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Writing tributes on the memorial at the base of Grenfell Tower yesterday

Grenfell Anniversary

‘WE WANT the nation to keep Grenfell in their consciousness, member of the Justice4Grenfell campaign group Yvette Williams said on the anniversary of the...
Women born in the 1950s, who lost out on their state pension when the government raised the retirement age to 65 for both men and women, lobbied MPs yesterday

Hammond’s Stp Attack!

CHANCELLOR Hammond announced an extra £325 million in yesterday’s budget to fast-track some of the 44 hated STPs (Sustainability and Transformation Plans) of Tory...

‘People’s vote remains an option’ – Corbyn

‘WE HAVE called for a new customs union, with a say in future trade deals, a strong single market relationship and a guarantee to...

‘End the criminal Israeli occupation’ – Palestinian Foreign Minister al-Maliki addresses the UN

THE international community has a responsibility ‘to put an end to Israel’s aggression on our homeland, and to enable our people to establish our...

Victory for Syrian troops

THE General Command of the Syrian army said yesterday that ‘Our armed forces succeeded early on Wednesday to restore security and stability to the...

Johnson imposes local lockdowns!

TORY PM Johnson announced severe restrictions to be imposed on Liverpool yesterday to try to tackle the coronavirus crisis. He said he supported the Metro...
A section of yesterday’s march by students demanding free state education and condemning the £9,000 fees for students and the coalition’s huge education cuts

Students March Against Fees And Cuts

OVER a thousand students marched from University of London Union in Malet Street, central London, to the Business, Innovation and Science Department in Victoria...

Chinese fury over Tory plan to kick Huawei out of UK!

‘WHETHER the UK can provide an open, fair and non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese companies is a litmus test for British markets after Brexit,...


British Medical Association (BMA) leaders yesterday launched what they described as their ‘Green Paper’ for an NHS of ‘core services’ run by an independent...
Amicus and TGWU members campaigning to defend jobs at Peugeot’s Ryton plant were joined by Gate Gourmet locked-out workers outside the International Motor Show in east London

Call a Day of Action to defend jobs and services!

GATE GOURMET locked out workers joined the Amicus and TGWU campaign to save Peugeot jobs at the International Motor Show in Docklands, east London...

FBU strike ballot opens on December 5th!

LAST week the FBU  said it would formally issue notice of ballot if ‘a substantial pay increase that takes into account the current level of inflation...
Demonstration outside Downing Street demanding the arrest of Israel’s President Netanyahu during his visit on September 9th

Hunger Strikers Reject Offer Of Exile!

HUNGER striking Palestinian prisoners have rejected an Israeli proposal to ‘free’ them, on condition that they are expelled, the Palestinian Detainees and Ex-Detainees...

‘AN ACT OF WAR!’ – Olmert threatens the Lebanon

ISRAELI prime minister Ehud Olmert yesterday called the capture of two Israeli soldiers on the Lebanese border by Hezbollah an ‘act of war’. Olmert threatened...

Occupy Oakland Shuts Port

Riot police fired tear gas at young protesters in Oakland, California, on Wednesday night after the port city was shut down in protest against...
‘Defend Lewisham Bridge School’ campaigners joined by students from Goldsmiths College demonstrating against Brown yesterday

HANDS OFF OUR SCHOOLS! – parents lobby Brown

ANGRY parents occupying the roof of Lewisham Bridge Primary School and students from Goldsmiths College demonstrated against Prime Minister Brown when he arrived...

No Protection For Police Spies

CRUCIAL parts of an inquiry into undercover police spies who spent years embedded in political movements are to be heard in secret in order...

Trump Pushes For UK Regime Change

NIGEL Farage should be involved in the government’s Brexit negotiations and the UK should be prepared to leave the EU with no deal, Donald...
Teachers marching in London on the October 20 TUC demonstration against the Coalition’s austerity cuts

1.2 million miss out on daily school meal!

THE Children’s Society is warning that 1.2 million children living below the poverty line in England miss out on a school meal each day. Some...

Private Sharks Circling The NHS!

LANSLEY’S Health Bill is a disaster of ‘Titanic proportions’ warned Unison, the UK’s largest union, yesterday.   The union is calling on the government to...
Grenfell families greet firefighters’ Guard of Honour on the Silent March in North Kensington on May 14th

Litany Of Safety Breaches Led To Grenfell

A LITANY of safety breaches which led to the horrific Grenfell Tower fire were revealed yesterday during the opening of the next stage...

May Silent Over Trident Misfire!

TORY PM Theresa May yesterday refused four times to say if she knew about a Trident nuclear missile misfire just weeks ahead of...

Obama’s last-minute talks – US on the brink

WITH Congress adjourned for the weekend, US President Obama was holding last-minute talks with Republican and Democratic leaders at the White House yesterday evening...
Lecturers at Lambeth College marching through Brixton during their strike action last year

Colleges strike today

THOUSANDS of furious staff walked out of Further Education colleges across England from 7.00am this morning in a one-day strike to oppose a proposed...

‘Unite Must Call All Of Its Members Out!’

‘CALL the airport out!’ striking worker Carlos Rodriguez said at the rally outside the union Unite’s headquarters on the outskirts of Heathrow Airport yesterday. 4,000...

Sunak’s £6,000 grants ‘are too little too late’ – as pubs and restaurants face...

‘WE HAVE responded, I think generously today, the grants that we have outlined, up to £6,000 are comparable to the grants that we provided...

Grenfell Tower council opted for flammable cladding

KENSINGTON and Chelsea council turned down a proposal to clad Grenfell Tower in fire resistant material and instead opted for a cheaper option, allowing...
Doctors at the British Medical Association Annual Representative Meeting in June voting to keep privateers out of the NHS


A privately-run NHS walk-in centre has been forced to launch a probe after complaints by a doctor about the safety of patients were...


THE DECEMBER 12th election is a crisis election, in a situation where the worldwide crisis of capitalism is deepening rapidly to explosion point. Eleven...
RMT leader BOB CROW addressing the Durham Miners Gala called for ‘a new party of labour’

McCluskey praises Miliband while Crow calls for a new Labour Party at the Durham...

OVER a hundred thousand workers and youth took part in the Durham Miners Gala on Saturday and heard Unite’s McCluskey declare his allegiance...
Young people marching through Crawley against detention without charge or trial

Goldsmith No To 42 Days

Amnesty International UK yesterday welcomed a further statement by Labour’s former Attorney General, Goldsmith, opposing plans to extend detention without charge to 42 days. Amnesty...

URGENT ACTION NEEDED! – to prevent another Grenfell says the FBU

THE Fire Brigades Union (FBU) called today for urgent action on a range of fire and building safety issues to prevent another Grenfell. On the...

PLO slams US-sponsored Bahrain conference

THE PALESTINE Liberation Organisation (PLO) issued a statement slamming the US-sponsored conference in Bahrain on its second and final day yesterday: ‘The PLO Executive Committee...

LARCO Industrial Workers Protest At Mass Sackings!

IN an unprecedented 12 hours long rally under a scorching sun and temperatures exceeding 45ºC, hundreds of LARCO industrial workers and miners, along with...
Nurses on the march against the pay cap – they are now very angry at their leaders’ sell-out of their pay claim

Angry Nurses Force Re-Call Over Wages!

NURSES’ anger over the NHS pay sell-out has forced the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) to call an Emergency General Meeting in ‘late September’,...

MoJ presiding over a bloodbath

‘THE Ministry of Justice is presiding over a bloodbath of assaults, suicides and self-injury in prisons,’ Frances Crook, Chief Executive of the Howard League...
Marchers opposed to the occupation of Iraq demonstrate in March 2005

‘REASONABLE CASE’ – For the slaughter of Iraqis

Former Attorney General Lord Goldsmith yesterday told the Iraq Inquiry, that he was not pressured into discarding his opposition to going to war without...
Anti-ARK Academy protest outside the company’s offices in London

‘Stop Wandsworth asset-stripping!’

THE GMB union is calling on the public in the south London borough of Wandsworth to support a campaign to stop the sale of...

Felixstowe dockers fighting bullying, threats and victimisations!

YESTERDAY’S 8.00am Unite mass protest at the Port of Felixstowe to end bullying management culture and to defend union reps was postponed at the...
Postal workers marching along the embankment carrying a giant postcard to Business Secretary Mandelson demanding he stop destroying a great public service

‘NATIONAL ACTION CALLED’ – demand striking London postal workers

Over four hundred striking Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) postal workers yesterday heard calls for a national strike at a rally in Central Hall, Westminster....
French police in action on Saturday against protesters in Nantes

Disarm French Riot Police – Cgt

YELLOW Vests and trade unionists are seeking to deliver a crushing blow to France’s president Emmanuel Macron. The CGT union federation has called a...
BMA delegates during a break at their Annual Representative Meeting

NHS CO-PAYMENTS DEFEATED – at the BMA Annual Representative Meeting

THE BMA’s Annual Representative Meeting (ARM) on Wednesday morning narrowly voted against part five of motion 269, which ‘demands that the government must permit...

Hospital numbers ‘could get scary!’ – admits Professor Chris Whitty

‘COVID hospital numbers could get scary!’ Professor Chris Whitty said yesterday, adding that the UK is ‘not out of the woods yet’. ‘People should act...

23 Russian diplomats expelled!

‘MOSCOW had no motives for poisoning former GRU Colonel Sergey Skripal and his daughter, while those who are trying to push ahead with the...

Hancock Refuses To Sign To Reopen Ealing Maternity!

EALING SOUTHALL WRP candidate Hassan Zulkifal confronted Tory Health Secretary Matt Hancock outside Ealing Hospital yesterday morning. Hancock claimed: ‘We’ve saved the A&E and now...
Vigil outsite the Israeli embassy on December 27 to mark the first anniversary of the Israeli attack on Gaza

Galloway Persona Non Grata In Egypt

The leader of the Viva Palestina aid convoy for Gaza, British MP George Galloway, was yesterday deported and declared persona non grata by Egypt. Officials...