Tag: protest
Massive Gaza funeral march
JERUSALEM – Thousands marched in the funeral procession on Sunday afternoon of 24-year-old Palestinian, Habib al-Masri, who was killed during night protests in the...
MAY GOES TO GROUND! – Johnson & Gove are battling for...
PM MAY was holed up in crisis talks with senior Tories including Boris Johnson and Michael Gove at Chequers yesterday, with rumours that a...
Anti-Brexit Coup Underway – Workers Must Take Action To Force UK...
ON FRIDAY PM MAY let it be known that if she did not think that her EU deal would be agreed by parliament she...
Trump Pushing Anti-Union Measures In Usa
THE Trump administration in the USA has asked Congress to approve – as part of its fiscal 2020 budget – legislation that will make...
Swindon Day Of Action To Keep Honda Car Factory Open
ON SATURDAY thousands of Swindon football fans showed their determination to fight to keep the Honda car factory open, which is an absolute life...
Legal Action Against French Police State Violence
THE family of a 73-year-old French woman injured in a police charge at a protest are taking legal action. Geneviève Legay fell and hit her...
May Preparing Indicative Votes To Try & Smash Brexit
10 DOWNING Street is preparing to allow parliament to vote on seven alternative EU options next week amid their growing fears that PM May...
Stop privatisation of cervical cancer
THE UNITE trade union, the largest in Britain, is calling for a suspension of the privatisation of all cervical cancer screening services in NHS...
HUNGARY OPENS TRADE OFFICE IN JERUSALEM – Israeli troops teargas school...
HUNGARY’S Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto last Tuesday opened a trade office in Jerusalem City, in the central occupied West Bank, that will have an...
Countdown to March 29th
PRIME Minister Theresa May has written to the European Union to ask for a three-month delay to Brexit. The UK is leaving the EU next...
Usa Is Handing Millions To The White Helmets!
THE US is handing millions of dollars of cash over to the White Helmets organisation, the Syrian and Russian coordination committees said on Tuesday. The...
PM MAY confirmed yesterday that she will be running off today to meet with EU president Donald Tusk to beg for an extension to...
After Bercow’s attempt to knife Brexit the UK must make a...
SPEAKER Bercow’s ruling, preventing PM May making a third attempt to get her deal with the EU through the House of Commons, was a...
Philanthropy Is Promoting The Privatisation Of Education
‘Philanthropy and the privatisation of the democratic state: who needs a Ministry of Education?’ ironically ask the authors of a new report which sheds...
Speaker rules out 3rd vote on May’s deal! – UK must...
‘WHAT the government cannot legitimately do is to re-submit to the House the same proposition, or substantially the same proposition as that of last...
Austerity driving up infant mortality
THE GAP in infant mortality rates between English local authorities narrowed between 1999-2010, but that trend has been reversed since 2011 as a result of...
Brexit Is Blowing Up The Two-Party System Of Rule – The...
PM MAY yesterday made an appeal for MPs to ‘stand together as democrats and patriots’, to support her withdrawal deal. This is after her resolution...
Youth are marching against capitalism!
OVER 10,000 school youth from around the South East of England descended on London’s Parliament Square yesterday shouting: ‘Solution not pollution! We want change!’...
Global youth are striking against climate change! To save the planet...
YOUTH in their hundreds of thousands rose up all over the world yesterday in a global strike against climate change. In every continent, and in...
Second referendum amendment defeated
AMENDMENT H calling for a second referendum was resoundingly defeated in parliament last night by 249 votes, with just 85 MPs voting for and...
Global Climate Change Strike
HUNDREDS of thousands of school youth are walking out on strike today in more than 100 countries around the globe over climate change. School youth...
Bloody Sunday – Put the British State in the dock for...
YESTERDAY the Public Prosecution Service (PPS) announced that there was enough evidence to prosecute one soldier, soldier F, for the murder of two people,...
Spring Statement: ‘From a government that has run out of road’...
RESPONDING to the chancellor Philip Hammond’s Spring Statement yesterday, Unite general secretary Len McCluskey said: ‘The chancellor’s Spring Statement offered nothing to put a...
Iran-Iraq historic talks
IN A HISTORIC meeting, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has held talks with Iraq’s top Shia cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in the Iraqi holy...
UK workers must organise political and industrial action to make sure...
TORY PRIME minister Theresa May suffered another humiliating defeat in parliament on Tuesday when the latest version of her ‘deal’ with the EU was...
OPCW chemical watchdog report ‘full of discrepancies’
‘THE Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) could not come up with an unbiased report on the alleged 2018 chemical attack in...
French opthalmologists demand a halt to rubber bullets
FRANCE is experiencing an ‘epidemic of serious eye injuries’ as police repeatedly fire golf-ball-sized rubber bullets at Yellow Vest protesters, the country’s top ophthalmologists...
Nursery heads march on Downing Street!
NURSERY heads marched on Downing Street yesterday, furious at the desperate lack of funding which is now so bad that nurseries are threatened with...
Major Syrian clean-up op – US and Israeli weapons found
SYRIAN government forces have carried out a major mopping-up operation in the country’s southwestern province of Rif Dimashq, and have discovered a considerable amount...
World-wide youth strike March 15th
TENS of thousands of school students around the world are set to walk out of their schools again to join the world-wide ‘Youth Strike...
May’s project fear – ‘Reject my deal and the only certainty...
SPEAKING in Grimsby last Friday May peddled her own ‘project fear’ line before the new vote on her deal with the EU tomorrow in...
Kenyan strikers will not return until union leaders are freed
STRIKING Kenyan airport workers have declared that they will not return to work until their union leaders are released from jail. On Friday morning, the...
Head teachers up in arms – schools being cut to the...
MORE than 7,000 heads have written a joint letter to 3.5 million families warning of the acute funding crisis in schools. The heads insist...
US Crisis Deepens
MORE than 150,000 people in the United States died in 2017 due to suicide, alcohol and drugs, an all-time high, according to a new...
‘All asbestos must be removed from schools!’
Education unions in the UK have reaffirmed the urgent need to protect students and education workers from asbestos in schools, demanding that ‘all asbestos...
Macron demands dictatorship throughout the EU – UK must leave EU...
FRENCH President Emmanuel Macron, currently fighting a civil war with millions of French workers, has proposed a series of ‘reforms’ that he says will...
‘Conspiracy to rape’ – Victims of spy cops indict the state
WOMEN who found out their partners were undercover police spies insisted yesterday that they are the ‘victims of a conspiracy to rape’ by the...
Build the Revolutionary Leadership – Forward to the Socialist Revolution!
THE MASSIVE vote of over 17 million workers and youth to leave the EU on March 29th has driven the ruling class and its...
GOLAN HEIGHTS SYRIAN TERRITORY – says UN Special Envoy for Syria!
UN SPECIAL Envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen on Friday underlined Syria’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, rejecting a US congressional motion to recognise Israel’s...
Testing Children Age Four Pointless
GIVING children as young as four exams as soon as they start school is ‘pointless’ the National Education Union (NEU) said yesterday, calling for...
NSL car park workers–2-day strike
THE NSL parking services workers of the GMB trade union started a two-day strike yesterday for the London Living Wage. News Line joined them on...
ITUC leader facing deportation from Zimbabwe
The General Secretary of the African Regional Organisation of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Kwasi Adu-Amankwah was on Tuesday morning dragged from his...
NO TRIAL BY MEDIA! mass protest in support of Grenfell firefighters
A MASS protest in support of the fire service took place outside Ladbroke Grove fire station on Monday night, by residents who live in...
University wages strike ballots
UCU members at Coventry University are being balloted for industrial action in a row over pay. The ballot opened yesterday and closes on Tuesday...
Parliament turns a blind eye to the mass slaughter and starvation...
THE reconstituted House of Commons Committees on Arms Export Controls (CAEC), made up of members of four select committees – Business, Innovation and Skills,...