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COSATU condemns political killings and ‘vote buying’ during ANC campaign

SOUTH Africa’s trade union federation COSATU has expressed concern over ongoing factional battles in the governing ANC party, allegations of vote buying by the...

Over A Decade Of Tory NHS Cuts Have Put Patients And...

OVER A decade of Tory NHS cuts have put patients and staff at risk, as hospitals have been left in such a state of...

London Busworkers Rally To Demand Action Over Driver Fatigue!

VER a hundred Unite bus drivers and their supporters held a lively rally on Thursday morning outside London’s City Hall demanding action from Transport...

RMT steps up the fight for workplace justice & insists every...

FOLLOWING his re-election this week as general secretary of specialist rail and transport union RMT for a further five-year term, Mick Cash is insisting...

Israel escalates its demolition of Bethlehem Palestinian structures

The latest demolitions of Palestinian structures in Beit Jala city in Bethlehem district and the string of Israeli attacks on the besieged Gaza Strip...

‘Israel will pay a high price for its brazen acts of...

THE spokesman for Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's administration has slammed Israel’s recent attacks against a number of regional countries, warning Tel Aviv will pay...

Zarif Arrives In Biarritz For Talks With Macron

IRAN’S Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif suddenly arrived in the French city of Biarritz on Friday, where the G7 meeting of the seven top...

‘No extradition – free Julian Assange!’ – says Julian Assange Defence...

‘THERE is only one decision: No extradition! – free Julian Assange’ chanted a demonstration of over 50 supporters of the jailed Wikileaks founder Julian...

Give Fed workers right to strike–get rid of ‘right-to-work’ anti-union laws...

THE VERMONT US Senator Bernie Sanders wants to give federal workers the right to strike, to eliminate so-called ‘right-to-work’ laws, and at the same...

An ‘orgy of slashing HSE’ since 2010!

‘Since 2010, Coalition and Tory governments have indulged in an orgy of slashing the enforcement budgets of the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) and...

Marikana platinum miners ready to strike for a year!

MORE strife is looming at South Africa’s Marikana platinum mines, as members of Amcu (the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union) warned Lonmin’s new...

GM Latin American workers meet in Sao Paulo!

WORKERS from General Motors plants across Latin America met in São Paulo, Brazil, last week to discuss and take action against workforce casualisation within...

Seven Years Since The Marikana Mine Massacre!

‘THEY say in this country we’re free, but only some are free, others are not. A policeman has the power to kill and it’s...

‘We have jumped from the frying pan into the fire’ say...

ALTHOUGH Zimbabwe’s main opposition group, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), called off anti-government protests in the capital Harare at the last minute last...

Hamas Hails ‘Our People In Jerusalem’ And Warns Israel That Attacks...

ON the Israeli violations in al-Aqsa Mosque – statement from the Hamas movement. The leadership of Hamas held an urgent meeting on the ongoing dangerous...

Portuguese fuel strike into 2nd week! Army deployed as strike breakers....

FUEL DRIVERS in Portugal are continuing their strike, now entering its second week, as the Portuguese government called a state of emergency, deploying the...

‘Medicare for All’ the defining issue for Democrats

‘MEDICARE for All’ is shaping up to be one of the defining issues of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary campaign, with Bernie Sanders and...

‘Europe’s leaders consider people drowning as an acceptable price to pay...

MALTESE authorities on Monday refused the Ocean Viking rescue ship permission to refuel in their harbours while on its search and rescue mission off...

US Drone Carrying Missiles Crashes On Farms In Iraq!

US AIRCRAFT are flying over Iraqi territory collecting intelligence on the country’s popular forces, a senior Iraqi expert said, adding that a drone that...

Israeli presence in US Persian Gulf force ‘a threat to Iran’s...

IRAN says it considers possible Israeli presence in a US-led coalition in the Persian Gulf as a clear threat to its national security, and...

NUMSA car workers to strike for 20% wage increase!

SOUTH Africa’s automotive sector, already reeling from poor sales, now seems set to suffer a further blow – as carworkers threaten to take strike action...


THE RMT warned on Tuesday that the long-awaited Government Rail Review – set up on the watch of serial failure Chris Grayling – is...

Wadi al-Hummus demolitions are ‘a heinous crime we will not accept’...

THE PALESTINIAN Presidency on Monday ‘reiterated the firm position of the State of Palestine that supports the right of the People’s Republic of China...

‘To reverse years of underinvestment sustained levels of investment are needed’...

RESPONDING to PM Johnson’s comments in the weekend’s Sunday Times newspaper, in which he pledged a £1.8bn cash injection into the NHS BMA council...

PCS Calls For Universal Credit To Be Smashed!

‘THROUGH our Universal Credit Fact Versus Fiction campaign, PCS is exposing the massive problems with a system that we say needs to be scrapped...

Gov. must end ‘two-child limit’ for payment of benefits!

UP to 600,000 children have now been affected by the Tory government’s two-child limit to ‘Universal Credit’ benefits, the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG)...

Tshwane bus workers strike gridlocks city centre

SOUTH Africa’s administrative capital Tshwane (Pretoria) was gridlocked for a second day on Tuesday as bus drivers disabled their vehicles and the City insisted...

‘Cutting salaries and benefits will be met with hellfire’ – South...

‘ANY TALK of cutting salaries and benefits will be met with hellfire,’ Tahir Maepa, deputy general manager of the 200,000-strong Public Servants Association of...

Only Assad can bring stability say Raqqah residents

RESIDENTS of Syria’s Raqqah, which once served as the capital of the self-proclaimed ‘caliphate’ of the Daesh terrorist group, yearn for the return of...

United Farm Workers Slam Trump For Plans To Slash Farm Workers’...

PRESIDENT Trump’s proposed H-2A rules would harm not help, US farm workers and reduce protections for both domestic and foreign field labourers, warns the United...

PUERTO RICO GOVERNOR RESIGNS! – after one million-strong march and general...

PUERTO RICO’s Governor Ricardo Rosselló resigned on Thursday – just three days after a million demonstrators marched down Puerto Rico’s Las Americas highway insisting...

South African Pay Strikes Escalate!

THE Health & Other Services Personnel Trade Union of South Africa (Hospersa) has declared a dispute against SANParks following months of protracted wage negotiations. Union...

‘Get Ready For A Stayaway!’ Zimbabwe Trade Unions Instruct Their Members

‘Get Ready For A Stayaway,’ the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) General Council has instructed its member organisations. In a statement last Saturday, ZCTU...

Chicago Nurses Demonstrate Against Unsafe Working Conditions!

NURSES at the University of Chicago Medical Centre (UCMC) demonstrated against unsafe working conditions and inadequate staffing levels at a rally organised by the...


‘There is no good reason to keep these people on Manus and Nauru ... The cruelty, the brutality has to end,’ Chris Breen, co-organiser...

Israel Assassinates Palestinian Childhood

THE ISRAELI occupation authorities have transformed the images of joy, play and education that should be the norm for Palestinian children into a shocking...

‘Total Showdown’ Nigerian Unions Call General Strike

TRADE Union leaders of Nigeria’s JNPSNC are telling members in public service, in all 36 states and in Abuja, to prepare for ‘total showdown’...

Parliament & Peterloo Exhibition

‘Parliament & Peterloo’ Exhibition in Westminster Hall between 4th July and 26th September 2019 THE Parliamentary Archives invites people to visit the ‘Parliament & Peterloo’ exhibition...

Government Workers Marching Today!

WORKERS from three separate government departments, some of them engaged in indefinite strike action, will hold a joint demonstration and march through central London...

2,000 strike in Germany on Amazon’s Prime Day – Amazon workers...

MORE than 2,000 workers at seven Amazon sites across Germany have gone on strike over pay for at least two days, trade union Ver.di...

Unite investigating union officials collaboration with blacklisters!

CLAIMS that trade union officials collaborated with the blacklisters of the Consulting Association are being investigated by Unite. The union has launched an inquiry into...


TRADE UNION Solidarity on Friday said that it regrets the retrenchment crisis at ArcelorMittal South Africa (AMSA), warning that if key players in the...

Staffing crisis! Patients waiting for operations! STOP TORY NHS CUTS!

IN RESPONSE to the most recent NHS performance statistics and the political situation in which they are occurring, Royal College of Nursing (RCN) director...

70 Palestinian Homes In Jerusalem To Be Demolished

ON JULY 9th, 2004, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued an Advisory Opinion on the wall Israel had started building in the occupied...

Morrison government looks to bring back its union-busting legislation!

AUSTRALIA’S Industrial Relations Minister has accused the construction union CFMMEU of an ‘extraordinarily high standard of unlawful activity’ as the Morrison government moves to...