Tag: palestine
Please help us – Hague appeals to Russia & China!
SPEAKING at the Royal United Services Institute on Thursday, British Foreign Secretary Hague reported that: ‘On January 16th, a terrorist group linked to Al...
Israeli Forces Storm Hebron Protest Camp
HEALTH workers in the West Bank will escalate their strike action next week, their union said on Sunday. Osama al-Najjar, the head of the healthcare...
Jailed Palestinian Hunger Striker Stops Taking Water
JAILED hunger striker Samer Issawi has now stopped taking water after refusing food for 188 days, the Palestinian Prisoners Society said on Tuesday. A PPS...
Palestinians announce blood donation campaign for Syrian army
DAMASCUS, A blood donation campaign titled ‘A Drop of Blood from Damascus to Aleppo’ was organized in Damascus in appreciation of the sacrifices...
Egyptian Army Mobilises For Military Coup
GENERAL Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, Egypt’s army chief, whose force is paid for by the United States, has warned that the current political crisis ‘could...
UK TROOPS GO INTO MALI! – FO tells Brits to quit...
BRITAIN is to send 350 troops to Mali to be deployed as ‘advisers’ and ‘trainers’, Defence Secretary Hammond told an anxious House of Commons...
Ontario ‘Rally for Rights and Democracy’
ONTARIO trade unionists and their families rallied in Toronto on Saturday to demand good jobs, public services, workers’ rights and the recall of the...
Obama’s Second Coming – Full Of Empty Words
OBAMA began his second term on Monday, after four years of office which saw GM and other motor car giants go bust, Lehman Brothers...
Record settlement building under Netanyahu
THE government of Israel under Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has advanced a ‘record’ number of settlements during its nearly four years in office, a...
ISRAELI police evicted dozens of Palestinian activists early Sunday from a first-of-its-kind protest camp they set up in a West Bank area slated for...
‘I Call On Youth – Take To The Streets Of The...
JAILED Palestinian Leader Marwan al-Barghouthi believes much must be carried out in 2013, starting with national reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas, the liberation of...
Teachers In Ontario Strike Against Education Bill
Public school teachers in Ontario in Canada are set to go on strike against the state government for imposing new contracts under a controversial...
‘WE ARE IN A STATE OF WAR – repelling a fierce...
SYRIAN President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday gave a defiant address to the nation, broadcast on national TV. Delivering a speech on the latest developments in...
‘LIFT THE BLOCKADE!’ – Abbas addresses Fatah rally in Gaza
HUNDREDS of thousands of supporters of Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas’s Fatah party on Friday held their first mass rally in Gaza since Hamas took...
Israel Stepping Up Mass Arrests Campaign
ISRAEL plans to step up arrests of suspected militants in the occupied West Bank to prevent a rising tide of low-intensity conflict and civil...
Israel Seeking To Drive All Palestinians Out Of The Jordan Valley!
ISRAELI occupation forces issued ‘evacuation orders’ to around 100 Palestinian families living in the northern Jordan Valley, last Monday, demanding that they abandon their...
BRING DOWN COALITION IN 2013 – victory to World Socialist Revolution
2013 Manifesto – STATEMENT BY THE NEWS LINE EDITORIAL BOARD THE News Line editorial board sends its revolutionary greetings for the year 2013 to the...
‘WHAT Are the Real Reasons of the Western Positions Vis-A-Vis President Al-Assad? Or Why Has President Al-Assad Become an Obsession for the United States?’...
Another British Retreat From Kabul
PM Cameron has told MPs that 3,800 British troops – almost half of the current force serving in Helmand province – are to be...
Protests in London and Toronto against the repression of students in...
A SERIES of protests have been organised outside the British Prime Minister’s Office in 10 Downing Street, since last Monday to condemn the repression...
Palestinian Children Being Held In Solitary Confinement
BY ADRI NIEUWHOF ISRAEL has held six Palestinian boys from Nablus in solitary confinement in al-Jalame detention centre near Haifa, writes Defence for Children...
Palestinians protest as UNRWA dismisses 130!
LABOUR leaders at Palestinian refugee camps on Tuesday shut down all UNRWA sub-offices in the West Bank in protest at the dismissal of 130...
The Egyptian Revolution Pushes Forward!
THE leading group representing the Egyptian bourgeoisie, around President Mursi, who is known as Mubarak with a beard, has just been massively shocked by...
PA urged to bring Israel before Criminal Court
JERUSALEM – King Abdullah II of Jordan arrived in Ramallah on Thursday, in the first visit by an Arab leader since Palestine’s admission to...
HAMAS Political Bureau Deputy Chief Musa Abu-Marzuq has said that the resistance’s victory in Gaza has brought unity and reconciliation between Palestinian factions much...
Obama Ready To Step Up Intervention Into Syria
THE just re-elected US President, Barack Obama, yesterday warned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad not to use chemical weapons against the NATO-supported opposition forces, saying...
‘We will accept no less than the independence of the state...
President Mahmud Abbas speech to the UN General Assembly Mr. President of the General Assembly, Your Excellency Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, PALESTINE...
Long Live The Revolutionary Peoples Of Indochina!
THE People’s Democratic Republic of Laos (LPD) is the most bombed country in history, with 600,000 tonnes of Un-Exploded Ordinance (UXO) – bombs which...
Mursi follows on from Mubarak as the US’ man in Cairo
PRESIDENT MURSI of Egypt has followed up his successful negotiation of the end of the current round of Israel’s war with Gaza – which...
A MASS demonstration of around 25,000 people from all over Britain and other countries marched in support of Palestine from Downing Street through central...
‘We have created a historic epic’ says Haniya
ISMAIL Haniya, the Palestinian prime minister in Gaza, has saluted the Palestinian people for their steadfastness in the harsh battle. ‘They have become the...
THE ceasefire has taken hold in and around Gaza after a week of cross-border violence between Israel and Palestinian militants that killed more than...
‘Victory for defiance in face of death!’
GAZA prime minister Ismail Haniya has hailed the Egyptian-brokered truce agreement between the Palestinian resistance and Israel as a triumph for the Palestinian people. He...
STUDENTS DEMAND BRING DOWN THE COALITION – over fees and privatisation
MORE THAN 25,000 students from universities and colleges all over the country marched through London against the Tory-LibDem Coalition government’s attacks on education on...
‘The Solution–Revolution’
MORE THAN 25,000 students marched through London yesterday against the Tory led Coalition’s £9000 tuition fees and its plans to privatise education. Marchers proudly...
UK Opts For Syria Regime Change
WITH its recognition of the Syrian ‘opposition’ as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people, the UK has joined France, Saudi Arabia and...
BRING DOWN THE TORIES! – students marching today
THE School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) was occupied yesterday in solidarity with the Palestinian masses of Gaza who are under murderous...
Nearly 100 Palestinians Killed In Israeli Air Raids
‘ISRAEL is the one who started this when they assassinated (commander of Hamas’ military wing) Ahmed Jabari. Hamas didn’t start the issue,’ Hamas political...
STOP ISRAELI GENOCIDE! FREE PALESTINE! – demand 2,000 protesters
‘STOP the killing, stop the crime! Free, free Palestine! Israel is a terror state!’, over 2,000 protesters shouted at a picket of...
50,000 Greek Workers March For Palestine
OVER 50,000 students, youth and workers marched through the Athens city centre last Saturday to the American Embassy and then to the Israeli Embassy. They...
Quit Afghanistan now says Ashdown – as Cameron and Hague plan...
EX-Special Boat Service operative Ashdown can recognise a major defeat when it stares him in the face, and refuses to go away. He has called...
Free Palestine! Israel Is A Terror State! – Thousands Picket Israeli...
‘FREE, free Palestine! Israel is a terror state!’, over 2,000 protesters chanted at a picket of the Israeli embassy in west London on Thursday...
‘ARM US – SEND US TO GAZA!’ – chant Egyptian demonstrators
EGYPT will continue to support Gaza against the attacks from the Israeli armed forces, President Mohamed Mursi reiterated yesterday as Israeli airstrikes continued on...
Victory to Hamas! Defeat Zionism and imperialism!
THE murderous, cowardly missile attack by Israel on Gaza, which killed Ahmed al-Jaabari along with 10 other Palestinians including two children, was a long-planned attack...
Hamas Prepares For Israeli Invasion
HAMAS yesterday vowed to avenge the deaths of its fighters and civilians in the Gaza Strip as Israel launched a full-scale attack on Gaza,...