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The continuing collapse of leadership in the FBU

THE leadership of the FBU ignominiously collapsed at yesterday’s FBU recall conference, held to decide on industrial action to defend the final salary pensions...

Gate Gourmet taking fight into the unions

GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are taking their fight for reinstatement into the trade union movement and visiting Transport and General Workers Union and other...

Haiti Rises Up!

PRESIDENTIAL candidate, Rene Preval, has condemned the ‘gigantic fraud’ during last week’s elections in Haiti, where an insurrection is taking place by his poverty-stricken...

‘THIS WILL BE LABOUR’S POLL TAX’ – says angry demonstration against...

‘WE will not be numbered, tagged and fingerprinted.’ That was the message from hundreds of demonstrators outside parliament on Monday against the government’s plans to...


Senior Hamas official Ismail Haniyah, who topped the Islamic movement’s national list of ‘Change and Reform’ in the parliamentary elections, said last Friday that...

Bush attacks the sick, the elderly and the workers

‘PRESIDENT George W Bush wants to make sure his tax cuts for the wealthy become permanent, at a cost of about $3...

200-Strong Picket Supports Gate Gourmet Locked-Out Workers

TWO hundred people joined a mass picket by the locked-out Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow, six months after the 700-strong workforce at the airline...

A Record £65.5 Billion Trade Deficit For 2005

THE UK trade deficit with the rest of the world for 2005 was a catastrophic £65.5 billion. The deficit on goods and services...

Scottish Power – huge profits and huge price rises

SCOTTISH Power has just reported a 95 per cent leap in its profits. It also warned its 5.2 million customers to prepare for a...

Blair’s plans remain a ‘Trojan Horse’ for an education market

A political storm of the highest order has broken out in Greece over mass phone-tapping. This follows revelations, at a special press-conference last Thursday in...

Greek Phone-Tapping Storm

A political storm of the highest order has broken out in Greece over mass phone-tapping. This follows revelations, at a special press-conference last Thursday in...

RESTORE OUR HARDSHIP PAYMENTS – demand Gate Gourmet locked-out workers

Locked out Gate Gourmet workers are looking forward to their six months anniversary picket this Friday between 1.30pm and 2.30pm. They have been picketing ...

‘END GUANTANAMO TORMENT’ – Amnesty repeats call to close prison camp

AMNESTY International has renewed its call for the United States to close its Guantanamo Bay concentration camp and try or release the prisoners held...

Tigers Reject Talks

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) have rejected Sri Lankan government proposed peace talks in Geneva, following reports of abductions of pro-Tiger aid...

Save Our Babies!

‘Who will deliver our babies?’ asked an alarmed Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) yesterday. It issued three stark warnings: ‘Unless recruitment improves there...

No hardship payments says Woodley

TGWU leader Tony Woodley confirmed yesterday that the hardship payments to the locked out Gate Gourmet workers have been stopped. He informed a delegation of...

£3,500 CUT IN BASIC PAY – West Midlands & Shropshire Ambulance...

Ambulance crews in the West Midlands and Shropshire are set to start industrial action, beginning with an overtime ban next Wednesday, followed by a...


Hamas leaders on Monday rejected as ‘blackmail’ Western demands that the Palestinian resistance movement recognises Israel’s right to exist and renounces violence against the...

Russian & Chinese Stalinists support US threats against Iran

THE Chinese and Russian representatives at a meeting of the five permanent members of the United Nations (UN) Security Council and Germany on...

Indonesian Unions Battle For Rights

‘Reinstate the union president and stop union-busting immediately!’, said the banner of Japanese trade union officials outside the Indonesian embassy in Tokyo on January...

Basra Tensions Flare!

Basra governor Mohammed al-Waili yesterday warned the British occupiers he will break off all relations and called on Iraqis to demonstrate outside the...

Huge $8.6bn loss at General Motors

GENERAL Motors (GM) bosses admitted on Thursday that their losses for 2005 were $8.6bn, their largest since 1992 when the board of directors was...


The number of people unemployed worldwide climbed to new heights in 2005, especially among the vast and growing legion of jobless youth, the International...

Hamas election win – a victory for resistance

HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement) won a resounding victory in Wednesday’s general election securing 76 seats in the 132-seat Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), on the...

‘Our hardship payments must continue’ say Gate Gourmet pickets

LOCKED-OUT Gate Gourmet workers are furious that their union leaders in the TGWU have ended their hardship payments. Lakhinder Saran told News Line yesterday: ‘We...

Tgwu Leaders Stop Gate Gourmet Workers Hardship Fund

YESTERDAY the News Line was informed by the London Region Office of the TGWU that the Gate Gourmet hardship fund was closed and that...

‘OUTSOURCING OF TORTURE’ condemned by Swiss MP Marty

The Council of Europe’s interim report yesterday said it is ‘highly likely’ that European governments know of the secret transport by the CIA of...

Gate Gourmet pickets angry at TGWU leaders

GATE Gourmet locked out workers were angry yesterday when they were told by the local union office that that they had received the last...

Gate Gourmet Workers Determined To Win

Locked out Gate Gourmet workers, trade unionists and youth, held a successful over 150-strong mass picket on the mound near the Beacon roundabout at...

NHS ‘choice’ and ‘reforms’ are no choice – Part one

THE Department of Health’s (DoH) electronic ‘Choose and Book’ programme, is being introduced supposedly to facilitate a ‘patient choice’ of hospital. The procedures to be...

Police Aim To Put The Nation Under Its Thumb

The Blair government is aiming to engineer a situation whereby the carrying of an identity card by every person is compulsory, and at the...

Mass Picket A Great Success

‘We want our jobs back! No to the Compromise Agreement! Kick out Gate Gourmet!’ shouted 150 locked out Gate Gourmet workers and supporters...

All out for the News Line–Gate Gourmet sacked workers conference

THE sacked Gate Gourmet workers were locked out almost six months ago on August 10th-11th 2005 by a management and an owner that was...

Gg Workers Step Up Campaign

LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers visited Hillingdon Civic Centre, the Uxbridge library, Uxbridge bus garage, Uxbridge tube and Brunel University yesterday, to campaign for...

Stop Post Office Wipe-Out!

POST Offices are being wiped out, depriving the public of a vital service, leaders of the Communications Workers’ Union and the National Federation of...

BILLIONS WIPED OFF SHARES – after Japan stock market collapse

Billions of dollars, pounds and euros were wiped off worldwide share prices yesterday as investors took fright at the abrupt collapse and closure of...

Hounslow Campaign Goes Well For Gate Gourmet Locked-Out Workers

THE campaign team of locked-out Gate Gourmet workers was in Hounslow yesterday working for their mass picket this Sunday and their conference in London...

Pakistan PM forced to condemn US raid

THE Pakistani Prime Minister, Shaukat Aziz, yesterday spelt out that Pakistan cannot accept actions like the recent US cross-border air strike on a village...

US unions take action on Martin Luther King Day

Teamsters union sanitation worker members in the US capital are launching a campaign against Waste Management on Martin Luther King Day, today. Nearly 100 Washington,...

Stop US Gp Take-Over

The European arm of private US healthcare giant United Health is poised to take over two GP practices in Derbyshire covering 7,500 patients, one...

Ahern Attacks Irish Unions

IRISH Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Bertie Ahern has told the trade unions it would be ‘reckless’ of them to seek a 10 per cent pay...

‘Summary Powers!’

Prime Minister Blair yesterday unveiled his viciously anti-working class ‘Respect Action Plan’ at a press conference. Announcing his ‘ActionPlan’ Blair said: ‘Anti-Social Behaviour law imposed...

Khaddam Calls For Syrian Uprising

THE former Syrian Vice-President, Abdul Halim Khaddam, set himself up as a would-be Quisling for President Bush yesterday, after he called for a...

‘The Christians of Palestine are partners in the one homeland’ says...

The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, launched its campaign for the Palestinian elections on Tuesday, in defiance of Israeli attempts to bar the movement from...

‘We continue to picket, despite the cold!’

Locked Out Gate Gourmet workers are calling on all trade unionists to attend their Conference in London on Sunday the 29th of January. More than...