Tag: strike
‘MARCH WITH US ON MAY DAY!’ – Gate Gourmet locked-out workers
‘WE want people to march with us on May Day,’ Gate Gourmet locked-out worker Parmjit Baines said yesterday. She was on a campaign team that...
Blair will ‘run criminals out of the country’
IT was Mussolini who said that he would drive the Mafia out of Italy and send it packing to the United States. Mussolini went...
RCN OPPOSES ‘RELENTLESS’ NHS ‘REFORM’ – UNISON Health Conference to demand...
A Royal College of Nursing (RCN) survey of senior nurses, released yesterday, says 13,000 NHS job losses have been announced in the last six...
Health Cuts Continue
Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton, Somerset, yesterday became the latest to announce cuts in the face of mounting NHS deficits. Taunton and Somerset NHS Trust...
OCCUPY PEUGEOT – says ATUA National Secretary
Workers threatened with the sack at the Peugeot plant in Coventry voted at mass meetings yesterday morning for strike action to defend their jobs...
A team of locked-out Gate Gourmet workers campaigned on Southall High Street yesterday. They spoke to Warish Singh an RMT member from Earls Court tube...
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) will be holding a national rally in Westminster on May 11th ‘to voice opposition to the government’s...
2,500 march in Berne to support Gate Gourmet workers
OVER 2,500 people marched in support of the locked out Gate Gourmet workers last Saturday in the Swiss capital of Berne. The march was...
The Easter Rising a powerful blow against ‘the power of the...
OUR theses were written before the outbreak of this rebellion, which must be the touchstone of our theoretical views. The views of the opponents...
Stop the pensions betrayal!
THE membership, branch leaderships and regional leaderships of the local government trade unions must stop the betrayal of their final salary pensions by union...
8 US SOLDIERS KILLED IN IRAQ – while Britain is sending...
EIGHT US soldiers have been killed across Iraq in the past four days, including three in roadside bombings Wednesday morning, the US military said. Two...
Unions Pensions Surrender
LOCAL government trade union leaders yesterday called off this month’s planned pensions strikes and accepted Deputy PM Prescott’s abolition of the Rule of 85...
Only World Revolution Can Solve Africa’s Health Crisis
THERE is a universal shortage of 4.3 million healthcare workers, but the crisis is most severe in Africa, according to the World Health Organisation’s...
Police Stop Gg Picket Outside Plant
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers were stopped from picketing the Gate Gourmet plant yesterday by the Heathrow Airport police and by the British Airports...
US READY TO BOMB IRAQ – but Straw rejects Hersh warning...
Yesterday two warnings were given as to the critical situation in Iraq and of US plans to use tactical nuclear weapons against Iran. Award-winning US...
2,000 Nursing Posts Lost Last Month
Student nurses are being used to plug staffing gaps as NHS trusts axe thousands of qualified nurses in the face of government-induced deficits, the...
EU moves to suspend all aid to Palestine
YESTERDAY the European Union followed the example of the US and suspended its aid to the Palestine National Authority. The EU has given $400...
Blair threatens to ‘close the book’ on the north
THE British and Irish premiers yesterday outlined their plan to restore direct rule from Westminster, via Dublin, if the Paisleyite DUP does not agree...
Blair Threatens To ‘Close The Book’ On Ulster Power Sharing
The British and Irish governments yesterday set a November 24 deadline for north of Ireland politicians to agree to work together in a restored...
Israeli Missile Attack On Gaza
Yesterday afternoon, Israeli military forces attacked Gaza from the land, sea and air. Aircraft launched two missile strikes against the Palestinian presidential headquarters in Gaza...
Labour Plans New Pensions Robbery
EX-CBI boss, Lord Turner’s plans for pensions are just the means chosen by the Blair government to make the working class pay for the...
The world crisis is driving forward world
THE world crisis of the capitalist system is deepening rapidly, and is creating a political and revolutionary crisis in the major capitalist states, where...
Strike till CPE is withdrawn
More than 2,000 students meeting outside the entrance of Jussieu university in the centre of Paris yesterday afternoon voted virtually unanimously to strike until...
‘Impossible to avoid long strike’ at Delphi
UAW President Ron Gettelfinger and Vice President Richard Shoemaker have issued this statement on Delphi’s announcement that it will file Section 1113 and Section...
SOCA SECRET AGENCY FORMED! – links former spies, police, customs and...
‘Britain’s FBI’, the Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) – which combines former MI5 and MI6 spies with former ‘specialists’ from the police, customs and...
Thirty Day Countdown To Attack 0N Iran
DOWNING STREET denials that there is a meeting today of top military, state and government officials to discuss the implications of a US attack...
‘Israel Is Building The World’s Biggest Prison’
‘ISRAEL is going to enter the Guinness Book of Records for having built the world’s biggest prison,’ said an angry Abed Yabrud, waiting his...
Labour Adds 10% To NHS Deficits
From today, NHS organisations are to be charged ten per cent interest on money they borrow when they run up deficits. The NHS Bank, run...
LEADERS of France’s main trade union federations have refused to talk to the government until it withdraws the CPE (first job contract) that removes...
Rice Visit To Blackburn Cancelled
Fears of massive anti-war protests forced the cancellation of yesterday’s planned visit to Blackburn by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Rice had planned to...
Restore Student Grants – Smash All Fees
Students’ expenditure has gone up 44 per cent in real terms under the three Labour governments, an official Student Income and Expenditure survey has...
‘We Are 100% Behind The Unions To Win This Fight
‘It’s going well, union members are not coming in. Obviously, we want to protect our pensions,’ Camden UNISON housing department shop steward Lesley Amber...
French And British Workers Take Action Against The Bosses
IT was Karl Marx who said that the French would start the revolution, that the British would be inspired to take it further and...
1.5 Million Take Strike Action
YESTERDAY’s massive one-day strike stopped whole regions of the UK, but is only the start of the campaign, local government workers warned. Striking local government...
Blair an imperialist from head to foot
YESTERDAY in Australia, Blair, for all he was worth, was pushing the George Bush imperialist line that ‘we’ have a duty to liberate the...
SECOND CLASS CITIZENS! – elderly being mistreated
Public services often fail to consider the special needs of older people, who are being treated like ‘second class citizens’, Age Concern said yesterday. It...
German and British Gate Gourmet workers march through Hounslow
Last weekend saw united action by German and British Gate Gourmet workers against the company’s savage attacks on their jobs, wages and conditions. The weekend...
Victory To The Gate Gourmet Workers
THE News Line sends greetings to the striking German and the locked-out British Gate Gourmet workers, who are today marching through Hounslow. The German workers...
UNITY IN ACTION – German & British Gate Gourmet workers picket...
TWENTY SIX Gate Gourmet strikers and supporters from Düsseldorf, Germany, arrived in London yesterday to join Gate Gourmet locked-out workers from Heathrow. They met at...
Unions Must Take Action To Defend The NHS
THE TUC and all trade unions must be made to take action to defend the NHS before it is butchered by Blair and completely...
THE CRS and gendarmerie have remained on the streets of Paris since the uprising sparked by the violent state attack on demonstrators at Place...
Gg Dusseldorf Strikers In London Today
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers, at Heathrow Airport, are welcoming Gate Gourmet striking workers, from Dusseldorf Airport in Germany, to London today. The British Gate Gourmet...
NO TGWU HARDSHIP PAY! – for Gate Gourmet locked-out workers taking...
TWO Gate Gourmet locked-out workers went to the TGWU London South East and East Anglia Regional Office in north London on Tuesday, to ask...
PAY CUTS & JOB CUTS! – Civil servants and nurses condemn...
Chancellor Gordon Brown delivered his 10th Budget yesterday featuring more tax cuts for the rich and pay cuts for the working class. Opening his speech...
FRANCE has risen. After the brutal attack by the forces of the French capitalist state, led by the CRS, on demonstrators at the Place de...