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Tag: anti-terror laws

Biden deploys record troop numbers to Jordan

A NEW report to the US Congress reveals that the Biden administration has deployed a record number of US troops to Jordan as the...

Putin warns West against underestimating Russia–but that Russia has no intention...

PRESIDENT Vladimir Putin has warned the West against underestimating Russia, saying it is ‘impossible’ to defeat his country in Ukraine, but that Moscow does...

‘USA get out now!’ – demand Iraqi masses

THE Iraqis are demanding the expulsion of United States troops from Iraq after the latest bombing of the country’s western border region with Syria that...

NATO launches its largest exercise since the Cold War!

THE North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) has launched its largest military exercise since the Cold War, with a US warship leaving the United States...

Iran warns of the risk of a ‘wider conflict in the...

THE Iranian foreign minister has warned that the risk of a ‘wider’ conflict in the region has sharply increased due to the United States’...

Hundreds of thousands of Spaniards march to demand immediate Gaza ceasefire

HUNDREDS of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters staged rallies across Spain demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, urging the government to break institutional ties and...

Iraqi leader of Popular Mobilisation Units killed by US air strike

THE LEADER of the 12th brigade of the Popular Mobilisation Units (PMU), also known as the Nujaba Movement, Mushtaq Talib al-Saidi, was killed during...

US Embassy in Baghdad ‘a command centre conspiring against the Iraqi...

IRAQ’S anti-terror group Kata’ib Hezbollah says the United States has turned its embassy compound in the heavily fortified Green Zone in Baghdad into a...

Imperialism plotting bigger war! The TUC must call a general strike...

US president Joe Biden on his whistlestop visit to Israel on Wednesday, gave the green light to plans for a full-scale ground invasion of...

US deploying armed troops on commercial ships to threaten Iran

ON AUGUST 3rd, the US military announced a plan to deploy armed troops on commercial ships in the Strait of Hormuz, continuing the unilateral...

Pakistan and China condemn Kashmir G20 summit

SRINAGAR, India – The Group of 20 (G20) summit commenced in Indian-controlled Kashmir on Monday, focusing on the topic of tourism. However, the meeting has...

Hezbollah And Hamas Stand Fast As Israel Seeks To Provoke New...

THE secretary general of Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement has met with a delegation of senior Hamas officials in Beirut, as tensions explode across the...

Manchester Arena bombing was the product of a British capitalist state...

THE judge-led inquiry into the Manchester Arena bombing at an Ariana Grand concert in May 2017 finally published its finding yesterday after a two-and-a-half-year...

Iran and Iraq establish closer security and cooperation – Iraq demands...

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the Iranian Foreign Minister, has discussed security cooperation with Iraqi government officials during a visit to the neighbouring country, stressing that this...

Modi government blocks documentary, arrests journalists and raids newspapers and...

The offices of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in India have been raided and searched by the country’s income tax authorities on Tuesday, according...

Iran condemns USA’s dark approach to Human Rights issues

IRAN has lashed out at US officials for making ‘meddlesome’ remarks about domestic developments in the country, saying the world public opinion is well...

German coup attempt, a warning to UK workers as the Tories...

TWENTY-FIVE people have been arrested in raids across Germany on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government. The group of fascists and far right military...

US threatens Ukraine intervention if conflict escalates

AMERICAN and allied forces may directly intervene in the ongoing Ukraine conflict against Russia even without a threat to any member of the US-led...

Palestinians defy Israeli clampdown!

AT least four Israeli soldiers have been injured after an improvised explosive device was hurled at a military post in the central part of...

Tens Of Thousands March In Tehran Denouncing The Israeli Military Assault...

Thousands of people in the Iranian capital, Tehran, staged a demonstration on Tuesday to express their support for the Palestinians and denounce the Israeli...

NATO declares Russia to be the ‘most significant and direct threat!’

NATO has officially declared Russia the ‘most significant and direct threat’ to the security of its members. This marks a radical strategic shift spurred...

‘Enemies are seeking to pit the Iranian people against their government’...

IRAN on Saturday started ceremonies of commemorating the 33rd anniversary of the demise of late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, in the...

‘Resistance means freedom and independence’ says Iranian military advisor Rahim...

A TOP military adviser to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has described the Muslim world as a future power that...

Iran-Iraq investigation into the US ‘criminal and terrorist’ assassination of top...

A SENIOR Iranian judiciary official says Iran and Iraq have issued a joint statement on an investigation into the ‘criminal and terrorist’ assassination by...


FOREIGN Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says Iran is ready to resume talks on reviving the 2015 nuclear deal but the administration of US President Joe...

Taliban attend intra-Afghan talks in Tehran

AS TEHRAN hosted a round of intra-Afghan talks, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has told the representatives of the Kabul government and the...

Manchester Arena bombing Inquiry condemns MI5, police & private security but...

POLICE and private security failed to apprehend the Manchester bomber, the damning report published by the public inquiry has concluded. Inquiry chairman Sir John...

US Aiding Terrorists In Iraq And Syria

SECURITY experts believe the United States is targeting Iraq’s anti-terror Popular Mobilisation Units (PMU) in order to resuscitate the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group that...

Lifting all US sanctions will create ‘a new atmosphere’ – Rouhani...

IRAN’S President Hassan Rouhani says the lifting of all US sanctions will create ‘a new atmosphere’ for the Islamic Republic’s economic cooperation with the...

Iran’s military manoeuvres display its ‘power and readiness’ says Chief of...

Iran’s senior military commander says the country’s recent back-to-back military drills have made the United States give up its threats of military action against...

‘State terrorism is inscribed on the forehead of the US’

IRAN’S President Hassan Rouhani says that outgoing US president, Donald Trump, registered state terrorism on America’s official record by openly accepting responsibility for the assassination...

Iran Hails Iraq Parliament Call For All Foreign Troops To Leave...

IRAN’s Foreign Ministry has strongly condemned the assassination in January of top anti-terror commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani in a drone strike in Iraq,...

General Soleimani’s Killers ‘Will Not Escape Punishment!’ Says Iran

IRAN will not let those behind the assassination of the country’s legendary anti-terror commander General Qassem Soleimani evade punishment. ‘We will not allow the martyr’s...

IRAN ISSUES TRUMP ARREST WARRANT! – over Soleimani assassination

IRAN’S judiciary says it has formed a committee to chase and track down those accused of complicity in the US assassination of Iranian anti-terror...

‘Trump is an outlaw and a rogue’ Syria hits back after...

SYRIA’S Foreign and Expatriates Ministry has affirmed that the statements of US President Donald Trump about targeting Syrian President President Bashar al-Assad for assassination...

‘The criminal assassination of Qassem Soleimani must be pursued vigorously’ –...

RAN’S Parliament Speaker Mohammad-Baqer Qalibaf has called on neighbouring Iraq to ‘vigorously’ follow up on the US assassination of top anti-terror commander Lieutenant General...

Trump and his team are ‘the worst liars’ over coronavirus says...

SECRETARY-general of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah has strongly criticised the US’s covering up of the truth about the extent of the spread of...

Turkey Sends Over 4,500 Terrorists To Intervene In Libya!

THE SYRIAN Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) says Turkey has so far sent more than 4,500 allied Takfiri terrorists from Syria to Libya, after...

US ‘dismayed’ at the ‘humiliating defeats’ of terrorists by Syrian army...

SYRIA says the US is ‘dismayed’ to see the return of normal life to Aleppo province because of the ‘humiliating defeats’ of the Washington-sponsored...

Putin Visits Palestine And Meets Abbas

RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Palestine and meeting with his Palestinian counterpart Mahmoud Abbas dominated the front page headlines in Friday’s issue of...

US Was Given Notice Of Attack!

IRAN’S Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) say none of its missiles were intercepted during Wednesday’s heavy strike that targeted two US bases inside Iraq...

Britain Boarded The Grace 1 Off Gibraltar To Protect US And...

ON JULY 4th, 30 Royal Marines boarded the Iranian oil tanker Grace 1 off Gibraltar, allegedly on orders from the USA, because of suspicions...

Iran & Turkey Bilateral Ties Zarif Visits Ankara

IRANIAN Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has travelled to Ankara to hold talks with Turkish officials on bilateral ties, the restoration of peace in...

Macron Pledges To Keep French Forces In Syria

PRESIDENT Emmanuel Macron says France will keep its forces in Syria and remain ‘militarily engaged’ in the Middle East despite US plans to withdraw...


IRANIAN President Hassan Rouhani says the United States must swiftly end its ‘illegal presence and interference’ in Syria, which, he added, has led to...