Refugees March To Eu Offices Demanding ‘Freedom!’
OVER 1,000 mainly Syrian and Afghan refugees marched last Wednesday through the Athens city centre to the EU Offices in Greece demanding free and...
TATA SACKING THOUSANDS – McCluskey praises Cameron and temporary nationalisation
TATA Steel announced yesterday that it is getting out of Britain at once, threatening the jobs of 19,000 steelworkers in Port Talbot, Rotherham, Corby,...
Tory Bill will ‘kill social housing’ warn councils
THE new Tory Housing and Planning Bill will ‘kill social housing’ a leading West Midlands councillor Frank Allen warned yesterday. All over the country council...
NUT rejects the ‘Prevent’ policy
THE National Union of Teachers (NUT) annual conference in Brighton yesterday voted unanimously for the scrapping of the Tory ‘Prevent Strategy’. Delegates condemned the government’s...
Israeli Forces Demolish Palestinian Homes
ISRAELI forces yesterday made preparations for the punitive demolition of the family houses of three Palestinians suspected of carrying out a fatal attack outside...
Palestinian Killed At Point Blank Range
VIDEO footage has emerged showing a Palestinian being shot in the head by an Israeli soldier at point-blank range despite lying motionless and severely...
Army & police will be deployed in the removal of refugees
REFUGEES staged protests shouting ‘freedom’, in English, last Wednesday and Thursday, at the main gate of the Moria village ‘Detention Centre,’ that is, concentration...
370,000 Council Homes To Be Sold Off!
370,000 council and housing association homes will be sold off in England by 2020, the head of the Chartered Institute of Housing has warned. Terrie...
Charlie Chaplin Children’s Ward Must Not Close!
‘THE Charlie Chaplin Children’s Ward must not close!’ Jaswinder Pannu exclaimed yesterday morning. She spoke to News Line during the 50-strong mass picket of Ealing...
Junior doctors escalate struggle – after Tories refuse to talk
The BMA yesterday confirmed an escalation of the junior doctors industrial action scheduled for April. This follows the continued refusal by the government to step...
Arrogant Osborne refuses to apologise – McDonnell calls for him to go!
‘LET me say to him (Tory chancellor Osborne) I certainly think for the sake of this country that it is time for him to...
Maudsley Hospital strike
AS MANY as 200 cleaners and domestic workers at four south London hospitals took strike action yesterday demanding their wages are increased to £10...
‘Osborne & Cameron must quit’
TORY Chancellor Osborne refused to appear in parliament yesterday to answer an urgent question on the crisis surrounding last Wednesday’s budget, which cut disabled...
Tory Split Deepens!
THE Tory government risks dividing society, Iain Duncan Smith warned yesterday in his first interview since resigning as Work and Pensions Secretary. He attacked the...
Gunboat diplomacy! – Cameron targets refugees
TORY PM Cameron has been accused of ‘gun boat diplomacy,’ after the announcement that Royal Navy vessels will be deployed this summer to turn...
£1.9bn black hole pensions raid –as Corbyn ready to force vote on disabled cuts
A PENSIONS black hole has been identified in the Tory Chancellor’s budget plan with figures emerging yesterday showing that the...
Benefit Cuts Revolt!
A TORY disability campaigner has handed in his party membership and sabotaged a Tory Party website in protest over brutal disability benefit cuts. Graeme Ellis,...
CUTS FOR THE WORKERS – tax cuts for the rich
TORY Chancellor Osborne delivered a class war Budget yesterday offering whole swathes of new tax breaks for the rich, while hammering benefits, public services,...
NUT sixth form strike defiant!
NUT SIXTH form teachers walked out on strike yesterday morning at colleges across the country against Tory funding cuts that are driving up...
NUT strike is on!
TODAY’S NUT 6th form college strike is on! The Tory government took the NUT to the High Court yesterday in an attempt to rule...
Hands Off Our Homes! Say 10,000 Marchers
HANDS off our Homes! Kill the Bill! Homes for People! Not for Profit!’ chanted protesters yesterday on a 10,000-strong march through central London against...
More Budget Cuts!
TORY Chancellor Osborne warned yesterday that the deepening world crisis of capitalism means he must ‘act now rather than pay later’ and include...
Hand all academies & free schools back
CHIEF Inspector of Schools Michael Wilshaw has criticised the heads of some academy chains for being paid vast salaries, up to £225,000 a...
USDAW delighted at Tory defeat!
SHOPWORKERS trade union leader John Hannett is delighted with the House of Commons vote that defeated the government and removed Sunday trading changes...
Legal threat to Sheffield occupation!
THE University of Sheffield has been granted a court order to remove 19 students who have been occupying a lecture theatre for more than...
Junior doctors 48hr strike today
‘OTHER trade unions should take action to support us and defend the NHS and I really hope we are all going to come together...
500,000 sanctioned in 12 MONTHS
CAMPAIGNERS will be protesting outside Jobcentres in over 70 towns and cities across the UK on Wednesday (9 March 2016) as part of...
Property crash fears!
BANKS and speculators are attempting to offload mortgage default risk onto unsuspecting taxpayers and pension funds amid fears of a looming property crash in...
Walking in the shoes of the suffragettes
LEADING stars, joined crowds at a rally and march yesterday morning, led by two generations of the historic suffragette Pankhurst family in London on...
Refugee crisis doubles
THE number of refugees seeking asylum in Europe has doubled to 1,255,600 during 2015, figures released yesterday show. Imperialist wars in Iraq Afghanistan and...
‘Police spy should have been charged’ – say Stephen Lawrence’s parents
THE police officer involved in an alleged plot to spy on the parents of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence should have faced disciplinary charges...
300 GP surgeries are facing closure
ALMOST 300 GP practices are facing closure, a new BMA survey released today has warned. The crisis in general practice is set to worsen according...
‘Shut down Harmondsworth’
‘SHUT down Harmondsworth immigration centre!’ demanded the Movement for Justice yesterday, in response to a damning report which exposed the centre as being...
PSPOs criminalise homeless & youth
‘IN KETTERING it is illegal to go out after 11 at night if you are under 18. In Hillingdon you cannot gather in...
Police clash with refugees in Greece & Calais
REFUGEES broke down the barbed wire fence on the Greek border with Macedonia yesterday, using a steel pole as a battering ram. The protesters shouted:...
Defend Heathrow jobs rally today!
HUNDREDS of British Airways workers are demonstrating outside the airline’s Heathrow HQ today against the outsourcing and offshoring of their jobs to Tata Consultancy...
Refugees hang in Victoria Square, Athens
TWO desperate refugees tried to commit suicide by hanging themselves in central Athens’ Victoria Square on Thursday. With the EU states bordering Greece...
Ealing Hospital mass picket
‘STRIKE action is the only way forward. How can we drive our buses safely if there is no A&E at Ealing hospital?’ bus driver...
GREECE has recalled its ambassador to Austria amid sharp divisions among EU states over the migrant crisis. The move came after Austria hosted a meeting...
Sixth Form Colleges Fighting Pay Freeze!
LECTURERS, librarians, technicians, cleaners and caretakers in Unison and the UCU union walked out on strike in Sixth Form Colleges around the country yesterday,...
Three new junior doctors strikes
JUNIOR doctors in England have confirmed three further strike dates. In a BMA ballot of junior doctors last November, 98 per cent of those who...
Colleges strike today
THOUSANDS of furious staff walked out of Further Education colleges across England from 7.00am this morning in a one-day strike to oppose a proposed...
‘Escalate strike action! End the imposition’ says Junior Doctors Committee
‘THE Junior Doctors Committee has made clear the decision that further industrial action is inevitable and that we will consider escalating any action to...
A&E patients told ‘go home!’
MANY who had been waiting seven-hours in the A&E department at Edmonton’s North Middlesex Hospital were told on Friday night to go home...
Tories Split Over Eu
PRIME Minister Cameron yesterday defended his renegotiation of Britain’s terms of EU membership, as a number of his cabinet ministers lined up to call...