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Labour MPs must fight for a socialist solution to the crisis...

WITH the UK’s Labour government set to face challenges from the left to the King’s Speech today, the Fire Brigades Union has urged MPs...

Labour Intends To Prop Up Capitalism And Continue From Where The...

KING Charles yesterday outlined his new Labour government’s law-making plans in his speech to Parliament. The Labour Party now has an overall majority over all...

Hamas movement wounds 3 Israeli settlers in shooting operation! – ‘a...

THE Hamas Movement said on Tuesday that the heroic shooting operation, that took place east of Tulkarem that morning and led to the injury...

Replace Starmer’s anti-worker Labour regime with a workers government and socialism!

THE TUC yesterday published a poll of over 3,000 voters which showed conclusively overwhelming support for workers rights and pay increases to match the...

West Bank General Strike after al-Mawasi massacre

WEST BANK Palestinians held a general strike yesterday in solidarity with people in Gaza in the wake of the Israeli attack on a ‘safe...

Israel warns 250,000 Gazans that they must leave Gaza City at...

THE Israeli government has told ‘everyone’ in Gaza City, which has over 250,000 inhabitants, that they must leave the city at once so that...

Starmer poised to clash with unions over pay rise demands

LABOUR PM Keir Starmer is poised for a clash with the unions after downplaying the likelihood of real-terms pay rises for public sector workers...

‘Up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributed to...

‘IT IS NOT implausible to estimate that up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza,’ declares...

Starmer Betrays The Working Class By Planning A Massive Rise In...

LABOUR PRIME MINISTER Keir Starmer has almost immediately betrayed the massive working class electorate that voted him into office as Prime Minister. His first action...

Israeli occupation army commits three massacres on Monday!

The health ministry in Gaza said on Monday that the Israeli occupation army as committed three massacres in different areas of the Gaza Strip...

TUC must call a general strike to expropriate the bosses and...

MATT WRACK, the President of the TUC and the general secretary of the FBU, correctly said on election day, July 4th, that Labour’s post-election...

Israeli Bombers Target Children

AT least nine people were killed in an Israeli attack on Gaza’s Bureij refugee camp yesterday morning, including five children who were playing in...

400 nurses and other NHS workers strike over safety and pay!

DAY surgery operating theatre nurses at St Thomas’ Hospital opposite Parliament are striking again today against having their shift times forcibly extended again! The 50...

No Return To Private Healthcare – It’s Capitalism That Is Broken...

THE NEW Health Secretary Wes Streeting’s first recorded words in office as Labour’s Health Secretary were to condemn the National Health Service, telling the...

‘We want no more weasel words – we want immediate recognition...

On the fifteenth National march for Palestine over one hundred thousand workers and youth took to the streets in central London in support of...

Don’t withhold the Palestinian revenues urge Nordic nations!

THE Nordic nations have voiced serious concerns over the withholding of Palestinian clearance revenues, further straining the already difficult fiscal situation of the Palestinian...

Reserve Major General describes current events as a great disgrace to...

A RESERVE Major General in the Israeli occupation army, Yitzhak Brik, yesterday spoke out about the dire situation in the Gaza Strip. Brik described the...

Theatre Nurses Picket St Thomas’ Hospital!

THEATRE nurses, members of Unite, were yesterday picketing on the second day of their current strike action at St Thomas’ hospital by Westminster Bridge. Some of...

Junior Doctors Want A 35% Pay Rise!

PICKETS were out yesterday morning at the Royal London Hospital on day two of the Junior Doctors’ strike. They are determined to fight whatever government...

5 Days Of Strike Action By The Junior Doctors!

JUNIOR doctors in England yesterday embarked on a five-day strike, marking the 11th walkout in their prolonged pay dispute. Members of the British Medical Association...

Junior Doctors walk out today!

JUNIOR doctors are staging a full walkout in England beginning at 7am today, Thursday 27 June and ending at 7am on Tuesday 2nd July. The...

Imperialism is on its last legs – Time for the world...

ON Monday, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was freed from the high-security Belmarsh jail after a deal was agreed for him to plead guilty to...

White House is worried that Netanyahu will use US Congress speech...

THE WHITE House is reportedly worried that Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu could use his upcoming speech to the US Congress to publicly criticise...

Guys & St Thomas’ theatre nurses are set to take strike...

GUYS and St Thomas’ theatre nurses are to strike over a dangerous rise in hours. Burnt out nurses warn that a further hour extension to...

‘Pandora’s Box is about to be opened’ says BMA’s Banfield He...

DOCTORS are under attack financially, professionally and morally, and calling an election doesn’t get the government off the hook, British Medical Association leader Professor...

The NHS requires an extra £38bn annually!

THE NHS requires an additional £38bn annually by the end of the next parliament to address the care backlog and reduce prolonged treatment delays,...

NHS will be getting patients out of the hospitals faster! –...

THE NHS will be encouraged to buy up social care beds in a bid to get medically-fit patients out of hospitals faster, Labour has...

Myanmar’s trade unions facing a brutal regime

MYANMAR’s trade unions are facing brutal retaliation in the fight for democracy, says Khaing Zar Aung, the President of the Industrial Workers Union of Myanmar. Democratic...

Fuel shortages driving Gaza’s hospitals to the brink!

Fuel shortages are driving Gaza’s hospitals to the ‘brink of collapse’, leading to dehydration, disease, and starvation among the population, warns the charity ActionAid. Dr...

Labour’s ‘business friendly’ manifesto is declaration of war on the working...

LABOUR leader Keir Starmer launched the party’s ‘business friendly’ election manifesto in Manchester yesterday morning with the promise that a Labour government would put...

Nearly 3,000 children in Gaza are at risk of dying before...

THE United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) says nearly 3,000 children are at risk of dying before the eyes of their families as they have...

Israel Launches Air, Land And Sea Strikes Against The Palestinians...

ISRAEL has launched air, land, and sea strikes, hitting a so-called safe zone in southern Gaza, where thousands of internally displaced Palestinians have sought...

Vote WRP on 4th July – Forward to socialism – not...

THE General Election on July 4th will feature a shattered Tory Party that has already been wrecked by the developing capitalist crisis, and is...

Britain must stop arming Israel and recognise Palestine!

‘BRITAIN must impose sanctions and an arms embargo on Israel and recognise the state of Palestine. We demand Israel gets out of Rafah, Gaza,...

Wrp General Election Manifesto

ISRAEL’s genocidal war on Gaza, killing over 36,000 Palestinians including over 15,000 children, has had a huge impact throughout the world and has created...

Student nurse numbers declining! –10,000 off target by 2025! – says...

STUDENT nurse numbers are declining to the extent that the official NHS workforce plan for England will be over 10,000 off target by 2025,...

RCN declares ‘national emergency’ in the NHS over ‘corridor care’!

THE Royal College of Nursing (RCN) acting general secretary, Professor Nicola Ranger, opened the union’s annual conference yesterday declaring a ‘national emergency’ in the...

Israeli Occupation Forces Carry Out Four Massacres

ISRAELI occupation forces committed four massacres against families in the Gaza Strip over 24 hours yesterday, resulting in the tragic killing of 40 Palestinians...

Ayatollah Khamenei praises Syria’s Assad for Syrian nation’s ‘resistance to imperialism!’

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Iranian Supreme Leader, received Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday. Assad travelled to Tehran to offer condolences over the loss...

China-Arab states condemn Israel’s aggression against Palestine!

A joint statement issued at the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in Beijing has condemned the ongoing Israeli aggression against...

10,000 workers and youth besiege Downing Street demanding banning of all...

OVER 10,000 workers, students and youth attended a protest rally outside Downing Street on Tuesday night with banners, placards and Palestinian flags. They demanded the...

Ireland, Spain and Norway have opened floodgates in recognising the state...

THE unity of western governments over previous unconditional support for the state of Israel and its illegal occupation of Palestine was blown apart yesterday...

Nations of the world condemn Israel’s tent camp massacre!

The horrifying news of Sunday night’s tent attack sent shock waves throughout the globe, prompting world leaders to call for the immediate implementation of...

10 days of strike action at St Thomas’ Hospital!

YESTERDAY, marked the first of 10 days of strike action by security staff at St Thomas’ hospital by Westminster Bridge in central London. Some of...

Ontario nurses win 11.5% wage increase

THE Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) in Canada has welcomed the arbitration decision that includes the most significant wage increase for registered nurses (RNs) and...