Tag: broadcasting
Tens Of Thousands March For Mousavi
TENS of thousands of supporters of defeated Iranian presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi staged a ‘silent’ protest rally in Tehran on Wednesday against the...
SRI LANKA HAS A CASE TO ANSWER – says international war...
THE United Nations is able to investigate the war crimes which occurred recently in Sri Lanka, British human rights lawyer and international war crimes...
Nationalise Gm Vauxhall
Business Secretary Mandelson told the BBC yesterday that there will be ‘painful change’ resulting from the takeover of GM Europe. He said that whichever of...
Wildcat Strike Spreads!
Thousands of construction workers around the UK have walked out in support of 200 workers who began a wildcat strike on Tuesday at the...
Massacre In Vanni!
TAMILNET reports that in the early hours of Monday at around 3.00am. Vanni local time, the LTTE Political Chief B Nadesan and LTTE Peace...
5,000 March In London On Nakba Day
AROUND 5,000 people marched from the University of London Union (ULU) to Trafalgar Square in central London on Saturday, to mark the 61st anniversary...
‘Gordon Brown is supporting Rajapakse and his genocide and murder of the Tamil people’, Loganathan said outside the Houses of Parliament on Monday, where...
Miliband Does Nothing To Stop Genocide Against The Tamils
TamilNet reports that Professor Francis Boyle, professor of International Law at the University of Illinois College of Law, has said Britain is obliged to...
Brown boasts that he has assured the future of the banks
THE Prime Minister revealed once again on BBC Radio 2 just what his priorities are and just what he is working night, noon and...
Wage freezing, wage cutting, redundancies and revolution ahead for workers!
THE Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) says that if there is a capitalist government in office in 2016 it will have to find an...
President Obama is heading for a fall
SPEAKING before the NATO summit President Obama made clear that his business in Europe was to raise a war party for Afghanistan, when...
THOUSANDS LAY SIEGE TO THE CITY – and march against the...
SEVEN thousand mainly young people from London and across the country marched to demand the withdrawal of British and American troops from Iraq and...
BANK OF ENGLAND BLOCKADED! – by tens of thousands of youth
TENS of thousands of people demonstrated from mid-day yesterday outside the Bank of England against bankers,capitalism and the G20 summit. They...
Food parcels for students – being considered at Exeter University
The National Union of Students has expressed concern over a huge increase in student hardship, with over 50 per cent of students working during...
No Fees Or Loans And Restore Student Grants For All!
AFTER Blair and Brown abolished students’ grants and introduced a regime of fee paying for university education – putting an end to free university...
A STEP TOWARDS POLICE STATE! – Tory move against anti-war movement...
The Stop the War Coalition yesterday condemned amendments tabled by Monmouth Tory MP David Davies to the Policing and Crime Bill, currently going through...
PUT BUSH AND BLAIR ON TRIAL – urges just-freed Binyam Mohamed
UK resident Binyam Mohamed, recently freed from Guantanamo Bay, has called for ex-US President Bush to be put on trial over his rendition and...
THE GREAT MINERS’ STRIKE 1984-85 PART ONE: No miner has the...
TODAY marks the twenty fifth anniversary of the beginning of the year-long miners’ strike, a strike that saw the full force of the capitalist...
Prominent Tamil Editor Abducted In Colombo
TAMILNET reports that the prominent Tamil Editor Nadesapillai Vithyatharahas been abducted in Colombo. Eyewitnesses told TamilNet that armed...
Syrian doctors who returned from Gaza came back with images of the ‘spilled blood of a people that desired freedom and paid for it...
Brown Denies Job Change
Gordon Brown yesterday denied that he is about to step down as Prime Minister, adding that there is ‘no possibility of a job called...
BBC pay fight looms
The BBC has expressed ‘surprise’ at the claim by its recognised unions for an increase of £1800 per person from August 1, broadcasting union...
Rbs Thumbs Nose At Jobless!
The Royal Bank of Scotland, which received a £20bn bail-out with taxpayers’ money, is to proceed with a £1bn payout in annual bonuses. This is...
RAJAPAKSE GIVEN ‘A LICENCE TO KILL’ –by the International Community
THE British Tamil Forum has condemned the statement by the Co-Chairs (US, EU, Japan and Norway) of the international community demanding that...
‘BRITAIN – TAKE ACTION NOW!’ – to stop the Sri Lankan...
‘BRITAIN, Britain – stop the war!’, ‘British media – break the silence!’, ‘Don’t hide – genocide!’, were some of the slogans shouted by more...
Satellite to celebrate 30th anniversary of Iranian Revolution
IRAN launched its first satellite into space powered by its own rocket system, Safir-2, on Monday night. The research and telecommunication satellite was put...
End The UK Support For Rajapakse
THE News Line hails the heroic resistance of the Tamil Tigers to the armed forces of the Rajapakse military dictatorship, which is seeking to...
Lift the ban on the Tigers – Stop the massacres of...
SUPPORTED by the US, the UK and India the Sri Lankan army is bombing and shelling Northern Sri Lanka in a frantic, ruthless and...
The BBC supports starving the people of Gaza
THE BBC is part of the British capitalist state whose job it is to look after the interests of the ruling class. It has...
More than 50 MPs have signed a House of Commons Early Day Motion (EDM) condemning ‘the refusal of the BBC and other broadcasters to...
SHAME ON YOU BBC – BROADCAST THE GAZA APPEAL! –demands 7,000-strong...
‘Free, Free Palestine!’ ‘Shame on you BBC!’ shouted 7,000 protesters at a rally for Gaza outside the BBC’s Broadcasting House at Portland Place in...
Bbc Vetos National Appeal For Gaza
THE BBC has blocked the nationwide broadcast of a fundraising appeal for Gaza by the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) this weekend. The DEC comprises the...
‘ONE WEEK TO GET OUT’ – Hamas tells Israel
Palestinian resistance movements yesterday announced a ceasefire giving Israeli troops one week to get out of Gaza. This came after Israel declared a ‘unilateral ceasefire’...
200,000 March On Israeli Embassy
OVER 200,000 people joined the largest-ever demonstration in Britain in support of the Palestinian people, when they marched in London on Saturday. About 10,000 people...
Stop Gaza Massacre!
THREE Palestinians were killed near midnight on Monday in an Israeli attack on a United Nations school that was housing people displaced by the...
100,000 March Against Israeli Barbarism
OVER 100,000 people took part in the largest-ever demonstration Britain has seen in support of the Palestinian people on Saturday, as Israel invaded the...
‘ISRAEL IS TERRORIST – FREE PALESTINE!’ says Israeli Embassy picket
Over a thousand demonstrators, gathered outside the Israeli Embassy for the second day running on Monday, determined to show solidarity with the besieged people...
Brown–Miliband Crocodile Tears For Gaza
ISRAELI air raids are pounding the Gaza Strip for a fourth day. At the same time Gaza is being shelled from the sea by...
ISRAEL TO INVADE GAZA!– Olmert gives final warning
Israeli officials have warned that the Israeli military is preparing to attack Gaza in the coming days. On Wednesday Israeli airstrikes and ground invasions...
Offa Prison Camp Hunger Strike
PALESTINIAN prisoners declared a hunger strike in an Israeli prison camp in the West Bank on Sunday, a day after clashes with prison guards...
GREEK school and university students and young workers staged various anti-government and anti-police mobilisations over the weekend throughout Greece. Dozens of local rallies were...
Greek Tuc Occupied By Youth!
Greek workers and youth have occupied the Greek TUC and are demanding it recalls a general strike. Hundreds of young workers and students stormed the...
Greek Youth Tv Takeover
Throughout Greece last Tuesday school and university students continued with demonstrations and occupations against the right-wing government of Kostas Karamanlis. Virtually all schools and...
Iraqis March To Free Journalist!
Thousands of Iraqis took to the streets yesterday demanding the release of the al-Baghdadiya TV reporter who called Bush ‘you dog’ and threw his...
‘Action must be taken against the officers responsible for my...
THE Justice4Jean Campaign said on Friday that Coroner Michael White ‘has presided over a complete whitewash’, following the conclusion of the inquest into the...