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Angry Nurses Force Emergency General Meeting Over Pay Sell-Out!

AN EMERGENCY General meeting will be held by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) in September, in response to a petition with over 1,000...

Harare Council Workers Demand 4 Months’ Salary Arrears

THOUSANDS of Zimbabwe capital Harare City Council (HCC) workers have threatened to go on strike to force their employer to settle salary arrears stretching...

Commissioners will slash and burn local services!

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Tory County Council has imposed emergency spending controls twice in the last six months and is now in a ‘truly perilous state’, having...

Bangladesh garment workers’ unions demand massive increase in minimum wage!

BANGLADESH garment workers’ organisations will picket the wage board office in Dhaka on August 5th to demand Tk 16,000 as the minimum monthly wage...

Workers Must Support Corbyn Against The Tory And Labour Witch-Hunters!

THE BOURGEOIS media and Labour’s right wing pro-Zionists have no shame, as their attempts to label Labour leader Corbyn an anti-Semite show – otherwise...

Nurses demand emergency conference to remove union leaders guilty of...

NURSES reacted with fury last week when they received their July pay packets and realised that the 3% pay increase their union, the RCN,...

Syrian Democratic Council Sends Delegation To Damascus To Talk To Assad!

US BACKED militants in Syria have sent a delegation to the Syrian capital for talks with Syrian government officials. The so-called Syrian Democratic Council...

Air France workers – more strike action – ‘future of airline...

TRADE unions representing Air France workers have threatened to ground more flights in September as a pay dispute with the airline’s bosses continues. Air...

US Steelworkers To Protest At National Grid Agm

MEMBERS of the United Steelworkers union working for the British multinational utility company National Grid in the US state of Massachusetts will be flying...

SA Working Class Summit to unite workplace and community struggles

A NEW chapter in the history of the South African working class was opened in Soweto on 21st-22nd July 2018, when representatives from...

NUMSA fights attempt to ban South Africa bus strike

THE NATIONAL Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) has opposed an application to the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) Essential Services...

‘We won’t pay £39bn divorce bill’ says Brexit Sec Raab

IN A Sunday Telegraph interview, Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab threatened to withhold the £39 billion ($51 billion) divorce fee from the EU,...

Leiberman Threatens ‘Wide-Scale & Painful’ Military Operation Against Gaza

THE Israeli Defence Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, threatened to initiate a ‘wide-scale and painful military operation’ against the besieged Gaza Strip due to the continued...

Tolpuddle Martyrs festival weekend

THE TOLPUDDLE Martyrs annual festival where thousands of people come together to celebrate trade unionism and remember the role of the Tolpuddle Martyrs began...


DOMINIC Grieve, the Beaconsfield Tory MP, has told BBC Newsnight that in the event of a no-deal Brexit, Parliament would ‘assert its authority’. He told...

Incendiary kites & balloons will increase to defy the Israeli...

THE ‘incendiary kites unit’ of the Gaza Strip announced on Wednesday that the amount of incendiary kites and balloons targeting Israeli areas surrounding Gaza...

Israeli Army Rehearsing The Taking Of Gaza City!

BESIEGED GAZA is under a heavy non-stop Israeli siege and onslaught. The Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, has warned Israel of ‘dangerous consequences’ as the...

RMT leader Steve Hedley attacked by fascists

RMT Union leader Steve Hedley was attacked after taking part in a counter-protest to the Trump and Robinson rally on Saturday. The union leader...

Workers of the UK and USA must send May, Trump and...

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump, on arrival to the UK on Thursday, did an interview with the Sun newspaper in which he said that he...

Israeli drones fire on kite fliers

ISRAELI drones carried out an airstrike targeting a group of Palestinian kite-flyers in eastern Rafah City in the southern Gaza Strip on Wednesday afternoon....

No confidence in May move gathering pace

THE CHEQUERS Brexit compromise White Paper on the UK’s plans to leave the EU is to be published today. The plan, thrashed out behind...

‘Privatisation gravy train must end’ says GMB

‘The gravy train needs to end – public services should be just that; public,’ said the GMB union on Tuesday, in response to a...

Ukrainian miners from Donetsk, Lviv Lugansk and Volyn protest in Kiev

ON TUESDAY, 10 July, miners from Donetsk, Lugansk, Volyn, and Lviv regions held a protest in Ukraine’s capital, Kiev. Since 6th July miners...

May Duping Electorate! – Says Tory Mp Bridgen

TORY MP Andrew Bridgen has called PM May’s pledges about the EU, made at Chequers ‘a pretence and charade intended to dupe the electorate’....

Amesbury and Salisbury – Russian involvement ludicrous

RUSSIA ‘categorically denied and continues to categorically deny the possibility of any kind of involvement’, in the attempt to assasinate Skripal and his daughter...

Celebrate the first 70 years by bringing down the Tories and...

THE NHS was the product of war and revolution, namely the slaughter of soldiers and civilians fighting fascism in World War 2, and...

Hyundai workers vote for strike action!

Korean workers are rising up in militant struggles, with unions at the motoring giant Hyundai voting overwhelmingly to strike for a 5.3% pay increase....

Australian Esso workers 1 year on strike!

MORE THAN 500 Australian trade unionists marked the first anniversary of strike action by 230 workers employed by energy giant Exxon Mobil’s maintenance contractor...

Withdraw suspension of 400 UNRWA workers in Gaza

UNRWA Staff Union and UNRWA Head Union in Gaza warned the agency’s administration against taking unprecedented extreme measures and withdrawing from sent notices suspending...

Defend The NHS–Get The Tories Out!

‘WE CHANGE things in the NHS and make them better. But shortages of staff means patient care suffers. A&Es are closing, Hunt doesn’t care,...

Celebrate 70 years of the NHS! –by bringing down the Tories

70 YEARS of the NHS are being celebrated with a mass demonstration today in central London supported by the TUC and 11 other health...

Only a Socialist Revolution can force the break with the bosses’ and...

NOTHING summed up the crisis that is gripping the leadership of the trade unions like the TUC’s joint statement this week, with the bosses...

‘We are ready to starve but will not be ready… to...

MAHMOUD Aloul, deputy chairman of Fatah movement, said on Tuesday that the Palestinian people will not allow the humanitarian situation in Gaza to override...

Greek hospital workers blockade against austerity! – as thousands of refugees...

GREEK hospital workers on Monday morning blocked the entrance to the Finance Ministry on Nikis Street near Syntagma Square in an angry protest against...

‘This story involving chemical weapons is a pretext for direct military...

ACCORDING to the Syrian president, Syria destroyed all its stocks of chemical weapons back in 2013, but the West was still using ‘fairy tales’...

Labour Traitors Dance To Billionaire George Soros’ Tune!

AFTER their defeat in the House of Commons last Wednesday over the EU Withdrawal Bill, the billionaire George Soros’ ‘Best for Britain’ movement ...

Thousands march in Ontario for $15 minimum wage!

JUST nine days after the Ontario election, thousands flooded the streets outside the Ministry of Labour and marched to Queen’s Park on Saturday in...

Vital local council services collapsing

VITAL local services are collapsing, council workers have warned in a new survey conducted by their union, Unison. Unison warned that Tory cuts have...

US separates 2,000 children from their families as they cross the...

ALMOST 2,000 children were separated from their families at the US border over six weeks, officials say. Following a Trump administration crackdown on ‘illegal’...

Shut down the House of Lords and purge the House of...

THE MAY government avoided a House of Commons defeat for the Brexit Withdrawal Bill last Tuesday by making promises to the leading Tory Remainer,...

Joint Justice4Grenfell-FBU demonstration

‘THERESA May we don’t trust you, We trust the FBU,’ shouted over 3,000 marchers from Downing Street in London on Saturday. The joint...

15,000-strong Grenfell anniversary march

15,000 workers and youth took part in an emotional silent march through west London on Thursday evening to mark the first anniversary of the...

SA power workers demand 15% wage increase 0% pay offer rejected...

THE National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) have both officially rejected Eskom’s 0% wage offer, saying...

Grenfell Inferno–one year on!

‘WE FEEL tomorrow is about remembering and honouring the 72 that died,’ Justice4Grenfell campaign co-ordinator Yvette Williams told News Line yesterday ahead of today’s...

The Working Class Must Intervene To Resolve The Brexit ‘Debate’!

LAST Tuesday afternoon, in the House of Commons, the knives were out for the Brexit referendum result, and for the millions of workers who...