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Cowen making workers pay for capitalism’s crisis in Ireland

IN A third attempt within six months to save bankrupt Irish capitalism, Taoiseach Brian Cowen’s Fianna Fail government unveiled a draconian budget on Tuesday,...

Wage freezing, wage cutting, redundancies and revolution ahead for workers!

THE Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) says that if there is a capitalist government in office in 2016 it will have to find an...

60,000 March In Athens

TENS of thousands of Greek workers from all industries and services took part last Thursday in the rallies and demonstrations staged in the capital...

BAILIFFS DEFIED – Enfield Visteon workers maintain occupation

THE Visteon car parts plant, in Enfield, once owned by Ford, is still occupied by over 100 workers who are defending their jobs and...

G20 bankrupts meet protected by 10,000 riot police batons

LEADERS of the major capitalist states, and the leaders of Russia and China, who have linked their fate to the future of the crisis...

BANK OF ENGLAND BLOCKADED! – by tens of thousands of youth

TENS of thousands of people demonstrated from mid-day yesterday outside the Bank of England against bankers,capitalism and the G20 summit. They...

Forward to the socialist revolution – not the two-day week

IT IS now accepted that the capitalist system is in its greatest crisis ever, bigger than the crisis created by the First World War,...

‘MOTOR INDUSTRY FACING ARMAGEDDON’ states Tony Woodley –Vauxhall could be gone...

THE car industry in Britain is facing ‘Armageddon’, with GM Vauxhall set to close by the end of April unless it gets immediate financial...

Unison and EU public sector unions form ‘historic alliance’

UNISON and other EU public sector unions have formed an ‘historic alliance’. UNISON declared yesterday: ‘The fight back has begun. And UNISON is...

Bailing out banks and sacking public sector workers splits the unions

THE UNISON and Unite trade unions have split. The former has formed an alliance with the EU public sector trade unions ver.di and CGIL and...

50,000 March For Jobs And Justice

THE TUC-organised ‘Put People First’ march over jobs, justice and climate attracted up to 50,000 workers and young people in central London on Saturday. Trade...

Only A Socialist Revolution Can Defend Jobs, Homes, Basic Rights And...

THE TUC’s ‘Put People First’ march on Saturday brought 50,000 workers and youth onto the streets marching behind powerful contingents from the GMB and...

Sack Begg Demand Dublin Teachers

The Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI) Dublin City Post Primary branch has called for the resignation of Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) general...

Crisis-ridden US capitalism driven towards war

US capitalism really has got its back to the wall, and has somewhat lost its balance, when its Treasury Secretary, Geithner, says that he...

Irish Congress of Trades Unions ‘defers’ March 30 General Strike

THE Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) has ‘deferred’ the strike action it has called for March 30 following a government offer of...

COWEN INVITES ICTU TO TALKS – as massive strike action approaches

With the March 30 general strike fast approaching Irish Prime Minister Cowen has invited the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) to attend talks....

Huge food inflation as bosses and unions agree on wage cuts...

WORKERS in Britain are now feeling the ‘benefits’ of the British government’s policy of printing money to rescue the banks while allowing the pound...

‘We’Ll Strike To Keep Royal Mail Public’

‘ROYAL Mail not for sale!’ shouted over 200 postal workers and their supporters as they marched through Corby last Friday. They were applauded as they...

The battle for public opinion has been won – now take...

THE postal workers have the support of the mass of the British people, the public sector trade unions and the other trade unions making...

No Fees Or Loans And Restore Student Grants For All!

AFTER Blair and Brown abolished students’ grants and introduced a regime of fee paying for university education – putting an end to free university...


NOVEMBER 1984 opened with a miners’ special delegate conference endorsing a plan to widen the dispute throughout the labour and trade union movement. That demand...

A STEP TOWARDS POLICE STATE! – Tory move against anti-war movement...

The Stop the War Coalition yesterday condemned amendments tabled by Monmouth Tory MP David Davies to the Policing and Crime Bill, currently going through...

ROYAL MAIL IS NOT FOR SALE! – say 1,000 marchers

‘If Royal Mail managers don’t back off we are going to have to ask our members again to take strike action,’ Communication Workers Union...

THE GREAT MINERS STRIKE 1984-85 – PART FOUR ‘Trying to reconcile...

THE TUC National Congress held in Brighton during the first week of September 1984 was dominated by the miners’ strike. Miners from the Cortenwood pit...

THE GREAT MINERS STRIKE 1984-85 – PART THREE: ‘Now we are...

THE brutal police riot at the Orgreave coke depot was not the only state attack launched against the NUM and striking miners in June...

Mandelson’s Secret Business Interests!

PETER Mandelson is one of five Labour government cabinet ministers who insists on his business interests being a secret and for that purpose has...

‘STRIKE ON THE CARDS’ – as four departments face closure at...

Strike action is ‘on the cards’ to defend Liverpool University departments. The philosophy, politics and communications and statistics departments at Liverpool University are still at...

THE GREAT MINERS STRIKE 1984-85 – PART TWO: Mounted police and...

IN the last article we saw how the state had leapt into action from the outset of the strike to try and break it...

Unite Helps Bosses Cut Workers’ Wages

THE UNITE trade union leaders yesterday were in full flight praising Toyota workers for taking their advice and assisting the bosses by accepting a...

THE GREAT MINERS’ STRIKE 1984-85 PART ONE: No miner has the...

TODAY marks the twenty fifth  anniversary of the beginning of the year-long miners’ strike, a strike that saw the full force of the capitalist...

Social Revolution Is The Issue Not Terrorism!

THE Continuity IRA and the Real IRA have opened fire and killed and wounded soldiers and policemen in the north of Ireland, breaking open...

Get rid of bankrupt capitalism – forward to socialism

EVERYWHERE capitalism is crashing! Yesterday the FTSE 100 index fell to 3472.68 points making a 50 per cent crash from the FTSE’s...

British shoot to kill forces return to the North

THEY were withdrawn from the north of Ireland because there could not be a ‘peace process’ and a power-sharing regime while they were there,...

£150bn MORE FOR BANKS – as B 0f E starts printing...

The Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee yesterday cut interest rates from one per cent to a record low of 0.5 per cent. Interest rates...

Smash Yellow Trade Unionism

TODAY the working class is fighting against a crisis-ridden capitalist system whose banks and industries have collapsed, and whose political leaders, such as the...

Nati0Nalise Gm Vauxhall And Ellesmere Port!

VAUXHALL factories at Ellesmere Port and Luton will close if GM’s talks with the Labour government for the Treasury to take over the financing...

NATIONALISE GM – occupy Luton and Ellesmere Port to stop closures

THE head of General Motors Europe warned yesterday that without government finance Vauxhall Luton and Ellesmere Port face immediate closure as ‘the obvious next...

3-DAY BELGIAN POSTAL STRIKE! – against the privateers

Over 30,000 Belgian postal workers began a three-day strike yesterday against privatisation to defend their jobs, pay and working conditions. Postal unions...

Time to make war on Brown and Mandelson

BUSINESS Secretary Peter Mandelson, in the words of the bourgeois media ‘came out fighting’ over the weekend to ‘make war’ on the CWU leaders...

Mandelson Threat To Jobs & Pensions!

Postal workers yesterday reacted angrily to Business Secretary Lord Mandelson’s threat to their jobs and pensions if they did not give up their...


AN OPEN letter to US President Obama reveals how one juvenile and 19 other prisoners remain dangerously brutalised in Guantánamo Bay, despite federal courts...

Greece – 24 Hour National Strike

Greek civil servants, teachers, local government and hospital workers took part in a 24-hour national strike on Wednesday, in defence of their pensions rights...

‘WE MUST WIN THIS BATTLE’ – speakers tell CWU mass rally

The Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) held a 500-strong ‘Keep Royal Mail Public’ national rally before a bigger lobby of MPs on Tuesday against the...

CWU rally rejects pensions blackmail!

‘This is just the start of the battle,’ declared Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) deputy general secretary Dave Ward at a mass rally in...

Police prepare for ‘summer of rage!’

YESTERDAY the bourgeois media was full of the thoughts of police chiefs who are preparing for a ‘summer of rage’, and pointing to the...