act as first responders ahead of ambulances as North-East paramedics struggle to cope with...
2018 – The Year For World Revolution!
New Year Manifesto by the News Line Editorial Board THE News Line Editorial Board sends its warmest revolutionary greetings for 2018 to all our readers,...
Pfi Robbers Are On The Job! Expropriate Them Now!
THE PRIVATE Finance Initiative (PFI) that Gordon Brown introduced during the Brown-Blair Labour governments has provided a cash bonanza of hundreds of billions for...
‘IT is more important for them to save money than save lives!’ Halla Kim, RCN member and nurse at Ealing Hospital declared yesterday morning...
NHS driven to the brink by Tory cuts! This government...
AS THE NHS winter crisis sets in, savage cuts to the health service have pushed services to the point of collapse. A severe lack...
No Return To 90-Hour Week For Doctors And Nurses!
‘A RETURN to the days where doctors and nurses work 90-hour weeks would be bad for patient safety, for staff and for the NHS,’...
Heads Of Midwifery Have Serious Safety Concerns
ALMOST 50 per cent (49%) of Heads of Midwifery (HOMs) from across the UK have had to close their maternity units at some point...
‘VICTORIAN WORKHOUSE’ – ISS cleaners, porters & security staff take action!
‘SANTA pigs’ demonstrated outside four south London hospitals yesterday against the bullying of cleaners by managers of the private company they work for, ISS. Under...
A&Es IN MELTDOWN! – ‘TORIES TO BLAME!’ says A&E consultant Dr...
‘UP and down the country our A&E departments are in meltdown, our staff are at breaking point and we need your help,’ Rob Galloway,...
Tory ambulance cuts kill – A&Es are in meltdown!
A SHORTAGE of ambulances and paramedics along with a ‘meltdown’ of A&E services has lead to an extremely alarming spike in patient deaths, as...
Banks to do immigration checks! Smash this racist Tory government!
FROM January 1st banks and building societies will be legally obliged to check the current accounts of 76 million account holders and compare them...
Overwork & Low Pay Driving Nurses Out Of NHS!
NURSES, midwives, doctors, paramedics and NHS staff are being driven out of the profession because of overwork and low pay... creating a ‘severe staff...
7-DAY GP ROLL-OUT – While services at breaking point, warn doctors
SEVEN-day-GP access was rolled out yesterday across the whole of London, despite warnings from doctors that GP services are already stretched to breaking point. GP...
King’s Hospital head resigns over cuts!
CHAIR of the King’s College Hospital NHS Trust Bob Kerslake resigned late on Sunday evening stating that the cuts he was being asked to...
Trade unions must act over NHS crisis by organising...
HOSPITALS across the country are already running close to 100% bed occupancy and the full effects of winter haven’t even started to impact on...
Bring Down May And The Tories! – Break With The Eu...
PM MAY, placed into office after the Cameron-Osborne 2016 EU referendum disaster, has continued to display the complete disorientation of the Tory Party and...
Tory Govt used millions of taxpayers’ money to fund terrorist groups...
LAST night’s BBC Panorama programme entitled ‘Jihadists You Pay For’ has blown the lid off one of the ways in which British imperialism has...
Close down every immigration centre
ALL IMMIGRATION centres should be shut down because they are extremely damaging to the health of the refugee and asylum seekers who are incarcerated...
JUNIOR doctors at Portsmouth Hospital were used to interpret tens of thousands of X-rays without proper training and as a result cases of...
Bankers promote permanent austerity! Nationalise the banks through a socialist revolution...
RICHARD SHARP, a member of the Bank of England’s Financial Stability Committee has warned that the UK is heading for a Venezuelan-style economic crash...
No to paying the EU £50 billion – Kick out the...
THE TORY government has caved in to EU demands and agreed to pay a whopping ‘divorce’ bill that is estimated to be £50 billion. EU...
Hunt Planning New Blitz On NHS And NHS Workers!
BOTH the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) trade unions yesterday warned that Health Secretary Hunt is planning...
‘Don’t Treat US Like The Junior Doctors!’
NURSES and midwives will fight Tory Health Secretary Hunt’s plans to fund a pay rise by smashing their employment conditions, their unions insisted...
Maternity & midwife cuts – 1,000 stillbirths
THE CLOSURE of maternity departments at hospitals up and down the country and the severe lack of midwives has created a situation where as...
The working class will not accept permanent austerity! Call a general...
IN THE wake of Tory Chancellor Hammond’s budget – a budget in which he declared war on the working class, war on pensioners, war...
Avatar Therapy ‘Positive Results!’
A REVOLUTIONARY new therapy in which patients suffering from schizophrenia create an ‘avatar’ of their other self and confront it, has had positive results...
‘Budget does nothing to ease biggest squeeze ever!’ – unions slam...
TODAY’S Budget is far from the ‘game-changer’ the country needs and will do little to ease the biggest squeeze in living standards the country...
Re-nationalise the energy suppliers – the only way to end preventable...
FIGURES released this week by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show a dramatic increase in the number of preventable deaths among the elderly...
On-line GP consultations dangerous & ineffective
BUCKETS of cold water have been poured on Tory plans for patients to see their GP over the internet rather than face-to-face. The pilot...
A bankrupt Tory budget for a bankrupt Britain!
CHANCELLOR Hammond outlined a bankrupt policy for a bankrupt Britain yesterday in the House of Commons. The paper-thin disguise for this bankruptcy was Hammond’s...
‘A Government No Longer Fit For Office!’
TORY Chancellor Hammond kicked public sector workers in the teeth in his class war budget yesterday, refusing to lift the seven-year pay freeze which...
Ambulance boss must quit!
AMBULANCE workers union GMB have called for the chief executive of the South West Ambulance Service to quit as they ‘struggle to maintain a...
To defend NHS bring down the Tories and nationalise drug companies!
ON Budget Day when the Chancellor is expected to ignore the cash crisis facing the NHS – after the service has suffered massive cuts...
Hammond rejects call for £4bn emergency NHS cash
TORY CHANCELLOR Philip Hammond has rejected calls for a £4bn emergency cash injection into the NHS, instead announcing that deeper cuts are necessary for...
Minimum 3-month wait for operations! NHS must be defended with a...
PATIENTS suffering from serious conditions, requiring hip or knee replacements, hernias repaired and cataracts removed, all considered ‘non-urgent surgery’, have been told that they...
‘Drop commitment to Trident and save £205bn’ – McDonnell urged!
THE Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) yesterday supported the call by Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell for ‘an emergency Budget for our public services’. The...
From 1917 Centenary–Forward To World October!
‘THE WORLD’S first socialist revolution when the working class took power is showing us the way forward today,’ Workers Revolutionary Party General Secretary Frank...
Celebrate the Centenary of the Russian Revolution! Forward to the...
THE rally this Sunday will not just celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution. It will be a clarion call for workers to...