Tag: syria
30th anniversary of Malvinas war – reject imperialist war hysteria
Yesterday marked the 30th anniversary of the Malvinas (Falklands) war, a war involving a tiny island with a population in 1982 of less than...
Workers want the Tories out but don’t want Miliband and Balls...
THIS IS the message that is coming out of the Bradford West by-election where Respect candidate George Galloway was ‘unexpectedly’, out of the blue,...
‘KIDNAPPING, DETENTION TORTURE AND EXECUTIONS’ –by Syrian opposition groups, reports Human...
‘Armed opposition elements have carried out serious human rights abuses,’ Human Rights Watch said last week in a little-publicised public letter to the Syrian...
Break The Blockade Of Gaza!
GAZA is being reduced from a massive prison for the Palestinian people to one in which they are homeless, jobless, and beginning to go...
Thirty Palestinian Prisoners Join Shalabi Hunger Strike
The head of the Palestinian Prisoners Society announced last Monday that thirty Palestinian prisoners have joined the hunger strike of Palestinian heroine Hana Shalabi. Palestinian...
Israel Accepts Gaza Ceasefire Out Of Fear Of The Arab Revolution
THE Egyptian military have brokered a truce between the militant Palestinian factions in Gaza and the Israeli military, which had been bombing Gaza for...
End Of The Road For The UK-US Afghan War
THE news that the death toll of British soldiers in Afghanistan passed the 400 mark this week has been greeted with outpourings of grief...
Netanyahu ready to strike Iran, while McCain calls to bomb Syria
ISRAEL, which has several hundred nuclear bombs, has issued a warning that it will not wait much longer before it strikes Iran, which has...
Hold Criminal Governments To Account, Says Cameron
UK Prime Minister David Cameron called for the ‘criminal’ Syrian government to be held to account, and threatened Syria’s people that there would be...
Hague recognises Syrian opposition while Qatar and Saudis supply the...
The ‘Friends of Syria Conference’ in Tunis has seen the representatives of the United States and the UK, Clinton and Hague, laying into Russia...
US-UK Being Driven Out Of Afghanistan!
CURRENTLY, the ‘Friends of Syria’ conference in Tunis is considering the best way for the imperialist powers to intervene in Syria to overthrow president...
THEIR MORALS AND OURS ‘The welfare of the revolution – that...
YET when we look around us now, what is there to see but a world where the epoch-making events of just a year ago...
After one year of the Libyan slaughter – Forward to Damascus...
THE Libyan people are being told that they must celebrate the first anniversary of the ‘revolution’ (in fact, counter-revolution) that has destroyed their country,...
THEIR MORALS AND OURS – ‘Civilisation can be saved only by...
AFTER 2008, the masses of the world showed they were not about to give up all their hard-won gains so that the banks,...
US imperialism is determined to step up its intervention into...
PLANNING for military intervention by the imperialist powers into Syria, to overthrow the regime of president Assad, was stepped up this week with growing...
Furious Hague threatens to recognise the Syrian opposition as the government!
RUSSIAN Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is in Syria for talks with President Bashar al-Assad. He was cheered by tens of thousands of pro-Assad...
Israel Planning Iran April Strike
US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta believes there is a ‘strong likelihood’ that Israel will strike Iran’s nuclear installations this spring, the Washington Post said...
Anti-war protest at US embassy – Syrians not allowed a speaker
A rally of over 300 people was organised outside the US embassy in London on Saturday, against Western intervention in Iran and Syria. The protest...
‘WE WANT A SECULAR STATE’ – demand Egyptian workers and youth
An unprecedented number of Egyptians took to the streets and squares of Egypt on Wednesday 25th January in commemoration of last year’s momentous Day...
UK readying for war in the Gulf
THE West’s escalation of its onslaught on Iran could see Britain sending military reinforcements to the Gulf shortly, following the passage of HMS Argyll...
RUSSIAN Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev spoke on Thursday about the situation surrounding Iran and Syria, and the United States. He said: ‘The US would...
Russia resisting regime change in Syria!
RUSSIA said yesterday that it strongly disagreed with changes to its draft UN Security Council resolution on Syria made by the western imperialist powers. ‘Unfortunately,...
US-UK bullies threaten war with Iran!
THE Tory Defence Secretary, Philip Hammond, declared the UK’s readiness to go to war with Iran last Thursday when he threatened that UK and...
IN 2011 medical shortages in the Gaza Strip reached their highest levels, a spokesman for Gaza’s Health Ministry said on Saturday. Ashraf al-Qidra...
Obama Brings In New Iran Oil Sanctions!
US President Barack Obama has just signed into law a major defence bill which includes tough new sanctions against Iran, as well as allowing...
2012–The year for organising the working class to take power
THE News Line Editorial Board sends its revolutionary greetings for the New Year of 2012 to all our readers and to the working class...
State department remains silent over mass executions of Tamils!
The US administration has failed dismally in the case of Sri Lanka, with catastrophic consequences, commented Tamil legal activists in the United States on...
Iran warns the imperialist powers!
IRAN on Tuesday fired a shot across the bows of the imperialist powers when it threatened to halt the vital oil transport route from...
US urges Russia to back UN Security Council over Syria
THE United States on Tuesday urged Russia to back UN Security Council action on Syria, after UN officials said the death toll in the...
American forces quit Iraq in defeat after 21 years of sanctions...
EIGHT and a half years after the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, 21 years after the deadly UN sanctions were imposed on Iraq...
Another US blow for Pakistan!
THE US Congress yesterday froze $700 million of aid to its ally Pakistan until it gets assurances that Pakistan will combat the spread of...
Clinton declares war on Putin and on Russia
THE Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the US Secretary of State, Clinton, of giving the Russian right wing – many of them...
‘Today’s strike is going to be the spark for something a...
‘The capitalist system is in its death agony. It’s coming to an end, although some people don’t believe it will ever end, but I...
‘TODAY the greatest crisis ever of the capitalist system is driving forward revolution in every country, as the workers of the world decide that...
‘Forward to workers power’
OVER 300 workers and youth marched from the Altab Ali Park in Aldgate East yesterday afternoon through Whitechapel to the News Line Anniversary Rally...
Imperialist mad dogs bomb Pakistan ‘ally’ and step up Syrian intervention!
THE desperate crisis of world capitalism is driving forward world revolution, as the continuing revolutionary eruptions in Greece and the eurozone states, and the...
Revolution and counter- revolution in the Middle East
EGYPTIAN workers and youth have reoccupied Tahrir Square in Cairo, and are keeping the military and the police at bay, following Saturday’s deadly clashes...
Imperialist Gangsters Prepare Iran War
IN A situation where their NTC proteges are not even sitting securely in the saddle in Libya, the UK and the US ruling classes...
Imperialism Playing With Syrian Fire
SYRIA’S Ba’athist leader Bashar al-Assad has warned that Western action against his country will cause an ‘earthquake’ that will ‘burn the whole region’, and...
Forward To Jerusalem!
THE Palestinian foreign minister said on Thursday that eight Security Council members are guaranteed to vote in favour of the Palestinian bid for full...
NATO kills 2,000 civilians in a week – says Musa Ibrahim
COLONELl Gadaffi’s spokesman Musa Ibrahim spoke to Damascus-based Al-Ra’y TV at 2014 gmt on 22 September. He said: ‘NATO is playing a very dirty political...
Musa Ibrahim Reports From Libyan War Fronts
MUSA Ibrahim, spokesman for Colonel Gadaffi, gave an interview to the Syria-based Al-Ra’y TV on the evening of September 18. He said: ‘We...
NATO striking schools, hospitals, homes
MUSA IBRAHIM, the spokesman for Colonel Gadaffi, has accused NATO of carrying out air strikes against ‘schools, hospitals and residential areas ...
COLONEL Gadaffi’s spokesman, Musa Ibrahim, has said that UK and French leaders were ‘rushing to reap the benefit of Tripoli’s temporary fall into their...
It’s Not Over! Admit Cameron & Sarkozy In Tripoli
NICOLAS Sarkozy and David Cameron, with delegations of businessmen plus NATO officers, visited Tripoli yesterday to try to shore up the split and divided...