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Make Capitalism History! The Way To End Poverty

TODAY’S Edinburgh march to ‘Make Poverty History’ will be led by Bishops, Cardinals and boss class politicians, in other words, by the religious and...

Huge increase in ASBOs

Human rights group Liberty yesterday condemned the huge increase in the number of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (Asbos) issued as the government steps up its...

Rice supervises raising Middle East tensions

THE US through its secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, who has been in the Middle East for a week, is working hard to raise...

RAF planes bomb Iraq/Syria border areas

ROYAL Air Force Tornado fighter bombers have joined the US air force in bombing raids in Iraq’s western Al Anbar province, particularly in the...

5 WARDS AND 300 STAFF FACE THE AXE – in Lincolnshire...

Staff at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust have been shocked by the sudden announcement on Monday of plans to close five hospital wards and...

Labour Set To Drive Workers Off The Roads

ALISTAIR Darling, the Labour government transport minister, yesterday unveiled the government’s plan to drive millions of working class drivers off the roads with a...

Rumsfeld Raves About Nuclear ‘Bunker Bombs’

THE US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has defended, at an Asia-Pacific conference of regional defence ministers and military chiefs, the US drive to develop...

Greek Telecom Pensions Crisis

Greek Telecom’s OME-OTE trade union leadership succeeded last weekend in pushing through the union’s congress a most reactionary agreement which had been worked out...

MORE PALESTINIANS KILLED – as America and Israel pressure PNA to...

WHILE the US was piling the pressure on Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas to force the Palestine National Authority to disarm all the anti-occupation groups,...

Labour and the bosses knifing pensions and pensioners

A SURVEY from pensions advisers Origen published yesterday shows that companies are continuing to either close their final salary pensions schemes or end admission...

Renationalise railways or regime change says ASLEF

ASLEF is the first trade union to call for ‘regime change’, a change in the leadership of the Labour government if it continues to...

Britain Heads For Revolutionary Situation

BRITAIN is now being run by a weakened and discredited Blair government, which is however determined to speed up its right wing course and...