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DICTATOR BERCOW! – ready to forcefully remove PM from office

THE OUTGOING Speaker John Bercow, due to leave on October 31, has said that he will forcibly remove PM Johnson from office if he...

We will leave EU ‘deal or no deal’ – Johnson

TORY PM Boris Johnson yesterday confirmed that if all attempts to get a deal with the EU fail then he is prepared leave the...

Workers Must Take Action To Permanently Prorogue Parliament And Bring In...

NEXT Tuesday the Supreme Court is to hear the government’s appeal against last Tuesday’s verdict of Scotland’s highest civil court that PM Johnson’s proroguing...

Scottish court rules prorogation ‘unlawful’

WE ARE of the opinion that the advice given by the government to Her Majesty the Queen to prorogue Parliament was unlawful and that...

Only Socialist Revolution can resolve the political and economic crisis and...

YESTERDAY, Scottish appeal court judges ruled that the decision by the Tory government to suspend parliament for five weeks in the run-up to the...

Companies at London Arms Fair supplying countries accused of committing ‘war...

THE WORLD’S biggest arms companies have set up shop at Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEI), one of the world’s largest arms fairs, taking...

‘Overthrow the EU – Replace it with the Socialist United States...

‘TROTSKY wrote about the prospects of the European capitalists uniting Europe,’ Dave Wiltshire, National Secretary of the All Trades Union Alliance told the YS/WRP...

‘WE MUST GET ON WITH BREXIT’ – TUC delegates tell WRP-YS...

LARGE numbers of TUC delegates in Brighton yesterday stopped at the 60-strong WRP and Young Socialists lobby to say that they want the TUC...

‘Unceasing Fatalities’ In Bangladesh Shipbreaking Industry

‘UNCEASING fatalities’ continue in the Bangladesh shipbreaking industry, as two more workers were killed and thirteen injured in yet another incident at the Ziri...

Words Are Not Enough! The TUC Must Take Action To Prevent...

WITH 21 TORY MPS having the whip removed from them, now being joined by more Tory defectors like Amber Rudd, and while Labour makes...

Bring the airports out in support of Ryanair and BA strikers!...

THE BRITISH AIRWAYS pilots strike is on for both Monday and Tuesday in an escalating battle over pay. British Airline Pilots’ Association (BALPA) BA...


THE UNITED States, Britain and France may be complicit in war crimes in Yemen by arming and providing intelligence and logistics support to the...

Roger Waters performs for Assange – Defend freedom of speech! No...

OVER a thousand supporters of jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange rallied outside the Home Office on Monday evening to hear Roger Waters perform ‘Wish...

Israeli police demolish Bedouin village for 157th time

ISRAELI authorities and their heavily armed police force demolished the Bedouin village of al-Araqib in the Naqab desert in southern Israel for the 157th...

COSATU condemns political killings and ‘vote buying’ during ANC campaign

SOUTH Africa’s trade union federation COSATU has expressed concern over ongoing factional battles in the governing ANC party, allegations of vote buying by the...

Workers must organise unions to take the UK out of the...

THE EU’s Brexit negotiator Barnier has set the scene for this week’s ‘Brexit showdown’ in the House of Commons by rejecting out-of-hand PM Johnson’s...

Lobby TUC Sept 9 to demand break from EU now and...

THE REMAINER MPs have been dealt a minor blow by the Scottish courts. A Scottish judge has refused to order an immediate halt to...

Remainers launch a legal challenge!

‘THE CANDYFLOSS of outrage we’ve had over the last 24 hours, which I think is almost entirely confected, is from people who never wanted...

RMT steps up the fight for workplace justice & insists every...

FOLLOWING his re-election this week as general secretary of specialist rail and transport union RMT for a further five-year term, Mick Cash is insisting...

Israel escalates its demolition of Bethlehem Palestinian structures

The latest demolitions of Palestinian structures in Beit Jala city in Bethlehem district and the string of Israeli attacks on the besieged Gaza Strip...

Trump splits US ruling class with demand they give up vast...

ON THE eve of the G7 Summit in France over the weekend US president Donald Trump ordered US companies to leave China and move...

Zarif Arrives In Biarritz For Talks With Macron

IRAN’S Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif suddenly arrived in the French city of Biarritz on Friday, where the G7 meeting of the seven top...

‘No extradition – free Julian Assange!’ – says Julian Assange Defence...

‘THERE is only one decision: No extradition! – free Julian Assange’ chanted a demonstration of over 50 supporters of the jailed Wikileaks founder Julian...

Ryanair Pilots Down Tools!

RYANAIR pilots have downed tools today causing huge cost to the company after Ryanair managers again refused to enter talks to end the long...

Marikana platinum miners ready to strike for a year!

MORE strife is looming at South Africa’s Marikana platinum mines, as members of Amcu (the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union) warned Lonmin’s new...

The UK Army Drive To Recruit Youth Is Stepped Up As...

THE BRITISH armed forces, especially the army, are making a big turn to recruit youth, with military colleges springing up everywhere. More than one-in-10 new...

GM Latin American workers meet in Sao Paulo!

WORKERS from General Motors plants across Latin America met in São Paulo, Brazil, last week to discuss and take action against workforce casualisation within...

TASERS FOR ALL OFFICERS! says East Midlands Chief Constable

EVERY frontline police officer in Northamptonshire is to be armed with a Taser gun, the East Midlands county’s Chief Constable Nick Adderley announced yesterday. Adderley...

Seven Years Since The Marikana Mine Massacre!

‘THEY say in this country we’re free, but only some are free, others are not. A policeman has the power to kill and it’s...

‘We have jumped from the frying pan into the fire’ say...

ALTHOUGH Zimbabwe’s main opposition group, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), called off anti-government protests in the capital Harare at the last minute last...


THERE IS VERY great resistance to the proposal of Labour leader Corbyn that he should put down a motion of no confidence in PM...

Portuguese fuel strike into 2nd week! Army deployed as strike breakers....

FUEL DRIVERS in Portugal are continuing their strike, now entering its second week, as the Portuguese government called a state of emergency, deploying the...

‘Europe’s leaders consider people drowning as an acceptable price to pay...

MALTESE authorities on Monday refused the Ocean Viking rescue ship permission to refuel in their harbours while on its search and rescue mission off...

Unlimited Stop & Search Powers For Police!

TORY PM Johnson’s new police state measures allowing police unlimited stop and search powers have been condemned by Stopwatch, while Shadow Home Secretary Diane...

Tory Britain Reveals Its ‘Third World’ Essence With Friday’s National Grid...

TORY Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom has said that a special committee will look at what happened last Friday, when a huge power cut affected...

STATE SPYING: Police launch facial recognition app – UN slams state...

SOUTH Wales Police have launched a facial recognition app which is to be installed on their officers’ phones, prompting human rights campaigners Liberty to...

Wadi al-Hummus demolitions are ‘a heinous crime we will not accept’...

THE PALESTINIAN Presidency on Monday ‘reiterated the firm position of the State of Palestine that supports the right of the People’s Republic of China...

French youth rise up over death of 24 year-old after police...

THE GOVERNMENT of French president Emmanuel Macron went into a full blown crisis this week with riots in Nantes on Saturday where thousands of...

Tshwane bus workers strike gridlocks city centre

SOUTH Africa’s administrative capital Tshwane (Pretoria) was gridlocked for a second day on Tuesday as bus drivers disabled their vehicles and the City insisted...

‘Significant Victory’ For Junior Doctors!

THE BMA doctors’ union has hailed the Court of Appeal ruling on rest breaks as ‘a significant victory for junior doctors’. Commenting on the Court...

Britain Boarded The Grace 1 Off Gibraltar To Protect US And...

ON JULY 4th, 30 Royal Marines boarded the Iranian oil tanker Grace 1 off Gibraltar, allegedly on orders from the USA, because of suspicions...

‘Cutting salaries and benefits will be met with hellfire’ – South...

‘ANY TALK of cutting salaries and benefits will be met with hellfire,’ Tahir Maepa, deputy general manager of the 200,000-strong Public Servants Association of...

United Farm Workers Slam Trump For Plans To Slash Farm Workers’...

PRESIDENT Trump’s proposed H-2A rules would harm not help, US farm workers and reduce protections for both domestic and foreign field labourers, warns the United...

Russia Today fined £200,000!

BRITISH broadcast regulator Ofcom has just slapped Russia Today (RT) with a six-figure £200,000 fine for allegedly breaching impartiality rules. The fine comes before a...

PUERTO RICO GOVERNOR RESIGNS! – after one million-strong march and general...

PUERTO RICO’s Governor Ricardo Rosselló resigned on Thursday – just three days after a million demonstrators marched down Puerto Rico’s Las Americas highway insisting...