Tag: syria
‘We will never let imperialist powers destroy Syria’ – say Syrian...
‘We’re here, the Syrian community, at this protest organised by Syrian Youth in Britain,’ Danny Makki, one of over 60 mainly young people outside...
Hague hands £5m to the Syrian counter-revolution
THE British government has responded to the success of the Syrian government in driving the Al Qaeda-supported Free Syrian Army out of Damascus, and...
Greek Government Starts A Pogrom!
GREECE is currently having its books and the success of its austerity measures examined by the EU Troika, made up of the representatives...
Obama, Cameron Sign Up For War In Syria
US President Barack Obama has signed a covert, secret order authorising the CIA and other US state agencies to support the Syrian counter-revolutionaries, the...
‘Rebels’ Under The Control Of Foreign Intelligence Agencies
AMMAN – The Jordanian newspaper Al-Arab al-Yawm website on August 1st wrote the following about the Syrian ‘rebellion’. ‘As the “decisive” battle for Aleppo rages...
World Crisis Of Capitalism Is Driving A World Revolution For...
THIS week the ‘big guns’ of the capitalist world banking system will each be holding their regular monthly meetings with only one question on...
Syrian army deals blows at US/UK stooges
THE Syrian Army killed tens of insurgents yesterday during clashes in the Syrian city of Aleppo in the northwest of the country. The government...
‘Army Engaged In Heroic Battle’ – Assad
‘THE ARMY is engaged in a crucial and heroic battle . . . on which the destiny of the nation and its people rests,’...
Romney condemned by Solidarity and the Palestinians!
REPUBLICAN presidential nominee Romney won endorsement from former Polish president and former Solidarity leader Lech Walesa, only to see the Solidarity...
Battle Rages In Aleppo
Fierce fighting raged for a second straight day in Syria’s commercial capital Aleppo yesterday, as government troops pressed home their offensive against Western-backed armed...
Saudi’s Aim Is To Buy Nukes From Pakistan
SAUDI officials are trying to strike a deal with Pakistani Prime Minister Pervez Ashraf to buy nuclear weapons from Pakistan. The recent meeting between King...
ISRAELI Foreign Affairs Minister Avigdor Lieberman has said Israel is ready to discuss the issue of an ‘apology’ for the Mavi Marmara incident, ...
New Syria War Planned Using Old ‘Wmd’ Lies!
THE war drums are beating with increasing intensity for armed intervention by imperialism into Syria to effect the smashing up of the Assad regime, the...
Military prepare for war over Syria
‘External intervention’ in Syria is becoming more likely, says a leading UK-based military think tank. Planning for possible intervention is already under way...
‘THE PALESTINIAN CAUSE CANNOT BE DIVIDED’ – Hamas refutes Gaza independence...
SENIOR Hamas official Mahmoud Zahhar on Sunday denied media reports that the Islamist resistance group is considering declaring the Gaza Strip a separate entity...
Following Veto US Pledges To Act Outside The Security Council
RUSSIA and China on Thursday vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that threatened sanctions against Syria and President Bashar al-Assad if he...
Russia & China Use Veto Over Syria
RUSSIA and China yesterday vetoed a UK-US UN Security Council resolution threatening the Syrian government with sanctions and regime change. The vote came a...
US-UK Backed Terrorists Bomb Damascus
SYRIA’S deputy defence minister Assef Shawkat and security Chief General Hisham Ikhtiyar have been killed in a bomb attack on a security building in...
Syrian People Stand Fast Against Western-Backed Terrorists
SYRIAN authorities on Monday clashed with an armed terrorist group in al-Zyara area in Idleb, state news agency SANA reported. A source at the Province...
Nationalise The Banks Jail The Bankers
THE capitalist media has been forced, in recent days, to reveal some of the misdoings of the great banks that stand astride the...
Palestinian workers and youth are on the march
DELAYS in Palestinian Authority employees salaries are unacceptable and government workers’ concerns must not be ignored, a union leader said last Tuesday. Government employees union...
Clinton threatens ‘catastrophic assault’ on the Syrian state!
THE ‘Friends of Syria’ meeting in Paris on Friday saw the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, frantically beating the war drums against Syria,...
Syrian Armed Gangs Reject Annan Plan
TURKEY scrambled six F-16 fighter jets near its border with Syria yesterday afternoon after Syrian helicopters came close to the border, but...
Hands off Syria – its people must decide its future
THE Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad has reiterated that the sole way to resolve Syria’s current crisis is through a ‘national model’. He added: ‘What...
Hands Off Syria – Forward to World Revolution
THE imperialist military alliance, NATO, meets today at the request of Turkey which will be invoking Article 4 of its treaty which covers threats...
Lavrov Calls Cameron A Liar
MOSCOW – In an interview to the Ekho Moskvy radio station as part of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov...
Excerpt from the text of the speech by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, broadcast live by Syrian TV on 3rd June at the Opening...
Syria Ejects Western Diplomats
Syria declared the ambassadors and envoys from several western states unwelcome yesterday, ordering them out of the country. The move followed last week’s expulsion of...
Syrian opposition demands a no-fly zone!
THE announcement that the western and Saudi-Qatari backed ‘opposition’ in Syria is no longer committed to the UN Security Council-backed Annan ceasefire comes as...
Syrian rebels reject Annan plan!
SYRIAN ‘rebels’ yesterday announced that they are no longer committed to the Annan plan. Major Sami al-Kurdi, for the rebel military council stated that...
Greek Workers Need Revolutionary Party!
TWO weeks before the Greek general election, due on June 17, Alexis Tsipras the leader of Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) last Friday...
GAZA IS A BIG PRISON – says a former detainee
THE Palestinian Authority civil affairs minister said late Tuesday that Israel will return the bodies of 91 Palestinians buried in an Israeli cemetery on...
Clinton, Hague beat war drums over Syria
YESTERDAY US and UK diplomats were foaming at the mouth over an alleged massacre by the Syrian armed forces of men women and...
UN Admits Al-Qaeda Bombing Damascus!
THE UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has admitted that Al-Qaeda is behind two deadly suicide car bomb attacks in Syria last week. Fifty-five people were...
The Queen’s Dinner Party For Despots!
THE KINGS of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Swaziland were at a dinner for despots yesterday as part of the celebration of the Queen’s Diamond...
Syrians Support Assad
Around 100 Syrians and supporters held a vigil outside the Syrian embassy in London last Friday evening, to condemn last Thursday’s terrorist bombings in...
Crocodile Tears At The Security Council Over Syria!
THE UN Security Council has condemned the truck bomb attacks that killed at least 55 people and wounded almost 400 in the Syrian capital,...
Wrp May Day Rally Salutes Palestinian Hunger Strikers And World...
‘A socialist revolution in this country will open up the whole of the world,’ Frank Sweeney, the General Secretary of the Workers Revolutionary Party,...
500,000 WILL STRIKE ON MAY 10 – says Serwotka
Half a million workers will be taking strike action on May 10th, PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka told the mass rally at the end...
Time To Get Rid Of Capitalism
MAY DAY STATEMENT BY THE NEWS LINE EDITORIAL BOARD THE Editorial Board of the News Line sends its revolutionary greetings to the workers of the...
‘FREE ALL PALESTINIAN PRISONERS’ – demand protests in Gaza and UK
Over 1,600 Palestinian prisoners have been on hunger strike for more than 12 days in protest against policies such as prevention of family visits...
Carter Warns Against War With Iran
EX-US President Carter has decried his nation’s involvement in unjust conflicts and wishes the US could be seen as a champion of peace. Former US...
Turkey And Iran Being Driven Into Conflict Over Syria!
A Turkish newspaper discussing the conflict emerging with Syria has urged restraint to avoid confrontation with Iran. Yeni Safak said: ‘Have you realised that Tehran’s...
Hands Off Syria – Smash The Gulf Feudal Regimes
THE Syrian government has informed the UN envoy, Kofi Annan, that it will respect the cease fire agreement that it is a party to,...
Syrian forces seek to begin their withdrawal
FRESH clashes broke out in Syria yesterday as the Syrian army attempted to withdraw its heavy weaponry from around several cities, while the ‘opposition’...