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Home news from around the United Kingdom

94.5% yes for post strike – CWU leaders run away!

COMMUNICATION Workers Union (CWU) members in Royal Mail have beaten the anti-union laws for the third time in less than three years delivering a...

NHS PORTERS AT RISK – transporting the dead in sheets as body bags...

NHS PORTERS at Epsom and St Helier Trust, not only have very ‘flimsy’ Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) but they are being forced to transport...

Johnson and Barnier clash over EU/UK fishing rights

TORY PM Johnson clashed yesterday with the EU’s Barnier over the thorny issue of Europeans fishing in UK waters and vice-versa. Speaking in Greenwich, Johnson...

‘Shut Down Inquiry! It’s A Disgrace!’

‘SHUT down the inquiry, it’s a disgrace!’ protesters shouted outside the Grenfell inquiry yesterday, on the first day it resumed after the Attorney General...

Firefighters pensions victory

FIREFIGHTERS have won back their pensions, dealing a mighty blow to the government with far reaching implication for all public sector workers, in particular,...

BMA condemns & rejects Primary Care specifications!

THE BMA’s England GP committee has voted not to accept a contract agreement with NHS England and condemned the recently-published draft service specifications outlining...

‘One rule for them and another for us!’ – unions condemn Grenfell surrender

ATTORNEY General Suella Braverman’s undertaking that evidence given by contractors at the Grenfell Inquiry will not be used to prosecute them constitutes ‘One rule...

Care workers have little or no protection says GMB

HORRIFYINGLY, care workers have been told if they test positive they will have to self-isolate at the care home and will not be able...

43% of doctors have absolutely no eye protection! – Nurses have no face masks!

NURSES are forced to ‘hold their breath’ because of inadequate face masks during dangerous operations, while doctors have absolutely no eye protection, it was...

Stop ‘Uberisation Of Universities!’

OVER 300 striking lecturers, university staff and students rallied outside the Universities UK (UUK) HQ in Tavistock Square, central London yesterday shouting: ‘Hey, hey,...

Ventilator Rationing!

VENTILATORS are to be rationed, using tactics employed on the battlefield, where army medics choose who to treat and who to leave to bleed...

‘Stay Off Work From Next Monday’ Say Neu Leaders!

MANY schools across the UK will not be able to remain open past the end of the week, say teachers’ leaders. ASCL general secretary Geoff...

Chancellor ignores the crisis!

TORY Chancellor Rishi Sunak said yesterday that the NHS will get ‘whatever resources it needs’ to cope with a coronavirus epidemic. He alleged to the...

‘CRADLE OF DISEASE’ – 4,000 packed into ASOS warehouse

JAM-PACKED ASOS clothing warehouse is a ‘cradle of disease’, terrified workers in the GMB union warned yesterday, calling for their entire operation to be...

Homeless Children Housed In Containers!

TENS of thousands of homeless children in England are ‘temporarily’ housed in converted shipping containers and office blocks, freezing in winter, sweltering in the...

Ring before going to A&E! Dangerous triage system launched in Wales tomorrow! –...

A DANGEROUS phone triage scheme for A&E at Wales’ largest hospital is to be launched tomorrow in which patients are expected to ring before...

Coronavirus ripping through Belmarsh!

BELMARSH High Security prison is suffering from an outbreak of coronavirus to such an extent that it is ‘barely functioning’, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has...

RIFKIND VOWS TO BRING DOWN JOHNSON – admits he has no powers over China

FORMER Tory Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind spoke out in support of bringing down the Johnson government to prevent a no-deal Brexit yesterday. Appearing on the...

Grenfell Inquiry – No Prosecutions

THE Attorney General ruled yesterday that contractors can give evidence to the Grenfell inquiry without fear of prosecution over the 72 deaths. Grenfell United, the...


TWO coachloads of French ‘Gilet Jaunes’ (Yellow Vests) joined the Committee to Defend Julian Assange ‘Bastille Day’ protest outside Belmarsh prison in south east...

Leff team wins big Hoxton support

A TEAM campaigning for Workers Revolutionary Party candidate for Hackney South and Shoreditch, Jonty Leff, won big support on Saturday in Hoxton Market from...

Chancellor warns of ‘significant disruption!’

TORY Chancellor Rishi Sunak has unveiled a £30bn Budget package to try to keep UK capitalism from being bankrupted and broken apart by the...

Imperial College No Confidence Vote Against Gast & Sanderson!

STAFF at Imperial College London have voted ‘no confidence’ in the university’s President Alice Gast and Muir Sanderson Chief Financial Officer demanding that they...

‘This is a fight we have to win’ says UCU

IMPERIAL College staff were boosted on their picket line yesterday morning by the support of an engineering student and a vintage bus. The nationwide strike...

Tories have no plan for a second wave! – damning PAC report

THE TORIES have no plan to deal with a second spike of the deadly coronavirus. A fresh report just released by the Public Accounts Committee...

Darroch quits – ‘thrown under a bus by Johnson’ say ‘Remainers’

SIR Kim Darroch has resigned as UK ambassador to the US, amid the row over leaked emails that lampooned President Trump’s administration, and threatened...

Coronavirus ‘Running Wild In Care Homes!’

THE LATEST figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), which include every community death linked to Covid-19 in England and Wales, showed a...

14 Days Strike At 74 Universities!

THE BLAME for the disruption to students’ education by strike action starting today lays squarely at the door of vice-chancellors, said the University and...

COVID-19s BRUTAL IMPACT ON NHS says BMA leader Chaand Nagpaul

Thousands of cancer patients have not received the care they need and their conditions have worsened owing to the focus on Covid-19, the British...

Youth Rise Up Against Capitalism

A THOUSAND school youth walked out of classes yesterday to join the mass protest in Parliament Square, furious at how capitalism is destroying the...

GRENFELL INQUIRY HALTED! – no date set for reopening

THE GRENFELL INQUIRY HAS BEEN HALTED! Hearings have been cancelled until the charman of the inquiry, Sir Martin Moore-Bick considers a demand from lawyers representing...

Stop mass deportation flight today! – demand 150 MPs and Lords

THE MASS deportation flight due to leave today with 50 people on board who came to the UK as children must be stopped! over...

Tories announce £330bn bailout for big business

TORY Chancellor Rishi Sunak yesterday unveiled a multi-billion bailout for big businesses in light of the coronavirus crisis. Speaking at the daily press conference Sunak...

Decanted families warehoused in office blocks

FAMILIES are being ‘warehoused’ inside an office block in Harlow, Essex after being decanted from their local boroughs, with tenants forced to eat, drink...

RCN: No fees! Restore bursaries! Cancel debt!

‘FORCING student nurses to pay tuition fees has been a disaster,’ the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) said yesterday, demanding that all student nurses’...

Fire and Rescue cuts puts flood victims lives at risk

VICIOUS Tory cuts to the tune of £140 million mean that fire and rescue services are fighting with one hand tied behind their back....

A Fifth Of Small Businesses Are Going Under

A FIFTH of all small and medium-sized businesses in the UK are unlikely to get the cash they need to survive the next four...

Patel approves Taser upgrades for police! – ‘Tasers kill’ warns Liberty

‘TASERS can kill, and they are disproportionately used against people of colour,’ Rosalind Comyn of campaign group Liberty said yesterday. She was responding to Tory...

NO EXTRADITION! – demands rally for Assange outside Woolwich Crown Court

WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange’s trial at Woolwich Crown Court began yesterday morning, where the Tory government is seeking to extradite him to the US...

British Gas engineers strike as bosses carry out ‘fire & rehire’

FORTY striking pickets gathered at the Gas Training Centre in Dartford yesterday, to protest against the ‘Fire and Rehire’ policy of Centrica, who now...

Tory PM Johnson to prorogue Parliament

THE QUEEN has been asked by Tory PM Boris Johnson to prorogue Parliament days after MPs return from the Summer break, which will mean...

Assange At Risk Of Being ‘Tortured To Death’

WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange, who has been held in terrible conditions in Belmarsh Prison, is ‘in a dire state of health due to psychological...

Over Half Of All London Nurses Want To Leave The City!

OVER half of London’s nurses want to leave the city as the cost of living devours their income. The majority of nursing staff blame the...

‘THE NHS IS BEING SOLD OFF AS WE SPEAK!’ – says Anna Athow,...

THE British Medical Association (BMA) yesterday urged all Conservative Party leadership candidates to commit to excluding the NHS from any post-Brexit trade deals. In a...

‘MASSIVE VOTE FOR STRIKE ACTION!’ – CWU leaders urge membership

THE COMMUNICATION Workers Union is calling for a massive vote for strike action against Royal Mail management’s attempts ‘to virtually de-recognise the CWU and...