Tag: broadcasting
BBC STRIKE BALLOT – over job cuts, pensions and pay
THE BBC is set to face strike action over job cuts, pensions and pay as unions declared a series of actions in the wake...
PRESCOTT INQUIRY –visited US billionaire tycoon seven times
PARLIAMENTARY Commissioner Sir Philip Mawer yesterday announced a full investigation into Deputy Premier Prescott’s relations with US tycoon Phillip Anschutz, focusing on his...
‘Cliques Brought In By The Occupiers Are Assassinating Iraq’s Scientists’
‘stray cliques brought in by the occupation’ are assassinating Iraq’s scientists and intellectuals, Dr KhUdayir al-Murshidi, professor at the Faculty of Medicine at Baghdad...
General Council Members Support Gate Gourmet Locked-Out Workers
TRADE union general secretaries and other delegates to the TUC General Council expressed support, and donated money to the Gate Gourmet locked-out workers...
Clarke Tells Blair It’s Time To Go
TONY BLAIR may not be able to recover his authority and leadership after recent damaging events, former Blair Home Secretary, Clarke has said. Charles...
LABOUR ‘NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE’ – NUJ leader Jeremy Dear tells...
OPENING the ‘Public Services Not Private Profit’ rally yesterday, John McDonnell MP said: ‘Today is the largest and broadest lobby of parliament for decades....
Bectu Outsourcing Strike!
BECTU members outsourced to Capita are to strike because of the company’s refusal to allow them to continue working on the BBC contract. Members...
‘I just thought “one by one they’re going to kill us”...
THE two brothers arrested in the massive raid by about 300 police in Forest Gate have held a press conference in east London, after...
Ministers rushed to attempt a papering over of the yawning cracks in the Blair government yesterday as pressure built up on Deputy Prime Minister...
New Labour full of sleaze, hatred for claimants and arrogance
THE real anti-working class face of the Blair, Labour government is becoming clearer and clearer every day, as the crisis of capitalism deepens. ...
One Day Under The US/UK Occupation
BETWEEN 1300 and 2000 gmt on Sunday 14 May, Baghdad Al-Sharqiyah Television in Arabic reported on ‘a new setback’ in the security situation...
Clarke Sacked – Refuses Other Job
One of the most senior figures in government, an unwilling Charles Clarke was yesterday sacked as home secretary in the biggest cabinet reshuffle of...
OVER 25,000 refugees, workers and youth marched through the centre of Paris on Saturday, demanding, ‘Withdraw the CESEDA’! and ‘Immigrants are not disposable like...
MAY DAY 2006 is historic. It is taking place in a period of an enormous crisis of world capitalism and rapidly developing world revolution. This crisis...
‘WE’RE SUFFERING BUT WE WILL WIN’ say Gate Gourmet workers
THE Gate Gourmet locked-out workers May Day campaign team got great support from fellow Transport and General Workers Union members in west London bus...
Milford Hospital Is Set To Close
The Board of Guildford and Waverley Primary Care Trust (PCT) in Surrey held an ‘extraordinary meeting’ yesterday where it decided to close Milford Hospital...
Make the TUC take action to defend the NHS
YESTERDAY both Blair and Hewitt mocked NHS workers insulting their intelligence with the Hewitt line that this year was the best ever year for...
Sack The Leaders Who Are Selling Out Pensions
YESTERDAY the TUC leader Brendan Barber, who organised the betrayal of the 760 locked-out Gate Gourmet workers, and before that organised the betrayal of...
2,000 Nursing Posts Lost Last Month
Student nurses are being used to plug staffing gaps as NHS trusts axe thousands of qualified nurses in the face of government-induced deficits, the...
EU moves to suspend all aid to Palestine
YESTERDAY the European Union followed the example of the US and suspended its aid to the Palestine National Authority. The EU has given $400...
Victory To The Gate Gourmet Workers
THE News Line sends greetings to the striking German and the locked-out British Gate Gourmet workers, who are today marching through Hounslow. The German workers...
Ealing Trade Unions Back Gate Gourmet March
A DELEGATION of locked-out Gate Gourmet workers leafletted at Ealing Hospital in west London yesterday and won more support for their demonstration through Hounslow...
Hounslow Council Leader To Speak At Rally
Gate GOURMET locked out workers were yesterday campaigning for their march through Hounslow on Saturday 25th March. At Hounslow Civic Centre, where the rally is...
Reject Labour’s racist points system!
A NEW points-based immigration system for workers who want to come to the UK from outside the EU was unveiled by Home Secretary Charles...
Gate Gourmet Workers’ 6-Months Picket Success
THE locked-out Gate Gourmet workers have vowed to fight until they win reinstatement on their old terms and conditions, six months after the 700-strong...
Belfast Cwu – Still Out!
Striking Belfast postal workers yesterday told union representatives that they are not going back to work. Communications Workers Union spokesman, Owen Davey, said after...
LOCKED-out Gate Gourmet workers are inviting all their supporters to join them on their six-month anniversary picket on the hill at the Beacon Roundabout,...
Sign deal to get hardship money says Woodley
Gate Gourmet locked out workers lobbied the Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) executive meeting at Transport House, central London yesterday, to demand the...
Turning a blind eye is ‘collaborating with abuses’ – Amnesty warning...
HUMAN rights group Amnesty International has welcomed the call for European governments to cooperate fully with an investigation into ‘extraordinary rendition’ and secret...
Gate Gourmet pickets angry at TGWU leaders
GATE Gourmet locked out workers were angry yesterday when they were told by the local union office that that they had received the last...
Gate Gourmet Workers Join Terminal 5 Picket
A DELEGATION of locked out Gate Gourmet workers joined the Terminal 5 building workers’ picket line at Heathrow Airport yesterday afternoon. Parmjit Bains, one of...
EU imposes financial crisis on the Palestinians
FACING an imposed ‘suffocating financial crisis,’ Palestinian officials have made no immediate comment yet on an EU decision on Tuesday to suspend 35 million...
Strike! To Reinstate BA Shop Stewards!
British Airways (BA) yesterday sacked a second Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) shop steward ‘for his involvement’ in the unofficial strike last August...
Blair And Cameron – Tweedleedum And Tweedledee!
YESTERDAY the new leader of the Tory Party, David Cameron publicly disowned the Tory Party manifesto, written for the last general election, just seven...
Government’s fake inflation rate falls as cost of living rises
THE Government’s UK inflation rate figure fell again, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), for the third month in a row, down...
Israel Violating Gaza Border Agreement
Using the individual bombing attack in Netanya on Monday as a pretext, Israel is violating the Gaza borders agreement with the Palestinian National Authority...
Britain Is Aiding US Torture Machine
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice refused to answer questions yesterday as to whether the United States government operates CIA secret prisons outside of...
Crisis Pre-Budget
Britain has had to face ‘the toughest and most challenging year for the economy’ in which it has seen predicted economic growth halved to...
Work till you drop for the working class
LORD Turner, the ex-CBI boss, is proposing that workers work a number of extra years before they take the state pension. Turner says that...
Yesterday General President of the SIPTU trade union, Jack O’Connor wrote to every member of the union concerning the struggle to stop...
US Worldwide Torture Network
THE Council of Europe has announced it is investigating 31 reports of unmarked executive aircraft being used by the CIA to transport ‘suspected terrorists’...
Don’t sign the rotten ‘compromise’ deal
Locked out Gate Gourmet workers are angry that TGWU officers are putting pressure on those who have been selected by the company for compulsory...
Trade Union Renegade Doing Blair’s Dirty Work
THE former CWU postal workers trade union leader, Alan Johnson, yesterday moved into action at the behest of the Prime Minister to urge that...
TGWU must defend BA shop stewards say GateGourmet workers
‘We have rejected the deal between the TGWU leaders and Gate Gourmet and put in for our employment tribunals. ‘The TGWU and TUC leaders...
ISRAELI PLANES BOMBING GAZA – Mofaz rules out Palestinian state for...
ISRAEL has ruled out peace and even an interim accord with the Palestinian leadership and the Palestinian people, kicking the ‘peace process’...