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Judiciary Now Leading The Charge Against 2016 Referendum!

WE ARE now reaching the moment of truth in the struggle to carry out the result of the 2016 referendum which instructed Parliament that...

Belfast raid on journalists is being challenged!

A POLICE raid of the Belfast homes and office of two investigative journalists will be challenged as part of a judicial review that started...

Bma Condemns ‘Cruel And Vindictive’ Whorlton Hall

THE BMA has condemned the ‘cruel, vindictive and abusive’ behaviour exposed by Panorama at the private Whorlton Hall hospital. Responding to last night’s Panorama programme,...

UK leads the way in austerity, welfare cuts and hungerK leads...

‘Nothing Left in the Cupboards: Austerity, Welfare Cuts, and the Right to Food in the UK,’ is the title of a devastating 115-page Human...

Tories have taken no action to stop another Grenfell

NEARLY two years since the Grenfell fire, in which 72 people lost their lives, the government has done nothing to adequately prepare fire and...

Lack Of Support Letting Down Vulnerable Children

VULNERABLE children are being let down says Anne Longfield, the Children’s Commissioner for England, criticising the use of restraint and seclusion. On Monday she published...

Safe staffing levels now! demands RCN

NURSES at their annual RCN (Royal College of Nursing) conference in Liverpool yesterday demanded that NHSEngland finally adopts a Safe Staffing Level, requiring by...

Strip Capita!

A DEVASTATING ‘blunder’ that saw 160,000 patient records wrongly archived is the latest unacceptable failing from Capita, doctors union BMA (British Medical Association) said...

£4bn of UK property is owned by ‘high risk individuals!’ Lords...

FOUR BILLION pounds of UK property is owned by high-risk individuals. The House of Lords Joint Committee is looking at the market and money laundering. The...

Junior doctors be warned over the new GPs contract!

JUNIOR doctors be warned. A historic new GP contract has been quietly negotiated by the BMA and NHSEngland, designed to catapult NHS healthcare into...

West Thames College – 8th day of strike action for 5%...

PASSING lorries, cars and buses hooted in support along the busy London Road in Isleworth, west London, as University and College Union (UCU) members...

While the homeless sleep on the streets and workers battle to...

UK WORKERS have suffered privation and poverty ever since the 2008 financial crash, when the banks were bailed out by a Labour government at...

Battle to save Essex libraries

A BATTLE is well underway save 44 threatened libraries across Essex as figures show that 127 public libraries were closed across the UK last...

‘Patients treated on trolleys’ – crisis intensifies

‘TREATING patients on corridor trolleys should belong to a bygone era. Ministers must stop us heading back there at all costs. ‘It’s undignified and less...

West Thames College strike action

UCU (University and College Union) lecturers were on the picket line outside West Thames College in Isleworth, west London yesterday, demanding a 5% pay...

Corbyn ‘sorry’ for big losses

BOTH Labour and Tory parties have faced rejection at the ballot box in the English council elections over their Brexit betrayal, with smaller parties...

Tories & Labour are punished in council elections for refusing to...

BOTH the Tories and Labour suffered huge defeats in the council elections yesterday for their cowardly refusal to implement the 2016 EU referendum result. Polls...

‘Break with EU now’ demands May Day meeting

Following the May Day march last Wednesday, 1st May, the Workers Revolutionary Party and the Young Socialists, held a lively meeting in Covent Garden. Chairman Jonty...

NHS CANCER SERVICES ‘Worst winter crisis ever’

NHS CANCER services plunged into the worst winter on record as patients were left waiting weeks for treatment, warns a new BMA report Doctors’ leaders...

‘Hostile environment’ alive and kicking!

LAST week the National Audit Office launched an investigation into the Home Office’s decision in 2014, when Theresa May was Home Secretary, to accuse...

Malnutrition doubles in UK – BMJ

THE PROPORTION of UK adults on low incomes who face hunger has almost doubled since 2004, with the unemployed and disabled particularly vulnerable, says...


‘THE cost of removing dangerous flammable cladding must not fall onto a building’s residents,’ the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has said. ‘The government must fund...

‘LEGAL AID DESERTS’ half of councils have no legal aid for...

OVER 50% of local authorities in England and Wales cannot provide publicly funded legal advice on housing issues, the Law Society warned yesterday as...

Homeless deaths up 25% Rough sleeping up 165%

THE NUMBER of homeless people dying on the streets of England has dramatically increased by 25% over five years, while the sheer scale of...

Tory racist attack on

34,000 FOREIGN students have had their visas cancelled and over 1,000 have been kicked out of the country as a result of the racist...

30,000 US Stop & Shop supermarket workers win 10-day strike

The largest private sector strike in the USA in years ended in victory last week, with more than 30,000 Stop & Shop supermarket workers...

Upfront fees deter patients – Immigrants denied cancer treatment says BMA

PATIENTS from other countries are failing to get the urgent cancer treatment they need, because of upfront fees. These fees are ‘deterring immigrants from...

Half of England owned by less than 1% of the population!...

THIS YEAR an estimated 4,677 people a night are sleeping rough on the streets of Britain, a figure that has increased for the past...

Safe staffing dumped!

THE MAY government has dropped its key NHS ‘safe staffing’ measure. This means that nurse staffing fill rate data are no longer being published. This change...


Education professionals are reporting a significant increase in the visibility of child poverty in their school/college and have provided many distressing examples from daily...

ISS cleaners protest today in Manchester

cleaners working for ISS on the Arriva Rail North contract will be holding a protest today, Wednesday 10th April, outside Manchester Victoria station between...

‘Privatisation At Chesterfield Has Driven Out Staff!’

‘THIS IS bad news for staff and for  patients,’ Unison’s head of health Sara Gorton has warned. ‘The changes are built on savings from employing...

NHS England threatened hospital with legal action to force privatisation through

IT EMERGED this week that NHS England in August last year took the unprecedented step of threatening legal action against a hospital in order...

Decanted families warehoused in office blocks

FAMILIES are being ‘warehoused’ inside an office block in Harlow, Essex after being decanted from their local boroughs, with tenants forced to eat, drink...

Youth demand at least £10 an hour

‘YOUNG workers are missing out on £200 million in minimum wage pay,’ the TUC says, while demanding at least £10 an hour regardless of...

Tories Forced Back On Ealing & Charing Cross NHS Cuts

The TORY government has been forced to back down over its hated ‘Shaping a Healthier Future’ (SaHF) NHS cuts and closure programme in north...

90% of nurses say understaffing is affecting quality of care

Nine out of ten nurses say understaffing is affecting quality of care for patients, a Nursing Standard poll reveals. The RCN (Royal College of Nursing)...

Stop privatisation of cervical cancer

THE UNITE trade union, the largest in Britain, is calling for a suspension of the privatisation of all cervical cancer screening services in NHS...

NHS staffing crisis – only solution kick out the Tories!

THE shortage of NHS staff in England has reached the point where patients are being warned that they will have to get used to...

Prison privateer’s pay offer ‘a farcical lucky dip’

TRADE union Unite, the UK and Ireland’s biggest union, has branded a pay ‘offer’  to its 500 members   employed by the company Amey undertaking...

Shocking midwife staffing crisis

A SHOCKING Heads of Midwifery (HOMS) survey published yesterday by the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) reveals that nearly half do not have enough...

Philanthropy Is Promoting The Privatisation Of Education

‘Philanthropy and the privatisation of the democratic state: who needs a Ministry of Education?’ ironically ask the authors of a new report which sheds...

Austerity driving up infant mortality

THE GAP in infant mortality rates between English local authorities narrowed between 1999-2010, but that trend has been reversed since 2011 as a result of...

Youth are marching against capitalism!

OVER 10,000 school youth from around the South East of England descended on London’s Parliament Square yesterday shouting: ‘Solution not pollution! We want change!’...

Schools & colleges are facing ‘national emergency!’

THE SCHOOL Cuts Coalition, including many education unions, on the eve of the Tory Spring Budget demanded the government address the ‘national emergency’ faced...