Tag: syria
Cameron, Sarkozy poised to send ground troops into Libya!
SARKOZY and Cameron visited Tripoli yesterday, not to celebrate any illusory ‘victory’, but to shore up the NTC counter-revolutionaries, who are already fighting amongst...
Stop NATO terrorism and the destruction of Sirte – Gadaffi urges...
COLONEL Gadaffi has sent a special appeal to the UN Security Council to halt the huge attacks on Sirte. In a message, attributed to the...
Gadaffi Will Never Quit Libya
LIBYAN leader Muammar Gadaffi issued a defiant audio message which was aired by the Syrian Arrai television channel yesterday. Colonel Gadaffi said: ‘Youth are ready...
‘Re-colonisation of Africa will never be allowed’ – says ANC Youth...
NATO has blatantly overstepped its UN resolution mandate in Libya by engaging in offensive military support to the Libyan rebels beyond the UN mandate,...
Israel refuses to apologise for Freedom Flotilla massacre
ISRAEL has rejected a US request to apologise to Turkey over its 2010 commando raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that killed nine Turkish...
‘They have crashed into a mountain of granite!’
THE Libyan leader has vowed not to surrender and to fight till the end. He urged the ‘masses’ to march on the rebel-held areas...
US backs Israeli threat to second Freedom Flotilla
ORGANISERS of the second Freedom Flotilla say that an administrative complaint has been filed against the US Boat to Gaza, claiming that the vessel...
US capitalism in crisis – war at home and abroad is...
US CAPITALISM, the most powerful in the world, is teetering on the brink of collapse under a tidal wave of debt. This dire warning was...
Resolution from yesterday’s News Line-All Trades Union Alliance Conference THIS News Line-All Trades Union Alliance conference gives its complete support to the June 30th pensions...
‘TOWARDS FREEDOM – TOWARDS JERUSALEM!’ – Palestinans march on Naksa Day
Israeli gunfire killed 11 people and wounded about 220 others on Sunday as demonstrators on the Syrian side tried to cross the ceasefire line...
Palestine erupts on 44th anniversary of Six-Day-war
IN 1967, Israel, in the infamous ‘Six-Day War’, used its air power, and its backing from the Western powers, to defeat Arab armies and...
Obama Sends In Medvedev As Stalinists Betray Libyan Masses Again
AT the Group of 8 meeting (G8) of the largest industrialised nations, the Russian Stalinist bureaucracy voted for regime change in Libya and then...
UK 23rd as far as child ‘well being’ is concerned
UK children’s wellbeing lags behind many other European countries, including France, Germany, Slovenia and Estonia, Save the Children has found. The charity’s World’s Mothers Index,...
A Revolutionary May Day
THE News Line sends its revolutionary greetings to the workers and the oppressed peoples of the world on this historic May Day. The world...
US Department of Defence doctors concealed evidence of torture at Guantanamo...
DOCTORS, psychologists and behavioural consultants working with the US Department of Defence-CIA have concealed evidence of torture. Hippocratic or hypocritical oath? US Department of Defence doctors...
Victory To The Arab Socialist Revolution!
THE world capitalist crisis is driving forward the working class and poor of the world to carry through the world socialist revolution, and replace...
Yemen Fury Over Tear Gas Attack On Protesters
Protests resumed in Yemen on Monday after a fruitless meeting with Gulf mediators and late night demonstrations turned violent in Sanaa. The streets of Sanaa...
‘The Invisible Prison Wall Around Palestinian Refugees From Iraq’
The following report was delivered by Nasim Ahmed to a Palestine Return Centre Workshop on Palestinian prisoners in London earlier this week. ‘I would...
Over 2,000 celebrated the ousting of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak at a rally in Trafalgar Square, central London, on Saturday organised by Amnesty International...
Sri Lankan crisis over out-of-control killings
The High Court Judge and judicial district judges of Jaffna have held a meeting of police officials to discuss the escalating killings, abductions, robberies...
WikiLeaks reveals US gangster diplomacy
THE latest WikiLeaks release of US documents reveals the essence of US diplomacy, and it stinks to high heaven with its intense imperialist antagonism...
The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) government in the West Bank on Monday called on Israel to end all expansion of settlements as a necessary...
The Israeli cabinet on Sunday approved a racist bill which would compel all new citizens to swear allegiance to Israel as ‘a Jewish and...
To The Hague With The Israeli Leadership
AN inquiry ordered by the UN Human Rights Council said on Wednesday that Israel violated human rights law and international humanitarian law when its...
Olmert reveals the US agreed to ‘absorb’ 100,000 Palestinians – only...
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said that during his tenure as Premier he had reached an agreement with the United States for...
Convoy Leaves For Gaza!
THE largest aid convoy yet is on its way to the besieged Gaza Strip, four months after the massacre of activists by Israeli forces...
A milestone in the failure of the US-UK war against Iraq
THERE were no pictures beamed around the world yesterday of United States President Barack Obama at a passing out parade in Baghdad on the...
Hamas Rejects Direct Negotiations
GAZA Premier Ismail Haniya said Sunday that the Palestinian Authority’s decision to resume direct negotiations reflects a failed policy, and will not succeed. Speaking at...
US combat troops quit – Iraqi masses will now deal with...
THE last US army combat brigade pulled out of Iraq on Thursday morning, allegedly bringing to an end all US combat operations. These...
Lebanese condemn Israeli aggression
Lebanon’s president, prime minister and Parliamentary Speaker slammed Israel’s ‘aggression’ against the country on Tuesday, as Lebanese and Israeli occupation troops exchanged fire...
Israelis Bomb Gaza And Shell The Lebanon
FOUR Lebanese soldiers were killed and at least four wounded when Israeli tanks opened fire at Lebanese positions on the border with Israel shortly...
IMPERIALISTS GUNNING FOR OIL-RICH REGIONS! – Lebanon and Venezuela prepared to...
The masses of the oil rich areas of the world are under attack by US imperialism. In the middle east the US and Israel are...
Corrie family urge independent inquiry into Freedom Flotilla raid
ISRAELI Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted on Friday on his claims concerning the Gaza flotilla raid alleging that the Israeli occupation soldiers were forced...
43 million forcibly displaced worldwide says UNHCR report
‘At the end of 2009, some 43.3 million people worldwide were forcibly displaced due to conflict and persecution, the highest number since the mid-1990s,’...
Assad warns of new war danger in the Middle East
SYRIAN President Bashar al-Assad warned yesterday that the Israeli attack on the Gaza humanitarian aid flotilla in international waters, in which nine Turkish citizens...
Israel Pursuing Its Cry-Wolf Policy
ISRAEL has been pursuing its cry-wolf policy since its inception. Successive Israeli regimes have followed the same tactic of presenting their own nation as...
HEZBOLLAH Secretary General Sayyed Nasrallah last Friday stressed that the unity of Arabs and Muslims was needed to stand by Egypt and Turkey...
Free the ‘Freedom Flotilla’ volunteers! Organise an armada to break the...
NINETEEN members of the six ship ‘Freedom Flotilla’ were yesterday murdered by Israeli special forces in a major war crime, and a larger...
‘Freedom Flotilla’ Heading For Gaza
THE second ship to join the Freedom Flotilla en route to Gaza left Istanbul Saturday afternoon, joining eight other boats from three countries carrying...
‘We will return!’
‘Free Palestine!’ shouted over 800 protesters at a Nakba (Catastrophe) Day demonstration opposite Downing Street on Saturday. The protestors insisted that Palestinian refugees must have...
THE Palestinian Presidency spokesperson, Nabil Abu-Rudaynah said yesterday, the decision of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on continuing settlement activity in East Jerusalem, proves...
Assad and Medvedev discuss Syria developing nuclear energy
PRESIDENT ASSAD welcomed President Medvedev of Russia to Syria at a press conference last Tuesday. He said: ‘I welcome our friend President...
CHIEF Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said that the Americans will respond to a Palestinian demand that Washington guarantee Israel’s commitment to the...
10 Israeli Negotiating Strategies
Al-Zaytouna article BY DR MOHSEN SALAH ISRAEL has a negotiating strategy that is designed to prolong the negotiations allowing more time for the construction of facts...
THE Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) in London has issued a report on the recent Israeli order of mass expulsion – the Israeli Order regarding...