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French CGT union members step up pensions fight – storming Paris...

ANTI-PENSION reform protesters in France stormed the headquarters of the Paris 2024 Olympics in a posh north Paris neighbourhood last Tuesday, leading to pitched...

Capitalism has reached the end of the road – it’s...

THE economic and political crisis gripping capitalism is causing despair and despondency amongst the bourgeoisie and its media representatives at the highest levels. This week,...

‘Government policy is failing to deliver for a generation of children’...

‘THE implications for children’s life chances can’t be allowed to continue,’ said the National Education Union (NEU) on Wednesday, commenting on the Public Accounts...

US debt ceiling deal – a declaration of war on working...

On Saturday, president Joe Biden rushed to sign off the deal reached with the Republican Party to suspend the $31.4 trillion US debt ceiling...

Ukraine Attacks Belgorod – As China Warns Of Pacific War!

THE Belgorod governor has said shelling and strikes by imperialist supported Ukrainian forces continued on Saturday night after two residents were killed and thousands...

US Congress To Vote On Raising The US Debt Ceiling – Workers...

PRESIDENT Biden and his Republican opponents have announced they have agreed in principle to raise the US debt ceiling and to try to avert...

Tory policy is to drive the sick back to work to...

THE drive by the Tories and their media supporters to demonise workers and the sick, as the root cause of the crisis that is...

2.3m workers and youth marched all over France on May Day

FRENCH union federation Force Ouvriere congratulated workers for their May Day action. It said: ‘2.3 million young people, employees and retirees marched all over France,...

The US raises its $31.4 trillion debt ceiling as capitalism races...

THE US House of Representatives on Wednesday narrowly passed a bill to raise the government’s $31.4 trillion debt ceiling, while also attaching sweeping, massive...

‘Stop Cop City’ protests by students in Atlanta Universities – after...

Students from several Atlanta-area colleges, including Emory University, Georgia State University, and Morehouse College, staged a demonstration on Monday to halt the construction of...

US screenwriters 98% vote to strike from May Day

Film and television writers in the Writers Guild of America (WGA) in the United States are to strike on and from May Day in...

Boycott Hits 145 UK Universities!

A MARKING and assessment boycott yesterday hit 145 UK universities as university staff are refusing to mark and assess work. The UCU lecturers’ union has...

‘Horrific damage done to the Windrush Generation compounded!’ – Tory-run compensation...

THE UK’s ‘hostile environment’ means that its compensation scheme is failing Windrush victims, says a Human Rights Watch report published on Monday. HWR said: The...

NUMSA to march on President Ramaphosa’s office

THE National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) will march on Wednesday, April 19th to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s office to protest against security...

Hunt blames the working class for capitalist crisis as Tories prepare...

TORY Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has been in Washington this week attending the spring meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF, the main economic...

World bankers are in charge as the IMF justifies turning the...

THE INTERNATIONAL Monetary Fund (IMF) made a wildly optimistic prediction yesterday that soaring UK inflation would become nothing more than a historical blip in...

NEU Harrogate conference welcomes 98% strike vote – condemns 9% cut...

THE NATIONAL Education Union (NEU) consultative ballot on the government’s pay offer has been rejected by an overwhelming 98% of members in England on...

FRANCE: Biggest rallies in living memory

FRANCE’S small and mid-size towns have been at the forefront of the battle against President Emmanuel Macron’s contentious pension reform – in some places...

BoE Governor Bailey blames elderly, sick and disabled for inflationary spiral...

ON MONDAY night Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England, blamed a wave of early retirements for forcing the Bank to make its...

Hunt pledges sanctions against benefit claimants

‘A CONSERVATIVE government believes those who can work should work, so sanctions will be applied more rigorously to those who fail to meet strict...

Over 500,000 Public Sector Workers Strike

OVER half a million public sector workers from eight unions were on strike yesterday, fighting against the Tory government’s attack on their pay, conditions...

Starbucks illegally monitored, disciplined and sacked workers – US court rules...

A judge in New York ruled on Friday that Starbucks had violated federal labour law dozens of times in responding to a union campaign...

In Iraq ‘so many sacrifices were ultimately made in the service...

FORMER acting Pentagon chief Christopher C. Miller said the United States must hold senior American military leadership accountable for the failed wars in Iraq...

‘Greetings to this fantastic show of strength’ says Mark Serwotka

THERE were more than 40,000 teachers and other striking workers on the NEU demonstration on Wednesday 1st February – with the front of the...

South African health unions demonstrate in Pretoria for more hospital doctors

SOUTH African health unions demonstrated outside the Health Ministry in Pretoria on Friday demanding that the ANC government increase the health care budget and...

Four million children growing up in poverty! – ‘Heart-breaking & wrong’...

‘IT’S HEART-breaking and wrong’ that a million children under 4 are growing up in poverty, says the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) charity. Almost 3 in...

TUC attempting to dump the fight against Tory anti-union laws!

IN advance of the national ‘protect the right to strike’ day of demonstrations on Wednesday 1st February the TUC has published a statement headed...

Washington Hits Its Debt Limit – After A ‘Devastating Default’...

THE US RULING CLASS has hit its debt limit, with the Treasury Department now taking measures to try to prevent a devastating default. Reaching the...


PRIME Minister Rishi Sunak is facing calls from senior Tories, including members of his own government, to tackle the crisis in the NHS and...

Knesset approves ‘the most far-right cabinet in history’

PALESTINIANS have denounced Binyamin Netanyahu’s swearing-in as Israel’s prime minister in his return as head of the Tel Aviv regime’s most far-right cabinet in...

‘100,000 PCS MEMBERS TO STRIKE IN JANUARY!’ says Union leader Serwotka

‘COORDINATED’ public sector strike action will escalate significantly in January and continue right up until May, PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka warned yesterday in...

PCS strikes across the UK against ‘pathetic’ pay increases

PCS (Public and Commercial Services) union members on Tuesday began a series of strikes across England, Scotland and Wales which the Tory government intends...

STRIKE WAVE ERUPTING ACROSS AUSTRALIA – as gas companies increase prices...

A STRIKE wave is erupting in Australia, with airport firefighters and guards walking out in the lead-up to Christmas. An industrial dispute between a major...

Tories Ignore RCN Offer To Talk!

TORY Foreign Secretary James Cleverley yesterday rejected talks with the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), whose members are coming out on strike this Thursday...

US Congress bans rail strike ‘in the national interest’!

US RAILWAY workers, Amazon Workers Union, Pilots union and NY State Communist Party among others, gathered outside of New York’s Grand Central Station at...

‘A generalised attack on working people’ – RMT leader Lynch

THE RMT rail union announced yesterday that it is to put a new offer from Network Rail to members in an electronic referendum with...

48,000 University of California workers strike!

THE UAW (United Auto Workers) union has been leading a strike involving some 48,000 academic workers in ten University of California cities — including...

Union leaders address UCU strike rally

UCU MEMBERS were out on strike on Wednesday with historic numbers this week over stagnant pay, miserable working conditions and casualisation of academic work. In...

Another huge show of strength! – UCU strike rally, King’s Cross...

‘Vice chancellors are about to witness another huge show of strength,’ UCU (University and College Union) General Secretary Jo Grady said yesterday, speaking ahead...

The Palestinian people have been robbed of $50bn by Israel since...

THE PALESTINIAN people paid a heavy cumulative cost, estimated at $50 billion, between 2000 and 2020 due to the additional restrictions imposed by Israel...

Nurses, Starbucks & Sodexo workers in US strike wave

THE STRIKE wave sweeping the USA continues to grow, with tens of thousands of nurses and hundreds of Starbucks and Sodexo workers being the...


OVER 100 workers, students and youth attended the News Line Anniversary Rally at the Wheatsheaf Community Hall in Vauxhall, south west London on Saturday...

53rd Anniversary of News Line – 82nd Anniversary of Trotsky’s assassination

FIRST speaker at the News Line Anniversary Rally on Saturday was Bill Rogers, ASLEF Chingford Branch Chairman, who said: ‘This rally is being held...

‘The Tories crashed the economy while working people are taking the...

TRADE union leaders on Thursday gave their response to Chancellor Hunt’s austerity war on workers in his Autumn Statement. TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said:  ‘The...

Bankers’ Man Hunt Imposes Tens Of Billions In Tax Rises &...

CHANCELLOR HUNT yesterday announced tens of billions in tax rises and spending cuts in his Autumn Statement. Hunt acknowledged that the UK was in recession...