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Numsa Has Won A Victory For Ford Workers In South Africa!

NUMSA has won a victory for Ford workers in South Africa after the union was able to fight off over 500 jobs cuts, and...

Top World Health Organisation Official Is Extremely Worried About Polio &...

A TOP World Health Organisation (WHO) official said on Tuesday that he’s ‘extremely worried’ about polio and other outbreaks of communicable diseases in Gaza...

ICC seeking arrest warrants for Netanyahu & Yoav Gallant

THE United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and dozens of organisations and countries are striving to block or delay an arrest warrant by the...

Only 4 Kenyan police officers to face prosecution for shooting and...

ONLY four police officers in Kenya so far are to face prosecution for shooting and killing protesters over the last four weeks, amid rising...

Palestinian groups sign ‘national unity’ agreement for a united fight for victory...

YESTERDAY officials from 14 Palestinian groups, including Hamas and Fatah, signed a ‘national unity’ agreement in the Chinese capital Beijing that ended any divisions...

‘Western countries preparing for direct conflict with Russia’ – warns Serbian...

WESTERN countries are actively preparing for a direct conflict with Russia, says Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Vucic told the Pink TV channel: ‘The West would...

US engulfed by political crisis as Biden is forced out

ON SUNDAY, US president Joe Biden caved in to the demands of senior Democrats and the Wall Street supporters of the party to step...

Powerful international reaction to ICJ ruling that Israeli occupation is illegal!

International reaction has poured in since last Friday’s ruling by the top United Nations court that Israel’s continued presence in the occupied Palestinian territory...

Labour MPs must fight for a socialist solution to the crisis...

WITH the UK’s Labour government set to face challenges from the left to the King’s Speech today, the Fire Brigades Union has urged MPs...

‘Israel’s presence in Palestinian territory is unlawful!’ says International Court of...

JOSEP BORRELL, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, yesterday commended the advisory opinion that Israel’s presence in Palestinian territory is...

Israel is imposing water rationing forcibly on the Palestinian masses!

A NEW Oxfam report on Thursday has revealed how Israel has been systematically weaponising water against Palestinians in the war-torn Gaza Strip in total...

OIC condemns Israel for rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state!

THE Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has strongly condemned the Israeli Knesset’s approval of a bill rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state, viewing...

Moayad Shaaban – ‘Since the beginning of the year the Israeli...

THE HEAD of the Colonisation and Wall Resistance Commission, Moayad Shaaban, said that since the beginning of this year, the Israeli occupation authorities have...

Labour Intends To Prop Up Capitalism And Continue From Where The...

KING Charles yesterday outlined his new Labour government’s law-making plans in his speech to Parliament. The Labour Party now has an overall majority over all...

Starmer’s Labour Brings Forward Anti-Working Class King’s Speech

THE STARMER Labour government brought forward an anti-working class King’s Speech in Parliament yesterday morning. It announced 40 pieces of legislation, starting with a Budget...

Labour Foreign Secretary embraces Netanyahu while Palestinians are massacred in Gaza!

LAST Saturday, at least 88 Palestinians were killed and over 289 injured by Israeli bomb strikes on the displaced peoples camp in Khan Younis,...

West Bank General Strike after al-Mawasi massacre

WEST BANK Palestinians held a general strike yesterday in solidarity with people in Gaza in the wake of the Israeli attack on a ‘safe...

‘7th October was a justified rebellion against the Israeli occupying force!’

Drop Site News, a US-based publication, has recently conducted interviews with senior Hamas officials and reviewed statements from the group’s leaders. These efforts included background...

‘Up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributed to...

‘IT IS NOT implausible to estimate that up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza,’ declares...

Gaza – Israeli soldiers admit killing Palestinians without restrictions, out of...

THE Palestinian resistance group Hamas on Wednesday called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to launch an investigation into recent confessions by Israeli soldiers...

‘We want no more weasel words – we want immediate recognition...

On the fifteenth National march for Palestine over one hundred thousand workers and youth took to the streets in central London in support of...

CGT warns French fascists will attack the trade unions

‘ON THE EVE of a crucial election for our Republic,’ the CGT French trade union federation warned of the ‘alarming consequences for our freedoms...

US in political crisis as Biden faces growing calls to quit!

A ‘PERVASIVE sense of fear and uncertainty’ hangs over the US Democratic party as 81-year-old president Joe Biden faces increasingly strident calls for him...

Vote WRP Today To Carry Forward The Fight For Socialism!

NEWS LINE urges all of our readers and all workers and youth who are living in the five constituencies that the WRP is standing...

Director of Al-Shifa Hospital – held by Israel for seven months...

THE director of Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital, who had been detained by Israeli forces for more than seven months, says he was put through ‘severe...

US Supreme Court ruling destroys myth of bourgeois democracy and imposes...

On Monday, the US Supreme Court ruled that ex-President Donald Trump enjoys ‘absolute immunity’ for ‘official acts’ as president, a ruling that at a...

The Israeli Cabinet approves the legalisation of settlements

THE Israeli cabinet has approved the ‘legalisation’ of five settlement outposts in the occupied West Bank, and further sanctions on the Palestinian Authority for...

Israeli occupation forces commit massacres against families! – Ben-Gvir urges shoot...

ISRAELI occupation forces have committed three main massacres against families in the Gaza Strip over the last 24 hours, resulting in the documented killing...

Netanyahu under siege as he imposes sanctions on Palestine!

THE Israeli cabinet has approved the ‘legalisation’ of five settlement outposts in the occupied West Bank, and further sanctions on the Palestinian Authority for...

Bank of England warning that world stock markets on the verge...

The Bank of England yesterday warned that the capitalist financial markets are at risk of ‘sharp correction’. In its latest financial stability report the Bank...

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange lands in Australia

WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange landed in Australia Wednesday morning, after walking free from a US court in Saipan. He hugged his wife and father at...

The Trade Unions Must Take General Strike Action To Stop Israel’s...

AN international human rights organisation says Israel is pressing ahead with a ‘systematic policy of targeting civilians’ in the Gaza Strip, including bombardment of...

Imperialism is on its last legs – Time for the world...

ON Monday, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was freed from the high-security Belmarsh jail after a deal was agreed for him to plead guilty to...

SAFTU is appalled ‘by the continued bungling’ of the National Student...

The South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU) released a statement on Monday saying it is ‘appalled by the continued bungling’ of the National...


JULIAN ASSANGE will ‘be a free man’ once a plea deal with the US is ‘signed off by a judge’, his wife Stella Assange...

Clashes In Israel While President Biden Fears That Netanyahu Will Address...

CLASHES have broken out between the Israeli police and anti-regime protesters in Tel Aviv and across the occupied territories, with demonstrators demanding new elections...

Respond to the death agony of imperialism by organising the victory...

ON FRIDAY, June 21, The Republic of Armenia officially recognised the State of Palestine, raising the number of countries that recognise Palestinian statehood to...

Labour movement rises up in Nigeria, Ghana and Zimbabwe

Timi Frank, the former Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Nigeria, on Thursday, called on the leadership of the...

O’connor Calls For Sanctions On Israel To Stop The Genocide

THE IRISH Trade Union Congress Executive Council member and INTO Deputy General Secretary Deirdre O’Connor delivered a speech on behalf of the workers of...

Myanmar’s trade unions facing a brutal regime

MYANMAR’s trade unions are facing brutal retaliation in the fight for democracy, says Khaing Zar Aung, the President of the Industrial Workers Union of Myanmar. Democratic...

Children In The Besieged Gaza Strip Live In Terror

THE United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has said that children in the besieged Gaza Strip live in ‘constant terror due to Israeli bombardment’. UNICEF spokesperson...

French working class must take power to begin the European...

NEARLY a quarter of a million French workers have taken part in mass rallies across the country against the French fascists, calling on the...

Survivors of the Pylos shipwreck where 600 men, women & children...

REFUGEE survivors of the Pylos shipwreck off the western shores of Greece, where approximately 600 children, women and men were drowned on 15 June...

Argentinian parliament narrowly passes huge cuts and privatisation plans!

The Argentinian parliament’s upper house narrowly passed a controversial bill key to President Javier Milei’s economic cuts and privatisation plans as thousands of protesters...

Nearly 3,000 children in Gaza are at risk of dying before...

THE United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) says nearly 3,000 children are at risk of dying before the eyes of their families as they have...