New Axis Of Evil Threatens War With Syria!


THE new axis of evil, the leaders of the US, France and the UK, have come together to threaten Syria with war, with US army units assembled close to Syria’s borders in the wake of the recent military exercises in Jordan, in which US, British, French, Jordanian and Saudi forces took part.

Obama, Cameron, and the ‘socialist’ Hollande have issued their edict based on the wmd lies that were used to touch off the murderous assault on Iraq.

The big lie was that they had to attack Iraq because it had wmds that could be used to attack British troops in Cyprus and other places in a few hours. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were murdered, and the advanced state of Iraq was bombed and shelled ‘back into the Stone Age’, with only ‘important buildings’ such as the Oil Ministry left standing.

Now we are being told that if Syria uses its alleged chemical weapons, or threatens to do so or to move them, the imperialists will feel obliged to take military action to save people’s lives, and in the process slaughter further hundreds of thousands of people.

As everybody knows, the Syrian opposition is more than capable of staging a fake chemical attack or flooding the world’s media with tall stories that Syrian chemical weaponry is on the move and will be used, to trigger an imperialist assault.

The imperialists have their big lie, and they have the forces on the ground to manufacture the cause for war when, and as, required.

It is only a matter of making the decision to proceed.

As the Syrian Deputy Prime Minister Jamil said of the Obama-Cameron-Hollande axis, they are looking for an excuse to intervene to try and head off an internal settlement between the Syrian government and sections of the opposition, and to destroy Syria as an anti-imperialist state.

Such an intervention will touch off a regional war – there is already heavy fighting taking place in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli, and an attack by the imperialists on Syria will spread the war to the Lebanon with an Israeli attack on Hezbollah, and draw Iraq and Iran into a struggle for the survival of the anti-imperialist states in the Middle East and the Gulf.

The Saudis and Qataris are the most enthusiastic backers of such a war. They see an attack on Syria, and Hezbollah, as the essential prelude to the final solution, defeating and partitioning Iran, leaving them to run the Middle East and the Gulf for the imperialists.

Any such war will see Russia and China, out of the need of self-preservation, supplying the Iranians and Syrians and the Lebanese anti-imperialists with arms, equipment and supplies.

The imperialists would also experience ferocious opposition in both Syria and the Lebanon, with the prospect that oil supplies could be cut, making the three-day week in the 1970s after the Yom Kippur war seem like a picnic.

However, for the imperialist powers their desperate crisis leaves them no option but to carry out the most desperate measures, which will threaten the lives of tens if not hundreds of millions of people.

The British workers and the workers of Europe must not allow a new Iraqi-style war with Syria.

The peoples of the Middle East and the workers of the UK, the EU and the US have the same enemy, the UK, EU and US ruling classes, and their feudal Arab servants in Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Any victory of the imperialists in Syria would be a defeat for the workers of the world. Our enemy is at home.

Workers in the UK must answer any attack by the imperialists on Syria with a general strike to bring down the coalition and bring in a workers government and socialism. This is the only way forward.