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Tory Civil War Rages!

THE TORIES’ civil war over Brexit continued to rage yesterday after PM May received a letter from 30 Tory MPs. The letter...

‘Stay put’ failed as soon as flammable cladding was installed FBU’S...

FIRE Brigades Union (FBU) general secretary Matt Wrack has issued the following statement, commenting on the testimony given to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry by...

TUC traitors issue joint statement with the CBI bosses, the...

THE TUC leaders have just issued an unprecedented joint statement with the bosses of the CBI, the ETUC and Business Europe ahead of June’s...

BMA rejects NHS privatisation

ALMOST every single doctor voted to oppose the introduction and imposition of an insurance-based healthcare system into the UK. The almost unanimous vote...

Labour Traitors Dance To Billionaire George Soros’ Tune!

AFTER their defeat in the House of Commons last Wednesday over the EU Withdrawal Bill, the billionaire George Soros’ ‘Best for Britain’ movement ...

EU Withdrawal Bill proceeds Lords amendment rejected

THE GOVERNMENT saw off an attempt by Remainers to adopt the Lords amendment which would have allowed a ‘meaningful vote’ on the final Brexit...

Reject Tory fake pledges on NHS funding – Only Socialism will...

THE SURPRISE announcement by Theresa May on Sunday that the Tories had plans to put £20 billion of extra funding into the NHS over...

Shut down the House of Lords and purge the House of...

THE MAY government avoided a House of Commons defeat for the Brexit Withdrawal Bill last Tuesday by making promises to the leading Tory Remainer,...

Joint Justice4Grenfell-FBU demonstration

‘THERESA May we don’t trust you, We trust the FBU,’ shouted over 3,000 marchers from Downing Street in London on Saturday. The joint...

Grenfell Inferno–one year on!

‘WE FEEL tomorrow is about remembering and honouring the 72 that died,’ Justice4Grenfell campaign co-ordinator Yvette Williams told News Line yesterday ahead of today’s...

The Working Class Must Intervene To Resolve The Brexit ‘Debate’!

LAST Tuesday afternoon, in the House of Commons, the knives were out for the Brexit referendum result, and for the millions of workers who...

ACTU fights ‘disgrace of racial discrimination’

‘This programme is a disgrace to all Australians and must be scrapped,’ ACTU (Australian Council of Trade Unions) Indigenous Officer Lara Watson said on...

Remainers attempts to reverse Brexit defeated

REMAINER MPs were defeated in their attempts to reverse Brexit yesterday after the majority voted to disagree with Lords Amendment 19 on a ‘meaningful...

‘Every square inch of Palestine must be liberated!’

‘EVERY square inch of Palestine must be liberated,’ Palestinian born in Lebanon Sandra Wafta told News Line on Sunday as hundreds of people lined...

Corbyn appeases Labour’s right wing – the UK must leave the...

THE UK was changed forever when the over-confident Tory leadership of Cameron and Osborne got the House of Commons to agree a resolution...

Train chaos – Heathrow expansion – Grayling must go!

‘THE ONLY reason that the secretary of state (Chris Grayling) is at the dispatch box today is that the Prime Minister is too weak...

Trump Declares Trade War – On The Eu, Canada & Mexico

THE CAPITALIST world was rocking yesterday after President Trump’s declaration of a trade war on his European Union, Canadian and Mexican rivals. The US...

SAFTU’s verdict on 100 days of Ramaphosa

THE South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU) is not joining in the euphoria over President Ramaphosa’s completion of 100 days as President of...

Unite Day of Action against Universal Credit!

THURSDAY was Unite’s National Day of Action against Universal Credit! There was a rally at 1pm in Old Palace Yard and a march to...

SAFTU planning ‘total shutdown of economy’

SAFTU (South African Federation of Trade Unions) is planning ‘a two to three day total shut down of the economy’ during which ‘the working...

‘We are going to hound you out!’ – FBU’s message to...

‘OUR MESSAGE to May and the Tories is: We are going to hound you out! Justice for Grenfell!’ Lucy Masood, FBU, said, to the...

Workers will not get any ‘new deal’ from the Tories! Make...

THE WINDRUSH scandal, missiles launched at Syria without even seeking permission from Parliament, the Grenfell fire disaster, the winter NHS meltdown, homelessness and rough...

Palestinian Prisoners’ Families Targeted By Israeli State

THE Palestinian Authority intends to file a legal case against Israel at the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Friday for its crimes against the...

One Hour Training For Serco Breast Cancer Screeners

THE CANCER breast screening scandal has been exacerbated by news that the call handlers on the hotline set up by health secretary Jeremy Hunt...

Plo Suspends Recognition Of Israel!

AT LEAST 37 Palestinian protesters and three journalists were injured by live shots or suffocated from tear-gas inhalation on Friday as Israeli forces attacked...

Council election results weaken Labour in a self-inflicted wound and strengthen...

LABOUR’S hopes crashed to earth in the just-concluded council elections. The eve of poll predictions of the Tories losing Wandsworth, Westminster and then Kensington...

No cuts to museums & galleries!

THE PCS (Public and Commercial Services Union) is holding a rally in parliament from 6.30pm next Wednesday, 9 May, to highlight how jobs and...

After levelling Mosul and Raqqa, the US-UK-French alliance is moving into...

THE FALSE claims of the Ministry of Defence that there were no civilian casualties in UK air strikes on Iraq, namely on Mosul, have...

May Day Marchers Demand ‘Kick The Tories Out!’

THE LONDON May Day Rally of over 5,000 workers, trade unionists, students and youth marched from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square in central London...

Unelected Lords Lay The Basis For An Anti-Brexit Coup!

THE House of Lords on Monday night passed amendments to the EU Withdrawal Bill that provide a basis for a parliamentary coup to bin...

Windrush promises must have legal backing

MORE than 200 MPs have signed a letter to the prime minister calling for government promises to Windrush migrants to be written into law....

Sa Workers Take To The Streets

THE SOUTH African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU) said last Wednesday 25 April 2018 will be recorded in the history of the South African...

Striking Greek workers join with protesting pensioners

THOUSANDS of striking electricity, industrial and hospital workers met up with protesting pensioners in the streets of Athens last Wednesday, as they all marched...

Rudd and May refuse to resign over Windrush, so no alternative...

AT WEDNESDAY’S Prime Minister’s Question Time, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn called for Tory Home Secretary Amber Rudd to resign – the only problem with...

Imperialist powers are preparing Middle East war – disarm them with...

AT a time when US President Trump and France’s Macron are plotting a permanent US presence in northern Syria, to be supported no...

Corbyn limits his call to Rudd’s resignation

‘WE ARE talking about the environment created by her (PM Theresa May) as Home Secretary for six years when she knew full well of...

Safety Before Profits!

SOME 200 railworkers and supporters demonstrated opposite Parliament yesterday morning to mark two years of strikes by the RMT union to Keep the Guard...

Nigerian hospital workers indefinite strike – in Zimbabwe 16,000 striking nurses...

NIGERIA’S nurses, pharmacists, and other medical professionals on Sunday declared an indefinite strike at federal hospitals under the auspices of the Joint Health...

No Legal Aid For Windrush

‘THE WINDRUSH scandal is one of the cruelest examples of unaccountable state power targeting the vulnerable, the defenceless and the innocent that I can...

Corbyn indicts May! – for her ‘cruel and discredited policy’

LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn says Prime Minister Theresa May’s ‘hostile environment’ set a ‘deliberately unreachable bar’ for migrants and created the Windrush generation scandal. In...

Staffs Bed Closures – Lives At Risk!

‘BED closures will put patients’ lives at risk,’ campaigners fighting to save community hospital beds across North Staffordshire declared yesterday. The claim that ‘patients...

Tory racist ‘hostile environment’ ‘Reminiscent of Nazi Germany’ Forward with socialist...

SPEAKING on the BBC Newsnight programme on Wednesday, a former head of the Civil Service, Sir Bob Kerslake, damned the Tories and Theresa May...

May assumes dictatorial powers over Parliament – time to bring her...

TORY Prime Minister Theresa May was determined on Monday to avoid a substantive vote in Parliament on ‘her right’ to go to war and...

May undermines Parliament!

‘WHAT I am setting out today is a simple democratic demand, it is not taking an opinion one way or the other of what...

Vote ‘NO!’ to NHS pay offer! – 6.5% increase over 3...

A CONSULTATION of NHS workers was launched at the Unison health conference in Brighton on Monday on the new ‘pay deal’. Unison members...