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All lead news articles for the day

Rapidly rising support for ‘no deal!’

WITH a ComRes poll revealing yesterday that public support for a no-deal Brexit is rapidly rising, up 6% since January and now standing at...

Maduro condemns us energy war

VENEZUELAN President Nicolas Maduro says the United States has declared an ‘electric energy war’ against his country amid a widespread blackout that has left...

State witch-hunt on labour

THE witchhunt against the Labour Party and its leader Corbyn is being stepped up with the news that The Equalities and Human Rights Commission...

NO FIRE ESCAPE! Tory fire safety guidance fails

NEW GOVERNMENT fire safety guidance fails to include escape plans, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) warned yesterday. RIBA insist that the government’s guidance...

‘Conspiracy to rape’ – Victims of spy cops indict the state

WOMEN who found out their partners were undercover police spies insisted yesterday that they are the ‘victims of a conspiracy to rape’ by the...


THE CRISIS caused by the privatisation of the probation system in England and Wales has cost taxpayers almost £500m, the government’s National Audit Office...

PFI hospital ‘never events’ – Wrong pipe! 85-year-old given air instead of oxygen

HOSPITALS built under the hated Private Finance Initiative (PFI) do not respond well to ‘never events’ where patients’ lives are put in to serious...

Hezbollah banned

LEBANON’S Hezbollah has been banned by the UK in its entirety, Tory Home Secretary Sajid Javid and Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt announced yesterday. The Lebanon-based...

Postmasters Convictions Quashed!

JUDGES have quashed the convictions of 39 former postmasters after the most widespread miscarriage of ruling class justice in the history of UK capitalism. The...