Home News UK Page 4


Home news from around the United Kingdom


THE POA has joined the FBU, PCS and GMB in a Legal Challenge to ‘stop the looting of their pensions!’ The POA, along with the...

‘Unprecedented Pressure On Our Ambulance Members!’

UNITE national officer for health Colenzo Jarrett-Thorpe said yesterday that ‘Pressures on our ambulance members are unprecedented, with the profession not currently being given...

Ban zero hours! – New figures show massive rise

‘ENOUGH is enough, it’s time to follow the successful policies of other countries and ban these contracts once and for all,’ GMB’s Tim Roache...

‘FRESH BLOW TO CAR INDUSTRY’! – over 10% job losses at JLR Halewood

THE UNITE union has described the announcement that there will be further job losses at JaguarLandRover’s (JLR’s) Halewood plant in Merseyside as a ‘fresh...

2.7% Fare Hike – Amidst Rail Chaos

COMMUTERS were up in arms yesterday as above inflation 2.7% increases in rail fares set in, while services across the country have been in...

Labour split over Scottish Referendum!

SCOTTISH Labour may hold a special conference in the spring to decide whether to change its stance on supporting a second Scottish independence referendum. The...

STATE SPYING: Police launch facial recognition app – UN slams state spying on disabled!

SOUTH Wales Police have launched a facial recognition app which is to be installed on their officers’ phones, prompting human rights campaigners Liberty to...

SUPPORT BUILDS UP FOR LEFF – as Labour brings out its Regional Manifestos

‘I SUPPORT Jonty Leff,’ Gideon Woldeslassie said yesterday morning, referring to the campaign to elect the Workers Revolutionary Party candidate as MP for Hackney...

Deepest recession since 1706 – UK economy to contract 14% – shock Bank of...

THE BANK of England warned yesterday that the UK economy is heading towards its deepest recession on record, shrinking by as much as 14%...


LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn convened a meeting yesterday with opposition MPs from the Liberal Democrats, Scottish Nationalists, Greens, Plaid Cymru and Change UK ‘independents’...

‘WE MUST GET ON WITH BREXIT’ – TUC delegates tell WRP-YS lobbyists

LARGE numbers of TUC delegates in Brighton yesterday stopped at the 60-strong WRP and Young Socialists lobby to say that they want the TUC...

G4S driven out of immigration!

PRIVATE firm G4S has been forced out of the immigration sector it was announced yesterday after the scandal at detention centre Brook House in...

EXPROPRIATE P&O – Shapps fails to stand up to the bandits

MICK LYNCH, RMT General Secretary said yesterday ‘Despite all the bluster, Grant Shapps has failed to grasp the opportunity to adequately stand up to...

P&O boss admits ‘breaking the law’

IN AN extraordinary admission yesterday P&O Ferries chief executive Peter Hebblethwaite admitted the firm knowingly broke the law, choosing not to consult with the...

Re-Open Maternity & Children’s Ward Demands Picket

‘RE-OPEN maternity! Re-open Children’s Ward! Save Ealing Hospital!’ rang out early yesterday morning as over 50 people joined the mass Xmas picket of Ealing...

Patients to be turned away from A&E – Hancock outlines NHS 111 First

YESTERDAY in Parliament, Tory Health Secretary Matt Hancock said that less serious cases would be turned away from A&E and only the most serious...

Virgin to axe 3,150 jobs! – and permanently leave Gatwick

VIRGIN Atlantic is to cut a third of its staff in the UK and will keep its operation at Gatwick closed in response to...

15th GP dies of Covid Doctors demand NHS staff vaccination speed-up & condemn gap...

HIGHLY respected London GP Dr Augustine Obaro died from Covid-19 on New Year’s Day, becoming the 15th GP lost to the pandemic. Dr Obaro, who...

Unlimited Stop & Search Powers For Police!

TORY PM Johnson’s new police state measures allowing police unlimited stop and search powers have been condemned by Stopwatch, while Shadow Home Secretary Diane...

‘Under Immense And Continuous Stress!’ – Doctors Tell Bma

IN TESTIMONIES provided to the BMA, one doctor said that ‘we are under immense and continuous stress’. While another doctor said: ‘What has been...

Workers support WRP candidates

‘I AM voting Jonty Leff WRP because I want Universal Credit scrapped,’ David Vervin said as the team fighting to get Leff elected launched...

Capita Closing Third Of Offices

OUTSOURCING firm Capita is to close over a third of its offices in the UK permanently – despite the Tory government launching a new...

Corbyn Attacks ‘No Deal’ Brexit At Tuc Conference!

LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn made a ‘project fear’ speech at the TUC in Brighton yesterday, in which he described a No-Deal Brexit as a...

MI5 carrying out serious crimes is lawful rules Judicial Tribunal

FIVE judges of the UK’s Investigatory Powers Tribunal have given a divided ruling over a secret MI5 policy allowing security service agents to commit...

Ryanair Pilots Down Tools!

RYANAIR pilots have downed tools today causing huge cost to the company after Ryanair managers again refused to enter talks to end the long...

Harland & Wolff occupied!

SHIPBUILDERS have occupied the Harland & Wolff site in Belfast, closing the gates and refusing to leave, with their unions GMB and Unite demanding...

SERCO STRIKE – battle against low pay & exploitation

HUNDREDS of key NHS workers, employed by the giant outsourcing company Serco, will stage a two week strike across Barts Health NHS Trust in...

Corbyn, McDonnell on their knees

LABOUR leaders Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell yesterday delivered abject apologies for the party’s defeat in last Thursday’s election, which saw them lose 59...

TASERS FOR ALL OFFICERS! says East Midlands Chief Constable

EVERY frontline police officer in Northamptonshire is to be armed with a Taser gun, the East Midlands county’s Chief Constable Nick Adderley announced yesterday. Adderley...

‘FREE ASSANGE’ – demands demo outside Westminster Magistrates Court hearing yesterday

‘FREE Julian Assange!’ demanded a mass protest outside Westminster Magistrates’ Court yesterday morning while inside, the head of WikiLeaks won the right for extra...

NHS Trust withholds rent over fire safety – Patients evacuated from two wards

CORNWALL Partnership Foundation Trust is withholding rent payments to NHS Property Services to force it to take urgent action over fire safety. Patients have had...

1,800 will spend Christmas in an immigration detention centre!

UK GOVERNMENT figures show that over 1,800 people in Britain will spend the Christmas holiday incarcerated in immigration detention centres, prompting calls to end...

THE NHS STAFFING CRISIS: ‘A NATIONAL SCANDAL’ says House of Commons Health & Social...

THE HOUSE of Commons Health and Social Care Committee is publishing a report this morning which calls the NHS staffing crisis a ‘national scandal’. The...

Hancock Refuses To Sign To Reopen Ealing Maternity!

EALING SOUTHALL WRP candidate Hassan Zulkifal confronted Tory Health Secretary Matt Hancock outside Ealing Hospital yesterday morning. Hancock claimed: ‘We’ve saved the A&E and now...

‘THIS IS STOP BREXIT WEEK!’ – says Sir Keir Starmer

MPs WILL seek to bring forward legislation to stop Brexit this week, Labour’s shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer has said. He said the plan...


CONSULTANTS in England ended two days of strike action at 7am today. In the absence of any progress in discussions with the government, they will...

Tax Hikes & Cuts Come In

TODAY, April 1, the first day of the new financial year, a barrage of vicious cuts and hikes come in attacking the living standards...

BA pilots strike!

BALPA (British Airline Pilots Association) yesterday gave notice to British Airways that it calls on its members to strike on 9th, 10th and 27th...

Bankers’ Man Hunt Imposes Tens Of Billions In Tax Rises & Savage Cuts

CHANCELLOR HUNT yesterday announced tens of billions in tax rises and spending cuts in his Autumn Statement. Hunt acknowledged that the UK was in recession...

Lift lockdown now and our members will refuse to work

‘THE GOVERNMENT is trying to say: “You take the risk to the staff, and you take the risk to the passengers, it is on...

Working class kids denied education!

THE CHILDREN of working class families are being denied an education during the coronavirus lockdown as many families do not have access to laptops,...

‘No depths to which P&O will not sink!’ says RMT’s Mick Lynch

‘THERE are no depths to which P&O and their Dubai owners at DP World will not sink to extract the maximum profit from ferry...
Striking Lewisham Southwark College lecturers are determined to win a pay rise after years of no increments

Lewisham College 2-day strike Lecturers on poverty pay

‘THE MONEY’S there. We want our share!’ said striking lecturers at Lewisham Southwark College in southeast London yesterday morning. Members of the University and...

Food Costs & Energy Bills Soaring!

FOOD costs and energy bills are soaring, with the energy crisis driving consumer prices up at the fastest rate in 30 years, latest figures...

‘Cold War mentality’ – China slams UK, US & Australia’s new imperialist alliance

THE UK, US and Australia have announced a security pact in the Asia-Pacific, to step up their war against China. China’s embassy in Washington...