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Home news from around the United Kingdom

Tories Planning To Break ‘Trade Union Stranglehold’

THE TORY government is drawing up plans for new anti-union laws to ‘break the stranglehold of the trade unions’, The Sunday Telegraph newspaper disclosed...

‘Nasty & repressive side of the government is revealed’ – Unite and GMB react...

RESPONDING to yesterday’s Queen’s Speech, the Unite union’s general secretary Len McCluskey said: ‘This Queen’s Speech reveals the nasty, repressive side of this government. ‘The...

ASLEF & TSSA strike action ballot

RAIL unions ASLEF and TSSA have announced that they will ballot their members for strike action on the railways. If the ASLEF ballot is successful...

‘Make the least unsafe decision!’ – Norfolk & Norwich hospital staff told

STAFF at Norfolk’s biggest hospital , the Norfolk and Norwich, were told to make the ‘least unsafe decision’ last week, when the hospital had...

British Steel 400 sackings

BRITISH Steel is to be sold to Chinese firm Jingye next Monday with the loss of 400 workers. Jingye has offered a contract to 3,200...

Barclays Sacking 1145!

UNITE has expressed its alarm at the announcement yesterday that Barclays bank is closing a major processing centre in Leeds with nearly 800 jobs...

‘DON’T SIGN NEW CONTRACTS! say Unite Groundstaff

THE GMB has accused BA of bad faith. Claims of ‘significant progress’ in a leaked letter from British Airways chief executive Alex Cruz mask...

Keep a guard on every train! – RMT leader Mick Cash tells News Line

RMT members at Waterloo Station were picketing South Western Railway yesterday morning as part of their ongoing fight to keep a guard on every...

Banbury Workers Battle ‘Fire & Rehire’

WORKERS at JDE (Jacobs Douwe Egberts) in Banbury are ramping up pressure in the ‘fire and rehire’ struggle with a protest on Saturday (1...

University staff step up struggle

MORE WORKERS at 74 universities across the country joined the strike yesterday as students also came out onto the picket lines to support their...

Great Campaign In Ealing & Hackney

‘EALING Hospital workers and patients are fully backing us over our confrontation with Tory Health Secretary Hancock here on Monday when he refused to...

NUS gives full support for university strikes!

THE NATIONAL Union of Students (NUS) threw its weight behind the biggest ever wave of strikes on university campuses yesterday. The NUS pledged its solid...

BofE cuts interest rates to 0.1%

THE BANK of England cut its base rate to a record low of 0.1%, a sliver above zero, warning the coronavirus pandemic will result...

‘There Must Be National Strike Action! – To Win Back Our P&O Members’ Jobs’

‘THERE must be national strike action by the whole RMT to win our P&O members their jobs back,’ leading RMT rep Darren Lalli said...

Picket Grenfell Inquiry


PCS Fights Tate Sackings

A RALLY of over 200 PCS strikers from Tate Enterprises, employed at Tate Modern and Tate Britain galleries was held on Saturday outside the...

JDE bosses step up fire & rehire dispute

UNITE has reported that bosses at JDE (Jacobs Douwe Egberts) in Banbury will stop workers from taking summer holidays to thwart an overtime ban,...


IT IS A moral outrage to pay workers less than the minimum wage the GMB union told the Tory government yesterday. The union has written...

Firefighters For NHS Front Line!

FIREFIGHTERS are to fit face masks and deliver vital PPE and medical supplies to NHS and care staff. Fire and Rescue personnel have volunteered to...

Unions unite to defend RIGHT TO STRIKE!

OVER one hundred RMT members, along with members of the PCS, UCU and Unite rallied outside Parliament yesterday to defend the right to strike. This...

NI Nursing Strike Actions Continue

THE DIRECTOR of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) says she has not had enough reassurance about safe staffing to propose an end to...

Turkish invasion escalates! – condemned by 13 UK unions

ON THE SECOND day of the Turkish invasion of Syria, after a massive bombing raid striking northern Syria over 180 times, killing at least...

Starmer & Tory PM Johnson arm-in-arm against Russia!

‘IF PRESIDENT Putin were to choose the path of bloodshed and destruction he must realise it would be both tragic and futile,’ Tory PM...

Swinson – New Attack On Corbyn!

LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn risks jeopardising a vote of no confidence in the government by insisting he becomes caretaker PM, Lib Dems leader Jo...

Sixth Forms strike: ‘urgent funds now!’

A LONDON march and rally marking the fifth day of strike action in over 30 Sixth Form Colleges took place yesterday, with union leaders...

‘We are here for as long as it takes!’ say defiant Harland and Wolff...

HUNDREDS of workers joined yesterday’s Harland and Wolff Rally in Belfast, with speakers reiterating their demand for the renationalisation of the shipyard. Unite Regional Coordinating...

Picket Grenfell Inquiry

Monday morning 9.00am

450 jobs axed at BBC

FOUR hundred and fifty jobs are to be axed at the BBC, it was announced yesterday. The cuts include the closure of the Victoria Derbyshire...

Social housing landlords deny homeless access to properties

HOMELESS people are being routinely ‘screened out’ and denied access to social housing by social landlords because they are deemed ‘too poor or vulnerable...

Grenfell–‘Companies Killed 72 People!’

THE COMPANIES that carried out the Grenfell Tower refurbishment killed 72 people ‘just as surely as if they had taken careful aim with a...

Parliament to forcibly evict Westminster rough sleepers

HOMELESS people are to be forcibly evicted from the Westminister underpass, which leads to Parliament, by installing rolldown shutters blocking the shelter off. In December...

74 Universities – 14 Days Of Strike

STAFF at 74 universities across the length and breadth of the country and in the north of Ireland are to strike in February and...

Suspend inquiry unless panellist immediately replaced say Grenfell campaigners

THE SECOND phase of the inquiry into the Grenfell Tower Fire began yesterday with families and friends of the 72 men, women and children...

Grenfell families rehoused in ‘high fire-risk’ building

KENSINGTON and Chelsea council have re-housed Grenfell survivors and their families in a block found to have a ‘high risk’ of fire! A fire risk...

Tories ask Iraq ‘let UK troops remain!’

JOHNSON’S Tory government has urged Iraq to allow UK troops to stay in the country following the US assassination of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani. Soleimani...

Corbyn Pledges Another 1945

Jeremy Corbyn, speaking at a children’s centre in Corby, Northamptonshire yesterday, announced that ‘we will do everything necessary’ to stop a No Deal Brexit...

P&O SACKS 800! – RMT instructs crews to stay on board and refuse to...

P&O FERRIES has fired 800 seafaring staff with immediate effect. However, crews defied orders and refused to leave their ships, as their union the...

Harland & Wolff in administration

WORKERS vowed to continue their occupation and stop the closure of Harland and Wolff shipbuilding industry in Belfast, after the yard went into administration...

Big Support for WRP Candidates

WRP PARLIAMENTARY CANDIDATE for Kensington, Scott Dore campaigning outside the busy Ladbroke Grove tube station yesterday gained the support of local residents. Kathleen Jones who...

Renationalise Harland & Wolff!

AFTER the Scottish government announced they will nationalise Ferguson Marine shipyard, trade unions are calling on the UK government to safeguard jobs and skills...

Right to attend your A&E being ended!

NHS England (NHSE) is pressing ahead with setting up a new emergency care system, under the guise of reducing crowding in A&E departments. Patients will...

Remainers launch a legal challenge!

‘THE CANDYFLOSS of outrage we’ve had over the last 24 hours, which I think is almost entirely confected, is from people who never wanted...

Hospitals & Staff Under Extreme Pressures! Says NHS Boss Stevens

‘THE FACTS are very clear and I’m not going to sugar-coat them, hospitals are under extreme pressure and staff are under extreme pressure,’ NHS...

Firefighters March With Grenfell Families & Supporters

HUNDREDS of firefighters from fire brigades across the UK marked the fifth anniversary of the Grenfell disaster yesterday by participating in the silent walk...

Turned away from A&E!

GP SURGERIES will start receiving referrals from A&E departments under a new set of measures proposed by NHS England which were announced yesterday. The plans,...