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Blairites for Cameron – Milburn joins Hutton and Field – with...

THE leading Blairite and Labour party member, Alan Milburn, who was forced to resign as Labour’s Health Secretary for his over-enthusiasm for complete NHS...

Threat To Sack All London Firefighters!

Ian Leahair, FBU Executive Council Member for London, on Thursday issued the following statement on London fire commissioner Ron Dobson’s threat to sack the...

Class war sharpening – unions need new leaders

YESTERDAY the Prime Minister, Cameron, was warning the BAA Unite workers that they must not strike. This was at least six hours before the result...

Youth Unemployment Increasing In Two-Thirds Of UK

Youth unemployment is increasing in two thirds of local authorities across UK, warned the TUC on Wednesday. Office for National Statistics figures show that a...

Long-Term Youth Unemployment Up 41.9% In A Year

THE number of young people in long-term unemployment has soared by 41.9 per cent in the last year, the latest unemployment figures from the...

Cameron-Clegg set the bounty hunters on the poor!

First it was people on various disability benefits who were the enemy. The Cameron line is that these people are dodgers who should...

Cameron ‘Bounty Hunters’ Condemned!

The Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) yesterday condemned the coalition government’s decision to use ‘bounty hunters’ to tackle alleged benefit fraud. The charity was commenting...

Simpson refuses to fight the Coalition

DEREK Simpson, the Unite co-leader, was brought onto the Andrew Marr Show last Sunday to deliberately attempt to undermine the struggle in the trade...

Chelsea Tories just could not wait to start evicting

JUST hours after Tory leader Cameron announced that council houses were no longer going to be ‘homes for life’ – but were to be...

OUTPUT FALLS! – as food prices are set to rocket

UK industrial output fell unexpectedly in June, the latest official figures revealed yesterday. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said industrial output fell 0.5 per...

Fight 40% Bus Cuts!

LONDON Bus reps are meeting at the Unite union office at Woodberry, Manor Park, north London at 11am today, to plan coordinated action to...

Tanker drivers being ‘driven into conflict’ – says Unite trade union...

TANKER drivers are being driven to strike action, the Unite trade union warned yesterday. The UK’s major oil companies, retailers and independents providing fuel for...

NO benefits – and NO jobs either – the Duncan Smith...

WORK and Pensions Secretary, ex-army officer Duncan Smith, yesterday addressed the world about ‘our broken benefits system’, when most people know what has broken,...

Maliki Shuts Down Iraq’s Electrical Trade Unions

THE International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers’ Unions has expressed outrage at the banning last week of the Iraqi electrical trade...

Israelis Destroy Al-Araqib Village

In the early hours of Tuesday morning Israeli Police demolished a whole Bedouin village in the Negev desert. Approximately 1,500 Israeli forces were involved including...

California’s budget ‘meltdown’

CALIFORNIA’S Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a fiscal state of emergency yesterday in a move to put pressure on members of California State Legislature...

Cameron increases police powers for war on Welfare State

THE Tory-Lib Dem coalition government launched its White Paper Policing in the 21st century: reconnecting police and the people, on Monday. Home Secretary Theresa...

US workforce falls by 652,000

THE US was shocked and shaken yesterday after learning that the workforce shrank by 652,000 jobs in the month of June alone. Former US Labour...

Bangladeshi workers taking to the streets

Unable to live on their wages, Bangladeshi workers are threatening to continue protests that have seen factories ransacked and led to violent clashes...

Norfolk FBU won’t accept any reduction in public safety

FIREFIGHTERS accept a certain amount of risk as part of their job. When that risk is increased, they become concerned. When the increase in...

NHS trusts proceeding with £20bn cuts

NHS bosses have started to implement the £20 billion savage cuts programme, officially described as ‘efficiency savings’, that the new Tory government insists must...

FJ defends threatened Sri Lankan journalist – while Tamil masses starve...

INTERNATIONAL Federation of Journalists (IFJ) in a media release Wednesday said that it is alarmed by threats made against the safety of the family...

750,000 Homes At Risk! – From Housing Benefit Cuts

More than 750,000 people are at risk of losing their homes in London and the south east because of caps being introduced on housing...

Sacked workers win £964,537 – offered 40% wage cuts by...

More than 100 care staff have received £964,537, after Excelcare sacked them and offered them new contracts with a 40 per cent pay cut,...

Stop BA & Stop Baa Airports, To Win Cabin Crew Struggle!

BA cabin crew yesterday rejected the latest offer from BA with a massive 67 per cent voting to throw out by 3,419 votes to...

Enfield Residents Will Stop Chase Farm Closure

ENFIELD residents yesterday made it clear that they are more determined than ever to keep Chase Farm Hospital and all its departments open. They were...

‘Big Society’ a cover for destroying jobs and life-saving services!

TORY leader Cameron yesterday delivered his speech on the ‘Big Society’ but had a problem defining what he meant. He said: ‘You can call it...

Volunteers To Replace The Welfare State!

Public sector unions yesterday slammed prime minister Cameron’s ‘Big Society’ plans as a threat to public services and the welfare state. Commenting on Cameron’s speech...

US miners demand the legal right to refuse to work in...

US Mine Workers union (UMWA) President Cecil Roberts told the House of Representatives Education and Labour Committee on Tuesday: ‘We can and must do...

Settlement with Vale–but no final accord!

WITH a 75% ratification vote announced late on 7 July, Canadian nickel mining and processing workers represented by United Steelworkers (USW) Locals 6500 and...

Threat to sack firefighters!

The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has condemned the commissioner of the London Fire Brigade after he threatened the entire workforce with the sack if...

Three Gaza Protest Youth Freed

THREE youths were immediately freed yesterday after the Court of Appeal shortened two prison sentences and overturned one conviction. Four others had their sentences reduced,...

Oppose BBC Pensions robbery!

‘Over the past few days the joint unions have held a number of packed meetings as part of our campaign to oppose the BBC’s...

Families going without food!

Families with disabled children are going without essentials such as food and heating. This is the norm, not a temporary crisis brought on by the...

Mirror Journalists Fight – 200 ‘neanderthal Sackings’

By Save the Mirror Campaign Group TRINITY Mirror’s Chief Executive Sly Bailey is planning to axe a further 200 editorial staff from The Mirror, Sunday...

Zionist witch-hunt costs Octavia Nasr her CNN job

CNN’s decision to fire a veteran Mideast editor over a Twitter message mourning the death of the Lebanese cleric Sayyed Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah is...

25% Funding Cuts Will Cost 22,584 University Jobs

If the government pushes ahead with plans for 25 per cent funding cuts then there will be a loss of 22,584 university jobs in...

NHS FRONTLINE SERVICES CUT! says Royal College of Nursing

Almost 10,000 NHS posts in England, the equivalent of a large teaching hospital, have been earmarked for cuts, the Royal College of Nursing revealed...

‘Don’t witch-hunt teachers!’

Teachers’ union leader Chris Keates yesterday slammed a BBC Breakfast programme claim that there are an estimated 15,000 incompetent teachers in schools. The NASUWT general...

‘We will mobilise unions and communities!’ says PCS leader Serwotka

GMB national officer Sharon Holder yesterday called for ‘a coordinated effort organised by the TUC to defend public services and jobs.’ She was responding to...

200,000 on £4.82 an hour – as Schwarzenegger imposes California wage...

Faced with a $19bn deficit, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has ordered some 200,000 state workers to be paid the minimum wage because the state...

HOUSING CRISIS LOOMS –as FTSE100 falls to 4,800

A MEMBER of the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) admitted yesterday that he is having sleepless nights, worrying about the state of...

Pick Up The Tory Libdem Gauntlet And Call A General Strike

THE RMT’s Bob Crow yesterday issued a ‘call to arms’ to the entire Labour and Trade Union movement and to all the communities under...

CROW CALLS FOR GENERAL STRIKE! – no mandate for coalition cuts!

THE RMT’s Bob Crow yesterday called for ‘general coordinated strike action allied to community direct action’ to resist the ConDem coalition government’s...

Business Secretary Cable Tells Vauxhall Workers: You’Re On Your Own!

LAST MAY the Unite union leaders agreed for their members in the UK that they would provide savings of 106m euros over four years,...